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Atmospheric Radiation GCC Summer School Montreal - August 7, 2003. Glen Lesins Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie University Halifax glen.lesins@dal.ca. Outline. Introductory concepts Radiation and Climate Radiative Transfer Theory Remote Sensing. Credits.
Atmospheric RadiationGCC Summer SchoolMontreal - August 7, 2003 Glen Lesins Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie University Halifax glen.lesins@dal.ca
Outline • Introductory concepts • Radiation and Climate • Radiative Transfer Theory • Remote Sensing
Credits • K.N. Liou, An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation, 2nd Ed., 2002 • Web Lecture Notes by Prof. Irina Sokolik, http://irina.colorado.edu/teaching.htm
Global Annual Energy Balance Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)
What is the Solar Constant? • 1366 W m-2 • How constant? • Earth’s orbit and tilt (annual) • Sunspot cycle (11 years) • Longer time variations
Absorption of Radiation by Gases 1. Ionization/Dissociation - UV 2. Electronic Transition - UV 3. Vibrational/Rotational Transition - Visible/IR 4. Pure Rotational - IR
Transmission through the Atmosphere Terrestrial Solar IR Window
– + + – •• •• •• O O O O O O •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Ozone (O3) Electrostatic potentialmap shows both endoxygens are equivalentwith respect to negativecharge. Middle atomis positive. www.facstaff.oglethorpe.edu/mwolf/PowerPoint/ CareyOrgPP/sections1st/Chapter%201bx.ppt
Solar Irradiance
Particle Size Wavelength Scattering of Radiation Size Parameter, a a = 2pr/l
Rayleigh Scattering http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/atmos/blusky.html#c2
Normalized Phase Functions From Mie Theory
Global Annual Energy Balance Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)
Zonal Average Irradiance Solar Terrestrial Net Meridional Transport
Results from SOCRATES (2-D Radiative-Chemical) http://acd.ucar.edu/models/SOCRATES/socrates/socrates1.html http://acd.ucar.edu/models/SOCRATES/socrates/socrates1.html
Annual Mean Net Radiation Flux from Surface Based Measurements
Global mean radiative forcing of the climate system for the year 2000, relative to 1750 3 Halocarbons N O Aerosols 2 2 CH 4 Warming Black carbon from CO 1 Tropospheric 2 Aviation-induced Mineral fossil fuel Solar ozone dust burning Radiative forcing (W m-2) Contrails Cirrus 0 Stratospheric Organic ozone Land-use carbon Biomass (albedo) Cooling from Aerosol -1 burning Sulphate only fossil indirect fuel effect burning -2 High Medium Low Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low LevelofScientificUnderstanding
Global Annual Energy Balance Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)
Radiative Transfer Equation Radiance Cosine of solar zenith angle Azimuthal Angle Beer’s Law SourceFunction Optical Depth
Solution to the Radiative Transfer Equation Upward Radiance Downward Radiance
SUN Single & Multiple Scattering Source Source Function Multiple Scattering Term Single Scattering Term
Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)
Indirect Aerosol Effect - ShiptracksL1B true color RGB composite (25 April 2001)
Effective radius retrieval (using 2.1 µm band, all phases) 60 45 re (µm) 30 15 0
Shiptracks from MODIS Indirect Aerosol Effect July 1, 2003
Global Annual Energy Balance Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)