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TELOS TELearning Operating System Architecture Presentation _________________________________ LORNET Research Network. Montreal, November 19, 2003. Theme 6 Projects and Objectives. 6.1 Build the Architecture of a TeleLearning Operating System (TELOS)
TELOSTELearning Operating SystemArchitecture Presentation_________________________________LORNETResearch Network Montreal, November 19, 2003
Theme 6 Projects and Objectives 6.1 Build the Architecture of a TeleLearning Operating System (TELOS) 6.2 Develop the TELOS System Kernel and integrate tools, components and services from theme 1 to 5 6.3 Provide an Instructional Engineering Methodology Adapted to Learning Object Repositories Network 6.4 Provide an Evaluation and Validation Methodology and test TELOS products
ArchitectureResearch Team Project Ochestrator: G. Paquette Principal Investigators: M. Hatala (theme 1) I. Rosca (theme 2) C. Brooks (theme 3) O. Basir (theme 4) A. El Saddik (theme 5) S. Pierre (theme 6) Project Manager: C. Banville Technology Watch: K. Lundgren-Cayrol Research professionals: S. Mihaila M. Vézeau Graduate student: A. Masmoudi
TELOS Position Statement • Organizations need to respond to the huge challenges of the knowledge society and the new economy • The exponential growth of information resources on the Internet demands computer systems with knowledge representation and inference capabilities for semantic search, processing and use. • TELOS is positioned at the intersection of three major IT trends: • LORs making available information resources, • referenced by metadata and ontologies within the Semantic Web, • to support knowledge management and learning.
Operational Prototype Each Year Architecture Methodology Pre- Competitive R&D focus
Conceptual framework (CF) LORNET Initial Proposal Glossary of Terms (GT) Software Architecture (SA) Vision and Orientation (VO) Implementation and Deployment (ID) Use case and specification (UC) Test Process (TP) Business Modeling GT 1.0 GT 0.4 VO 0.4 VO 1.0 UC 0.2 UC 0.3 UC 1.0 Analysis & Design CF 0.2 CF 0.3 CF 1.0 TELOS 0 TELOS 1 Architecture Documentation Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Requirements Implementation Deployment Test
Orientation Principles • Embedding models within DL and KM support systems • Instructional engineering viewpoint compatible with international standards: LOM, CP, DRI, IMS-LD • A semantic level view: Actors, operations, resources associated to knowledge using an ontology editor • An approach to resource (LO) aggregation for emergent, planned/advised or directed activities • Adapting, integrating, interacting with external LMSs and LCMSs components (reuse and interoperate)
Technology Orientations • RUP iterative incremental architecture method based on user’s needs - UML diagrams • Model Driven Architecture (PIM, PSM, Code) • 3-levels Component Integration • Browser Integration • Web Services Communication • Components Encapsulation, Scripting, Fusion on a Service Bus • XML as main data exchange format) • Interoperate components from different platforms: J2EE, .NET, … • Open Source product • Free of charge for public research and education • Licensed to LORNET industrial partners
Learners or Facilitators Designers Technologists LKMP2.2A1 System Engineers LKMA 2.1 LKMS 1 LKMP2.2A2 LKME 2.2A LKMA 2.2 LKME 2.2B TELOS CORE SYSTEM LKMS 2 LKMP2.2A3 LKME 2.2N LKMS K LKMA 2.M LKMP2.2AP Level IV Level III Level II Level I Cascade of TELOS Products
Uses core, LKMS, LKMA or LKMP Provides core, LKMS, LKMA or LKMP External Provider External requestor Facilitator Level lI Compose / Use LKMA Level lV Evolve / Use LKMS Level lII Compose / Use LKMS Level I Produce /Use LKMP TELOS Kernel use enables use Administrates Libraries Explore LKMA and LKMEs Engineer TELOS Core Design LKMA Builds LKMS Participant Technologist Designer Learner Administrator Engineer Request/Provide services Helps Main Use Cases
TELOS service client Participant Agent External User Agent Requestor /provider System(s) s6 s7 Core libraries K N O W L E D G E K N O W L E D G E K N O W L E D G E R E S S O U R C E R E S S O U R C E R E S S O U R C E A G G R E G A T E A G G R E G A T E A G G R E G A T E S U P P O R T S U P P O R T S U P P O R T TELOS core LKMS library LKMA library LKMP library C O N T R O l C O N T R O l C O N T R O l K K K K K K K K K R R R R R R R R R A A A A A A A A A S S S S S S S S S C C C C C C C C C Embedded LKMS Embedded LKMS Embedded LKMS Embedded LKMS Embedded LKMS Embedded LKMP Embedded LKMS Embedded LKMA Embedded LKMS Core systems (n) Core systems (n) Core systems (n) Designer Agent Technologist Agent Learner Agent Engineer Agent Core Administrator Agent LKMS Administrator Agent LKMA Administrator Agents LKMP Administrator Agent Facilitator Agents Conceptual Framework TELOS Kernel: Agent coordination+ User connection + Object control s1 s2 s4 s5 s3
2 4 1 3 2 5 2 5 1 Administrator Composer Facilitator Explorer Search Find and Use Resources Reference And Manage LORs Provide Support Aggregate Resources Install, Test Prepare Instances Level lV Evolve Core Level lII Compose LKMS Level I Produce LKMP Level lI Compose LKMA 6 Technologist Designer Learner Content Analyst Engineer Cascade and Generic Use Cases
Designer Composes a LKMA with 1 Learner’s Env. ECL Do a Federated Search Builds a LKMA’s Sub-library ResMan Orders results and Select EnvB Extends Learner’s LKME DataM Search for Resources Annotate Resources (LKMP) LKMA and one LKME 3DNav ResMan Builds a Collection (LKMP) Learner navigates his LKME IHelp RAgg TELOS Use Cases (flow 1) Core Components LKMS-1 Technologist Prepares Designer’s Environments Explora 2.1 IMS-LD Community of Practice
ActEd Designer Composes a LKMA with 3 Actor’s Env. Create a tree-function aggregate Create a K-competency referential K-CEd Bind activities and competencies Bind resources to operations LKMS-3 ActEd K-CEd Designer Generate Environments Produce Products (LKMP) Actors Navigate LKMEs ProgT LKMA and 3 LKMEs Learner’s and Facilitator’s Assessment Learner gets advice AutoD ProgT TELOS Use Cases (flow 2) Core Components Technologist Prepares Designer’s Environments Explora 2.1 On-line Course on Nutrition
Summarizing • Actual Potential • Open, multi-actor and multi-model Telelearning system • Resource-oriented management of courses • Function as a tree structure (Activities/Resources + knowledge) • Embedded assistance to operations • International Standards integration (LOM, DRI, LD) • Limitations to overcome • Not yet a large control on resources • Superficial interoperability (URLs and some web services) • Actors not coordinated by visible processes • Limited adaptive assistance, hard to integrate • Interoperability between platforms is limited • Workflows (Meta-functions) based on methods to integrate design, development, delivery operations are mainly lacking
R&D Goals • Autonomous resources and system components, reusable in different contexts, for different actors, from different systems. • Encapsulation of resources in an abstract layer, to manipulate and enable aggregation. • Integrating metadata and ontology to move the system at the Semantic Web level • Embedding interactive graphic models as a meaningful context to help multi-actor coordination • Building an API to help engineers improve core libraries : aggregators, binders, controllers, translators,… • Integration methodology for portals, platforms, and telelearning services (distributed platforms) • Develop Innovative Design Methods for LD and KM • Test Bed the TELOS Product with Appropriate Users and develop and evaluation methodology
TELOS-0Demonstration_________________________________Explor@-basedPrototypeTELOS-0Demonstration_________________________________Explor@-basedPrototype Montreal, November 19, 2003