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Ramona Quimby, Age 8

Ramona Quimby, Age 8. Beverly Cleary Cambry Miller. Setting. Characters The main characters were Ramona,her Dad,her Mom,Mrs.Waley,Ramona’s sister,and Beezus. I liked Beezus the best, because I thought she was nice! . Setting and Characters.

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Ramona Quimby, Age 8

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  1. Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Beverly Cleary Cambry Miller

  2. Setting Characters The main characters were Ramona,her Dad,her Mom,Mrs.Waley,Ramona’s sister,and Beezus. I liked Beezus the best, because I thought she was nice! Setting and Characters Something I noticed about the setting was they were at home, school, Howie’s house,and the restarunt. She got sick.

  3. Ramona • Ramona is snoty. Ramona is sometimes mean. Ramona’s hair is messy. She likes her lucky pink eraser. She likes riding the bus . She has blue eyes. She has black hair. Her shoes make her feet look big.

  4. Author’s Purpose • What was the problem? Ramona wanted her family to be happy. • What does the character do about the problem? The man payed for there food. • What did the character learn? She learned not to be cross. • What did I learn? I learned not to be cross.

  5. Book Recommendation • I would recommend this book. Because Beverly is very funny. Beverly Cleary is a very good book. Every body should like Beverly because her family and her are the best actors I’ve read. It is a easy book to read. It is very funny, too. I like her very much.

  6. Text Connections • She goes to school just like we do. Text To World. When they went to the restarunt. Text To World. She got sick and I’ve got sick befor, too. Text To World.

  7. Creating Images • I tasted the tough. I smelled the medicine. I felt the mask hitting my face. I saw the egg fad in my head.I touched the craft supplies when she was making her book report. I heard the dishes clinging together at the restraunt.

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