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The Marble Menu Project

The Marble Menu Project. Sean Cook. Introduction & Deliverables. The Marble Menu project consists of three components: A Hardened Linux server. A Debian Apache2 configuration file. And a template website for the fake company, “Coconut Cold Creamery.”. The Server.

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The Marble Menu Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Marble Menu Project Sean Cook

  2. Introduction & Deliverables • The Marble Menu project consists of three components: • A Hardened Linux server. • A Debian Apache2 configuration file. • And a template website for the fake company, “Coconut Cold Creamery.”

  3. The Server • The server for this project is intended to be both a development and production environment for locations with limited space. • This means that some concessions needed to be made in regards to the hardening.

  4. Hardening • Firewall • AIDE • Portsentery • Commands

  5. Apache 2 • The Debian version of Apache 2 was used for the webserver. • Debian’s Apache uses several files for configuration.

  6. Coconut Cold Creamery • The template website is for a fictional ice cream company. • The website itself is designed to be flexible in its application. • Images present on the website are mock ups.

  7. Coconut Cold Creamery

  8. Budget & Risks • This project had no budget. • All software used was either free, open source, or already possessed. • There were no risks assoceated with this project.

  9. Software • Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit desktop edition. • Apache 2.2 (Debian) • VMWare Workstation™ • Microsoft Expressions Studio 3™

  10. Adknowlegements • Jason Fisher & Collin Chamberlain • Jamie • BJ • Ctrl-Escape

  11. References • http://swoolley.org/man.cgi/aide • http://swoolley.org/man.cgi?q=aide.conf • http://pwet.fr/man/linux/administration_systeme/portsentry • http://www.control-escape.com/web/configuring-apache2-debian.html

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