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Research Center – Monteporzio Catone (Rome) (I). THE 9 th ANNUAL WATER CONFERENCE Physics , Chemistry and Biology of Water October 9 th - 11 th 2014 Pamporovo , Orlovetz Palace (Bulgaria). Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life
Research Center – Monteporzio Catone (Rome) (I) THE 9th ANNUAL WATER CONFERENCEPhysics, Chemistry and Biology of WaterOctober 9th- 11th 2014Pamporovo, Orlovetz Palace (Bulgaria) Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Livio Giuliani1,2, Enrico D’emilia1, Nikolaj Blom3 1 ISPESL (Superior Institute for Prevention and Occupational Safety incorporated in National Institute for Occupational Insurance, 2013)- Center of Researches, Monteporzio Catone (Rome), Italy 2 ICEMS (International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety) - Scientific Secretariat and Spokesman, Venice, 3 Technical University of Denmark(DTU), Lyngby, Denmark
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Jacques Benveniste (Paris 1935-2004) first publishedastonishingexperimentalresultsabout the ability of water to store informations (Nature, 1988, 333 (6176):816-818, ISSN 0028-0836) He was defamed due not only to ideological prejudices but to political and economical interests. Mikhail Zhadin (Leningrad 1935) first experimented the ability of water to store energy (Bioelectrom. 1998;19(1):41-5) Previous experiments by S.W.Bawin and W.R. Adey (1976), C.F.Blackman et al. (1980), A.R.Liboff (1985), S.D.Smith and B.R.McLeod(1987) have shown water stores energy, but the induction of ion motion due to 10 nT MFs was an unrefutable proof.
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 1 - The replication of the Zhadin experiment at the CNR facility at Tor Vergata (Ion Cyclotron Resonance of GlutamicAcid). Mikhail N. Zhadin Noise without signals
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 2 - The replication of the Zhadin experiment at the CNR facility at Tor Vergata (Ion Cyclotron Resonance of GlutamicAcid - Glu). Mikhail N. Zhadin When an AC MF is applied (5 Hz tuned with 0,02 mT DC MF) a signal arises (middle panel) as ICR of GLU
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Giuliano Preparata and Emilio Del Giudice provided the quantum frame (1989) to justify the energy storage by water, with the prediction of existence of CoherentDomains (CD) in ordinary water (QED Coherence in Matter, World Scientific, London 1995) CDs were discovered by Huang C. et al. («The inhomogeneous structure of water at ambient conditions>, PNAS 2009 106 (36) 15214-15218,) and confirmed by V. Elia et al. (Water J May 2013 doi: 10.14294/ WATER.2013.4) and by Taschin A. et al. (Nature comm. Sept. 2013, doi: 10.1038/ ncomms3401).
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life In 2006, the effect has been explained: switching on MF suitably tuned with GLU ICR i) Mixed CDs (Water and GLU) are formed; ii) their energy is transferred to escaping GLU (Zhadin M.N. and L. Giuliani, Some problems in modern bio- electromagnetics, EBM 25(4)) The hypotesis has been further investigated by Yinnon C. and T. Yinnon (2009) and by Del Giudice and L. Giuliani (2010, in Non thermal mechanismsof interactions between EMFs and living matter, Giuliani L. and M. Soffritti eds., Eu J Oncology Library vol.5, Fidenza 2010) Meanwhile the authorsprovedthat the Zhadin effect also arises in a vessel without sunk electrodes, only in presence of a suitable static electric field(Biomagnetic Res. Techn. 2008, 6(1)).
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life In 2009, Luc Montagnier et al. shownthat DNA signals can be detected from infective bacteria and viruses by means of an induction coil, giving rise to the microbiological spectro-scopy (Interd. Life Sc.: Comput. Sc., 1(2)) Luc Montagnier with Emilio Del Giudice and Giuseppe Vitiello (2013) DNA fragments weredissolvedin an aqueous solution triggered with Schumann frequencies. Then the solution was diluted 1:1 million/more and finally the DNA signals were detected. In our mind, the dilution had the task to suppressthe noise. As we discovered, the exposure to Schumann waves had the task of inducing an amplification of DNA signals otherwise too weak after the dilution (EBM 2014 33(4)).
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine Original Article E. D'Emilia, L. Giuliani, A. Lisi, M. Ledda, S. Grimaldi, L. Montagnier, & A. R. Liboff Lorentz force in water: evidence that hydronium cyclotron resonance enhances polymorphism Posted online on July 14, 2014. (doi:10.3109/15368378.2014.937873) http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/15368378.2014.937873 Experiments were performed at the hypomagnetic facility of CNR at Tor Vergata (Rome), Italy. L. Montagnier and Abraham R. Liboff joint research publication
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life To Henry Lai, Chief Editor of Electromagnetic Biology Medicine: «Attached please find the manuscript "Lorentz force in water: Evidence that hydronium cyclotron resonance enhances polymorphism.", authored by D' Emilia et al,… For the first time ever a sustained magnetic signal has been detected in water, persisting for times on the order of tens of minutes. To establish this beyond doubt a large number of side experiments were performed, in effect removing any possible artefacts and other sources of field. Apart from the fact that this represents a very basic scientific discovery, there is also likely great medical significance. We are now speculating that water may represent the equivalent to a Rosetta Stone for understanding weak electromagnetic interactions with living things, because of its response to EM fields as well as its role in biological integrity... Abe Liboff, Mar 20 2014
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life «…It is one of the most interesting reports that I have ever seen. You will find that I have provided a reasonable scenario for your results, almost directly tied to Emilio's coherent water domains, the only addition being the idea that these domains may generate an oscillatory magnetic field due to the intrinsic spin characteristics of the domains, which is a novel idea, one that would have gotten Emilio all excited. … ” Abe Liboff, Mar 11 2014 According to Del Giudice-Preparata theory, this oscillatory magnetic field is a non-negligible component of the trappedmagnetic field, which generates each CD and keeps its integrity when it is interfacing a solid surface.
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Abstract There is an ongoing question regarding the structure forming capabilities of water at ambient temperatures. To probe for different structures, we studied effects in pure water following magnetic field exposures corresponding to the ion cyclotron resonance of H3O+. Included were measurements of conductivity and pH. We find that under ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) stimulation, water undergoes a transition to a form that is hydronium-like, with the subsequent emission of a transient 48.5 Hz magnetic signal, in the absence of any other measurable field. Our results indicate that hydronium resonance stimulation alters the structure of water, enhancing the concentration of EZ-water. These results are not only consistent with Del Giudice's model of electromagnetically coherent domains, but they can also be interpreted to show that these domains exist in quantized spin states. (Following Figures 5-13 are from the above paper.)
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 5. Experimental set up. Water samples are contained within a Helmholtz coil in a specially constructed hypomagnetic room. All fields are applied and measured along the cylindrical axis.
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 6. Comparison of pH measurements as a function of time, unchanged in non-exposed water, but reduced in sample following exposure to ICR magnetic signal tuned to H3O+. The latter change may not represent the actual overall level of acidity, but merely that fraction of more diffusible liquid external to the EZ-water component.
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 7. Plot of conductivity in arbitrary units versus time in seconds along x-axis, showing effect of ICR tuning condition for H3O+, applied at 100 seconds.
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life i Fig. 8. Frequency spectrum showing spontaneous 48.5 Hz magnetic oscillation from water sample previously stimulatedby means of a nearby 50 Hz excitation signal : i) one hour after signal is removed, ii) 30 minutes later, and iii) immediately after signal. The vertical scale is arbitrary. The spontaneous oscillation effect was an apparent effectdepending on the oscillation of the water sample with the frequency of 48.5 Hz. It has been separately observed as well, having used a small permanent magnet joint to the water sample, oscillating with a frequency of 48,5 Hz, instead of the 50 Hz excitation signal. ii iii
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 9. The 48.5 Hz magnetic oscillation in water sample is barely visible in the absence of magnetic excitation. • Fig. 10. Frequency spectrum showing 48.5Hz output from water induced by magnetic oscillation when sample is first exposed to an ICR condition for H3O+, 33.7 Hz (42 mT). The rms level of the 33.7 Hz signal was 7.7 mT.
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 11. Magnetic frequency spectrum obtained by changing the frequency used in Fig. 10 from 33.7 Hz to 14 Hz, thereby removing the ICR condition for hydronium. Fig. 12. Frequency spectrum showing 48.5Hz output from water when sample is first exposed to an ICR condition for H3O+, 33.7 Hz (42 mT). The rms level of the 33.7 Hz signal in this case was 7.7 mT. Fig. 13. Frequency spectrum showing 48.5Hz output disappears when sample is first exposed to a MF which is not tuned with the upper ICR condition for H3O+, 33.7 Hz (42 mT).
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 14. The ICR condition for hydronium is established again, this time stimulating the sample by Schumann frequency at 7.83 Hz, having suitably reduced the intensity of the static magnetic field in the hypomagnetic room. In the experiments in fig. 14-17, the static magnetic field B0 had just the intensity matching the hydronium ICR condition at 14.45 Hz, a Schumann peak, according to the ion cyclotron relationship: w=B0q/m, being w the pulsation, q and m the charge and the mass of the ion Fig. 15. The same experiment without the stimulation at 7.83 Hz
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 16. The water sample was stimulated by a 1,89 Hz signal for 10’. As above the static magnetic field had the suitable intensity to match the hydronium ICR condition at 14.15 Hz. The 48,5 peak is 3 times the one in fig. 14. Fig. 17. The same experiment having stimulated the sample with the 14.45 Hz Schumann frequency instead of 7.83 Hz stimulation. In this experiment an added frequency at 25 Hz was originated inducing the oscillation of the water sample with a 25 Hz sound.
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life In the Liboff –Zhadin effect the efficient component of the static magnetic field is the parallel one to the applied variable magnetic field. On the Earth the main natural variable magnetic fields are provided by the Schumann frequencies originated in the cavity between the Earth surface and the ionosphere. The Schumann frequencies are surface waves. Thus the efficient component of the geomagnetic field – able to induce ion motions within cells and through cells of living organisms- only is the component that is parallel to the Earth’s surface. This component is depending on the magnetic inclination. In many places the geomagnetic intensity is in the order of 45 uT and the magnetic inclination is more than 60°. • For instance, the natural geomagnetic field provides a 18,1 mT component, parallel to the Earth surface, when the total amplitude of the fieldis 44,5 mTand the magnetic inclination is 66°. • In Fig. 14-17 experiments, in the hypomagnetic room, a 18 mT static MF was generated .
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life SUMMARY We induced the oscillation of the vessel containing the water sample; since the water sample was protonated by the previous exposure to the Schumann frequency, the resulting dissolved H3O+ ions worked as electrons that are oscillating along a metallic dipole antenna; they go forward and back creating an electromagnetic wave with the frequency of the oscillation: that's the way of working of an antenna: thus water become able to work as an antenna; furthermore an antenna which is accorded with every wavelength that life could require. .
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Fig. 18 Waiting for SWARM ESA SATELLITE DATA Geomagnetic intensiity distribution in 2000 (IGRF data reported in it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campo_geomagnetico) Fig. 19 The magnetic declination distribution isstronglydepending on time (ibidem)
Water: a universal amplifier for the signals of life Thank you !