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Chalmers and Göteborg University Collaboration and a common vision for sustainable development. >50.000 students 450 professors 5400 employed. >10.000 students 265 professors 2350 employed. GMV (Göteborgs MiljöVetenskapliga centrum or The Centre for Environment and Sustainability) is :.
Chalmers and Göteborg University Collaboration and a common vision for sustainable development >50.000 students 450 professors 5400 employed >10.000 students 265 professors 2350 employed Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
GMV(Göteborgs MiljöVetenskapliga centrum or The Centre for Environment and Sustainability)is: • an infrastructure • a netvorkof more than 350 researchers in sustainable development at Göteborg university and Chalmers University of Technology • an organisation for collaboration between Chalmers and GU • A meeting place and a plattform for projects and activities • All within environment and sustainable development Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
Knowledge and learning for a sustainable society, Göteborg, Sweden, 12-14 June, 2001 • Vice chancellors/Presidents: • Göteborg University and Chalmers University of Technology, via our joint Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV), offer to become a scientific centre and hub in a network of highly competitive and knowledgeable European universities, where we will engage those committed to work within the area of Sustainable Development. • The hub could act as an independent scientific body to which a proposed measure within the EU is referred for consideration, investigations, evaluations and research. • It could also arrange conferences within themes related to conclusions from European Summits. Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
Results and actions • EPSD, European Panel on Sustainable Development, was founded by GMV in spring 2004 • Steering committee • Chairman Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
EPSD • The EPSD is a network of universities and other research organisations • The aim of EPSD is to strengthen the role of the research community in the development of the European strategy for sustainable development. Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
Frome Here to SustainabilityIs the Lisbon/Göteborg agenda delivering? • This report is intended as an independent contribution from academics to the mid term review of the Lisbon strategy Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
“Make the Kok report sustainable!” • The report discusses the differences in conclusions and their consequences between the EPSD report and the Kok report. Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
A “smart growth” strategy for sustainable development • Published in: Centre for European Reform briefing note • Discusses an alternative economic strategy based on sustainable development Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
Learning for sustainable development Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
Knowledge and learning for a sustainable society, Göteborg, Sweden, 12-14 June, 2001 • Vice chancellors/Presidents: • Göteborg University and Chalmers University of Technology, via our joint Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV), offer to become a scientific centre and hub in a network of highly competitive and knowledgeable European universities, where we will engage those committed to work within the area of Sustainable Development. • The hub could act as an independent scientific body to which a proposed measure within the EU is referred for consideration, investigations, evaluations and research. • It could also arrange conferences within themes related to conclusions from European Summits. Seminar in Brussels 2006-04-26
Knowledge and learning for a sustainable society, Göteborg, Sweden, 12-14 June, 2001 • “There is urgent need for a new type of learning”(Roland Scholz, ETH, Zürich) • “All for one, but none for all. Universities need drastic reorganisation to cooperate in addressing global problems”.(Sheldon Rothblatt, Berkeley, California, in Times Higher Education in 2001). Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
Restructuring of universities • Integration between disciplines and knowledge areas. • - Problems of sustainability are most often of a trans disciplinary nature and need the coordination and cooperation between specialists from different areas. • Integration between education and research. • - A new way of looking at knowledge formation. - We need to shorten the lead times between education and research.
Restructuring of universities • Integration between generations from the small children to the grown ups. • - We need to prepare not only for today's problems but also for tomorrow's. • Integration between academia and society. • - Knowledge is formed both within and outside universities. Knowledge needs to be founded and understood in reality.
Learning to change our worldInternational consultation on education for sustainable developmentGöteborg, Sweden, 4-7 may 2004 • It is difficult to distinguish “learning for sustainable development” and “sustainable development”. • There is a lack of understanding of learning for sustainable development at all levels • The organisation of knowledge into disciplines or scientific areas constitutes a significant and serious obstacle to understanding sustainable development. • Values and attitudes Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
Possibilities for sustainable development The good and productive dialogue – academia, politicians, others
Initiative • The Rectors/Presidents of Göteborg University (Gunnar Svedberg) and Chalmers University of Technology (Jan-Eric Sundgren) promised to host another conference on learning for sustainable development in three years
Work-shops on ESD • Drivers and Barriers for Implementing Learning for Sustainable Development in Higher Education • 7-9 december 2005. Organised by: Centre for environment and sustainability in Göteborg • Drivers and Barriers for Learning for Sustainable Development in Pre-School, School and Teacher Education 27-29 mars 2006. Organised by: Göteborg University and City of Göteborg • The contribution of early childhood education to a sustainable society • 2-4 may 2007. Organised by Göteborg University • The right to knowledge - Public Learning for Sustainable Development. Laboratory for Democratic Learning. • 11-14 october 2007. Organised by: Göteborg Folk High School, Göteborg University and Chalmers University of Technology, The Museum of World Culture
Final workshop • Visions and preparations for a common blueprint on education for sustainable development • 10-12 November, 2008. Organised by University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology, SWEDESD, UNESCO, the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research The Gothenburg Recommendations on Education for Sustainable Development
Görel Thurdin, Svenska UNESCOrådet John Holmberg, CHALMERS, UNESCO chair Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, GU, UNESCO chair
UN • The United Nations Decade on Education for Sustainable Development is due to start 2005 • The EU Decade? Seminar in Brussels 2004-09-20
European Panel on Sustainable Development Seminar in Brussels 2006-04-26
EPSD and ECESD • The youngest are perhaps the most important targets - openminded • The older generation is at large stuck in their values and will change only slowly • ECE is still to a large extent unexploited as a way to change our world • Knowledge in ECE and ECESD through research and experience is accumulating • EU needs to be made aware about the importance of ECE and ECESD and get incitement to focus
General outline of process • Collection and compilation of available data on research and practice on ECESD • Collection and compilation of facts on EU policy documents, legislation on ECESD • Production of a paper summing up what is known in an understandable way (public understanding of science) leading to a series of crisp recommendations • Presentation and dissimination in Brussels (commission, parliament, media, others)
Reference group • Jan Eliasson (FN, Svenska UD) • Frans Lenglet (SWEDEST) • John Siraj Blatchford (University of London) • Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (GU, UNESCO, OMEP) • Katarina Gårdfeldt (GMV) • Sten Ljungström (Universeum) • Ilan Chabay (GU/CHALMERS) • Lori Chabay • Magdalena Svanström (CHALMERS) • Annsofie Axelsson (CHALMERS) • Monika Haraldsson (GU) • Ylva Hård av Segerstad (IT University GU/CHALMERS)
UNESCO & OMEP Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
What is OMEP? (Organisation Mondiale pour l´Educasion Prescolaire) Founded in 1948 in Prague Alva Myrdal the first world president Consultative status to UNESCO A net-work organisation for professionals within children’s education 65 member states in 5 regions
Action plan • To put Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) on the agenda for as many ECE teachers and their children in the world as possible. • Curriculum, books, journals, conferences, development- and research projects etc.
The three pillars in ESD Social sustainability (citizenship, democracy, equality) Environmental sustainability (nature, climate) Economical sustainablitity (devlopment, equity - social justice) TO INTEGRATE TO A WHOLE
ECE for change towards a more sustain society - why? • Early years represent a window of opportunities (brain development, values, skills and attitudes) • Expansion of ECE programmes globally • World wide • Europe
Children, citizens in a challenged world Global interview project Conference 2010 Göteborg, www.omep2010.org