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Fetal Development. Chapter 19. ZYGOTE. is the name used to describe the developing baby for the first 2 weeks
Fetal Development Chapter 19
ZYGOTE • is the name used to describe the developing baby for the first 2 weeks • At this point baby has its own DNA - genetic make-up; gender and blood type. (often different than the mom or dad’s). The baby’s heart is BEATING before the mother misses her first period.
MITOSIS • the process of cells multiplying during the ZYGOTE stage.
EMBRYO • is term used to describe the developing baby from 2 weeks 8 weeks. The fertilized cell travels out of the fallopian tube and implants onto the wall of the uterus (womb). The umbilical cord connects baby with mother (via placenta). Trophoblast is the name of the tissue that surrounds the embryo that will turn into the placenta.
At 3 weeks (19 days), Doctors can hear the heartbeat; • At 6 weeks the brain-waves can be detected (the central nervous system is in place with a very raw system, resulting in very sensitive nerve-endings).. • At 7 weeks the skeletal system is complete. Baby has a mouth with lips, an early tongue. • At 8 weeks the fingerprints are set.
FETUS • is Latin for “little one.” This is what developing baby is called from 8 weeks to birth.
At 10 weeks, every organ is in place and functioning. Bones begin to calcify at this time. The baby only grows and matures. • Tiny human feet are completely formed. Fingerprints and footprints will never change for the rest of our lives. • At 10 weeks the baby is highly responsive to touch (when eyelids or palms are touched, they close). • Baby can squint, swallow, stick out his tongue. Cartilage is now calcifying to become bone.
The baby is sensitive to light at 16 weeks. • The baby responds to sounds at 27 weeks. • 2/3 of human development takes place in mother’s womb.
Hormonal Changes during Pregnancy • After implantation HCG is released by cells, maintains corpus luteum which halts menstral cycle • Large amounts of estrogen and progesteron are released inhibits FSH (follicle stimulation) and LH (luteinizing) • Stimulation of mammory growth (lactogen) • Parathyroid hormone maintains a high concentration of maternal blood concentration
Development of the Placenta • Until 8 weeks a covering called the chorion covers the trophoblast • As the zygote develops, the chorion becomes the placenta • Reddish brown, about 20 centimeters long and 2.5 cm thick weighing .5 kg
Fetal Alcohol and Drug Related Disorders • Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), the leading known cause of mental retardation • Features of FAS include growth deficiency before and after birth; effects on the central nervous system such as intellectual impairment, developmental delays and behavioral problems; and changes in facial features such as a flattened midface, a small jaw, and a thin upper lip
Nicotine • Cigarette smoking during pregnancy has long been associated with adverse outcomes, including low birth weight, preterm birth, and intrauterine growth retardation and with infant morbidity and mortality (including sudden infant death syndrome)
Accutane (isotretinoin) is a prescription medication used to treat a severe form of acne (nodular or cystic acne) that has not been helped by other treatments, including oral antibiotics. High concentration of Vit. A • Hydrocephaly (enlargement of the fluid-filled spaces in the brain) • Microcephaly (small head and brain) • Mental retardation • Ear and eye abnormalities • Cleft lip/palate and other facial abnormalities • Heart defects
Thalidomide • The first incidence that the mothers placenta does not protect baby from harmful chemicals in mothers body • 1957-1961, 10,000 children born with flippers not arms or legs • Mothers were taking a mild tranquilizer during the early stages of pregnancy associated with limb development
Fetal Stage Development • Fetal stage begins at the end of week 8 and lasts until birth • At the beginning the head is disproportionate to the body • During month 3 body length accelerates • Month 4 legs and arms grow rapidly • Month 5 growth slows, muscle development/movement, hair growth • Months 6 increase in weight, eyebrows/lashes, skin is reddish, and wrinkled • Month 7 fat deposits under skin make it smooth, eyes can open • During the final trimester, brain develops rapidly, organs specialize and grow, testes descend in males, digestive and respiratory systems mature last
Developmental Milestones of Baby 1 month • Lifts head when lying on tummy• Responds to sound• Stares at faces • Follows objects briefly with eyes• Vocalizes: oohs and aahs • Can see black-and-white patterns • Smiles, laughs• Holds head at 45-degree angle
2 months • Vocalizes: gurgles and coos• Follows objects across field of vision• Notices his hands• Holds head up for short periods • Smiles, laughs• Makes smoother movements • Holds head steady• Can bear weight on legs• Lifts head and shoulders when lying on tummy (mini-pushup)
3 months • Recognizes your face and scent• Holds head steady• Visually tracks moving objects • Squeals, gurgles, coos• Blows bubbles• Recognizes your voice • Does mini-pushup • Rolls over, from tummy to back• Turns toward loud sounds• Can bring hands together, bats at toys
4 months • Smiles, laughs• Can bear weight on legs• Coos when you talk to him • Can grasp a toy• Rolls over, from tummy to back • Imitates sounds: "baba," "dada"• Cuts first tooth• May be ready for solid foods
5 months • Distinguishes between bold colors• Plays with his hands and feet • Recognizes own name• Turns toward new sounds• Rolls over in both directions • Sits momentarily without support• Mouths objects• Separation anxiety may begin
6 months • Turns toward sounds and voices• Imitates sounds• Rolls over in both directions • Is ready for solid foods• Sits without support• Passes objects from hand to hand • Lunges forward or starts crawling• Jabbers or combines syllables• Drags objects toward himself
7 months • Sits without support• Drags objects toward herself• Lunges forward or starts crawling• Jabbers or combines syllables• Starts to experience stranger anxiety • Waves goodbye• Stands while holding onto something• Bangs objects together• Begins to understand object permanence
8 months • Says "mama" and "dada" to both parents (isn't specific) • Stands while holding onto something• Crawls• Points at objects• Searches for hidden objects • Pulls self to standing, cruises• Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp• Indicates wants with gestures
9 months • Stands while holding onto something• Jabbers or combines syllables• Understands object permanence • Cruises while holding onto furniture• Drinks from a sippy cup• Eats with fingers• Bangs objects together • Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo• Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
10 months • Waves goodbye• Picks things up with pincer grasp• Crawls well, with belly off the ground • Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent• Indicates wants with gestures • Stands alone for a couple of seconds• Puts objects into a container
11 months • Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent• Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo• Stands alone for a couple of seconds• Cruises • Understands "no" and simple instructions• Puts objects into a container • Says one word besides "mama" and "dada"• Stoops from standing position
12 months • Imitates others' activities• Indicates wants with gestures • Takes a few steps• Says one word besides "mama" and "dada"• Walks alone• Scribbles with a crayon• Says two words besides "mama" and "dada"