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Understanding Electrooxidation of Methanol: Experimental Principles & Detection Methods

Explore the mechanisms behind the electrooxidation of methanol, including the experimental principles and detection methods such as potential step and linear sweep voltammetry. Discover oxidation intermediates and processes on Pt/Ru electrodes.

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Understanding Electrooxidation of Methanol: Experimental Principles & Detection Methods

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mechanism of the electrooxidation of methanol Ma Zheng

  2. Mechanism of the electrooxidation of methanol

  3. The experimental principles for studying the oxidation mechanism When the anodic polarization is very small, on the platinum electrode not corresponding to methanol oxidation steady-state anodic current, when a certain polarization potential is applied, the anode current increases with time and continue to decline until reaching a very low background current value. So it can not be used to study the electrochemical oxidation process of methanol under the small polarization.

  4. Cyclic voltammograms curve methanol makes platinum electrode failure in "hydrogen" and "double layer"

  5. The ways to detect the oxidation • Potential step • Linear sweep voltammetry • SIRS(原位红外光谱) • EMIRS(电化学调制红外光谱) • SNIFTIRS(变换红外光谱) • DEMS(差分电化学质谱)

  6. Oxidation intermediate an process CH2OH CHOH CHO CO

  7. Pt/Ru electrode CHO +OH CO2+2H++2e- CO +OH CO2+H+e-

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