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Background to the Clery Act . In 1986 Jeanne Clery, a freshman at Lehigh University, was murdered and sexually assaulted in her campus residence hall room. Her school hadn't informed students about 38 violent crimes on campus in the three years preceding her murder. . . . . . What is the Clery Act? .
1. Campus Security Authority Training “Campus police and campus security authorities must report crimes in the annual crime statistics.”
3. What is the Clery Act? The “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act” (formerly the Campus Security Act) is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education in the United States to disclose campus security information including crime statistics for the campus and surrounding areas.
4. What is required by the Clery Act? Publish and distribute an annual Campus Security report by October 1st of each year.
Inform prospective students and employees about the Campus Security Report.
Notify the campus in a timely way of crimes that threaten safety.
Support and keep an up-to-date daily log of all reported crimes.
5. Which schools must comply with the Clery Act?
All institutions of postsecondary education, both public and private, that participate in federal student aid programs must publish and disseminate an annual campus security report as well as make timely warnings.
Violations of the act can result in fines up to $27,500 by the US Department of Education.
6. Distribution Requirements Each campus must publish its Campus security Report by October 1st of each year.
The report must be published within a single document and may come in electronic and print format.
7. Three Years of Crime Statistics The campus security report provides information on crime statistics for the three years prior to publication.
This years report will include 2001, 2002, and 2003 crime statistics.
8. Campus Security Authorities Campus security authorities, according to the Clery Act, are employees who have “significant responsibility for student and campus activities.”
These employees may include:
The Dean of Students
Student Activity Directors
Team Coaches
Faculty Advisors to Student Groups
Student Affairs Professionals
Athletic Directors
9. Campus Security Authorities In order to comply with the Clery Act, Campus administrators must:
Define who the campus security authorities are in the Campus Security Report,
Describe their responsibilities, and
Train them for their role.
10. Campus Security Authorities Responsibilities A campus security authority’s key responsibility is to encourage crime victims and witnesses to report crimes to any campus security authority or campus police.
11. Crime Reporting In an emergency situation dial 911!
Contact Security at 641-8777 or X8777.
Contact the St. Paul 291-1111 (information).
Security Director- 641-8797, Assistant Director 641-8717
12. When Do Crimes Need to be Reported in the Clery Act? You should report a crime whenever a victim or witness calls it to the attention of the proper authorities.
13. What Crimes Need to be Reported? The Clery Act Specifies eight crime categories.
Criminal Homicide
Sex Offenses (Forcible and Nonforcible)
Aggravated Assault
Motor Vehicle Theft
Hate Crimes
14. Hate Crimes Hate crimes must be listed as follows:
2) By Type of prejudice:
Sexual Orientation
15. Hate Crimes 2) By Location:
a) On Campus
b) Residence Halls
c) Non-Campus Property
d) Public Property
16. Hate Crimes 3) In relation to the Clery crimes:
a) Murder
b) Manslaughter
c) Sex Offenses
d) Robbery
e) Aggravated Assault
f) Burglary
g) Motor Vehicle Theft
h) Arson
17. Alcohol, Drug, and Weapons Offenses Campuses must include three years of statistics for arrests in these areas.
Campuses must also include statistics for persons not arrested but referred for campus disciplinary action in regard to liquor law, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possessions.
18. Disciplinary Referrals It’s a disciplinary referral:
If a campus official initiates disciplinary action against a student who was referred.
When officials keep a record of the referral.
When the violation results in a sanction.
19. Which Locations Should Statistics be Collected From? The Clery Act identifies four crime location categories. Campuses need to collect and report statistics from each one. These Categories include:
On-Campus buildings or property
Dormitories or other student residences
Non-campus buildings or property
Public property
20. On-Campus Buildings or Property Buildings or properties the university owns and controls, and uses to support its educational goals (classrooms, laboratories, libraries,ect.).
Property the university owns but someone else controls on campus or within the same geographical area, such as fast food restaurants, drug stores, clothing stores, ect.
21. Dormitories or Other Student Residences The Clery Act requires crime statistics for dormitories and other student residences, even when they’re on campus.
22. Non-campus Buildings Or Property Campus must report crime statistics for any non-campus building or property owned or controlled by an official student organization.
Any building not within the same reasonable contiguous geographical area of the main institution that the institution owns and operates in support of it’s educational goals and that students frequently use.
23. Public Property Public Property includes streets, sidewalks, parking lots, parks, ect., that lie within the campus or right next to it.
24. Policy Statements and Descriptions The Campus Security Report must contain policy statements in seven basic areas:
Crime reporting policy, procedure & responses.
Access to campus facilities & residence halls.
Security considerations used in maintenance.
Enforcement & arrest authority of campus police.
Working relationship with state and local police.
Encouragement of prompt reporting of crimes
Drug and alcohol abuse prevention information
25. Inform Prospective Students and Employees about the Campus Security Report To comply with the Clery Act, campuses must let everyone who asks for information about a job or admissions to the school know that the report is available.
26. Notify the Campus-in a Timely Way-of Crimes That Threaten Safety Notification may be given by voicemail, e-mail, information bulletins, newspaper announcements, ect.
The campus must be notified in a timely manor (Usually 24-48 hours of a threatening incident).
A timely response may prevent someone else from being harmed.
27. Support and Keep an up-to-date Daily Log of all Reported Crimes Each entry on the daily log should include:
The date, time, and location of the crime.
An easy-to-understand crime definition.
The disposition of the crime.
28. Clery Act Resources Concordia University Security Web Page
Security on Campus Inc. http://www.securityoncampus.org/
Heiser@csp.edu or 651-641-8717