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What is an effective team member?. Exercise:What personal qualities make a strong team member?. What is an effective team?. A team is made up of a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. An effective team has certain characteristics that allow the team members to function more efficiently and productively.An effective team develops ways to share leadership roles and ways to share accountability for their work products, shifting emphasis from the individual to several individ1143
1. How To Be An Effective Team Member ….or Ten Qualities of an Effective Team Player
3. What is an effective team? A team is made up of a group of people working together to achieve a common goal.
An effective team has certain characteristics that allow the team members to function more efficiently and productively.
An effective team develops ways to share leadership roles and ways to share accountability for their work products, shifting emphasis from the individual to several individuals within the team.
4. What is and effective team? A team also develops a specific team “purpose” and concrete work products that the members produce together.
Team members:
Share leadership roles
Develop own scope of work
Schedule work to be done and commit to taking time allotted to do the work
5. What is and effective team? Develop tangible work products
Are mutually accountable for work products/outcomes
Measure their success based on achieving team products/outcomes
Discuss problems and resolve them by the team.
Our self-managed
6. How To Be An Effective Team Member Teams need strong members to perform well.
This session will assist you to be able to:
Learn the business you are in and its working culture and respect and knowledge of the code of ethics.
Recognize your personal strengths as a team member and to maximize their impact on team success.
More effectively participate in team meetings and decisions.
Be proactive and accountable in your actions and with the rest of the team.
7. How To Be An Effective Team Member The best team members are skilled at assuming multiple roles, stepping up to do whatever it takes to get the job done on time, on budget-without breaking the rules.
They are autonomous and self-sufficient.
They keep management in the know.
An effective team member do not require a supervisor to constantly hover over them or play the role of referee, parent or firefighter”.
They are self-managed.
8. How To Be An Effective Team Member
With so many personality styles, communication styles and “dysfunctions”, people have to learn HOW to be an effective team member.
9. Gnome Dome Group Activity
Analyze the process
10. How To Be An Effective Team Member Ten Qualities of an Effective Team Player
Demonstrate reliability
Communicate constructively
Listen actively
Function as an active participant
Share openly and willingly
Cooperate and pitch in to help
Exhibit flexibility
11. How To Be An Effective Team Member Ten Qualities- continue
Work as a problem-solver
Treat others in a respectful and supportive manner
Show commitment to the team
12. How To Be An Effective Team Member Reliability looks like this…
You get the job done and you do your fair share to work hard and meet your commitment.
You follow through on assignments.
You consistently carry out your work which is key
You can be counted on to deliver good performance all the time, not just some of the time.
You promise only what you can deliver and deliver what you have committed to.
13. How To Be An Effective Team Member Communicate constructively
Teams need people who speak up and express their thoughts and ideas clearly, directly, honestly, and with respect for others and for the work of the team. That’s what it means to communicate constructively.
Such a team member does not shy away from making a point but makes it in the best way possible- in a positive, confident, and respectful manner.
14. How To Be An Effective Team Member Listen Actively
Good listeners are essential for teams to function effectively. Teams need team players who can absorb, understand, and consider ideas and points of view from other people without debating and arguing every point.
15. How To Be An Effective Team Member Most important, for effective communication and problem solving, team members need the discipline to listen first and speak second so that meaningful dialogue results.
Ask for clarification if you’re not sure what you are being asked to do.
16. How To Be An Effective Team Member Functions as an active participant
Good team players are active participants.
They come prepared for team meetings and listen and speak up in discussions.
They are fully engaged in the work of the team and do not sit passively on the sidelines.
17. How To Be An Effective Team Member Function as an active participant
Team members who function as active participants take the initiative to help make things happen, and they volunteer for assignments.
Their whole approach is can-do: “What contribution can I make to help the team achieve success?”
18. How To Be An Effective Team Member Shares openly and willingly
Good team members share. They are willing to share information, knowledge, and experience. They take initiative to keep other team members informed.
Many of the communication within teams takes place informally. Beyond discussion at organized meetings, team members need to feel comfortable talking with one another and passing along important news and information day-to-day.
19. How To Be An Effective Team Member Shares openly and willingly
Good team players are active in this informal sharing.
They keep other team members in the loop with information and expertise that helps get the job done and prevents surprises.
They share the credit when the team is successful.
20. How To Be An Effective Team Member Cooperates and pitches in to help
Cooperation is the act of working with
others and acting together to accomplish a
job. Effective team players work this way
by second nature.
Good team players, despite differences they may have with other team members concerning style and perspective, figure out ways to work together to solve problems and get the work done.
21. How To Be An Effective Team Member Cooperate and pitches in to help
They respond to requests for assistance and take the initiative to offer help.
22. How To Be An Effective Team Member Exhibits flexibility
Teams often deal with changing conditions– and often create changes themselves.
Good team members roll with the punches; they adapt to ever-changing situations.
They don’t complain or get stressed out because something new is being tried or some new direction is being set.
23. How To Be An Effective Team Member Exhibits flexibility
A good team member can consider different points of views and compromise when needed. He or she doesn’t hold rigidly to a point of view and argue it to death, especially when the team needs to move forward to make a decision or get something done.
24. How To Be An Effective Team Member Exhibits flexibility
Strong team players are firm in their thoughts yet open to what others have to offer- flexibility at its best.
25. How To Be An Effective Team Member Works as a problem-solver
Teams, of course, deal with problems. Sometimes, it appears, that’s the whole reason why a team is created is to address problems.
Good team players are willing to deal with all kinds of problems in a solutions-oriented manner.
26. How To Be An Effective Team Member Works as a problem-solver
They’re problem-solvers, not problem-dwellers, problem-blamers, or problem-avoiders.
They don’t simply rehash a problem the way problem-dwellers do.
They don’t look for others to fault, as the blamers do.
27. How To Be An Effective Team Member Works as a problem-solver
…and they don’t put off dealing with issues, the way avoiders do.
Team players get problems out in the open for discussion and then collaborate with others to find solutions and form action plans.
Don’t expect problem to go away immediately. Give it some time
Avoid negative comments after the fact. Limit your remarks to those that can change things or avoid problems in the future.
28. How To Be An Effective Team Member Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner
Team players treat fellow team members with courtesy and consideration- not just some of the time but consistently.
They show understanding and the appropriate support of other team members to help get the job done.
29. How To Be An Effective Team Member Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner
They don’t place conditions on when they’ll provide assistance, when they’ll choose to listen, and when they’ll share information.
Good team players also have a sense of humor and know how to have fun(and all teams can use a bit of both), but they don’t have fun at someone else’s expense. Quite simply, effective team players deal with other people in a professional manner.
30. How To Be An Effective Team Member Shows commitment to the team
Strong team players care about their work, the team, and the team’s work.
They don’t need to be rah-rah, cheerleader types. In fact, they may even be soft-spoken, but they aren’t passive.
They care about what the team is doing and they contribute to its success- without needing a push.
31. How To Be An Effective Team Member Shows commitment to the team
Team players with commitment look beyond their own piece of the work and care about the team’s overall work. In the end, their commitment is about winning- not in the sports sense of beating your opponent but about seeing the team succeed and knowing they have contributed to this success.
32. How To Be An Effective Team Member Shows commitment to the team
Winning as a team is one of the great motivators of employee performance. Good team players have and show this motivation.
33. 10 plus 1 Conflict can occur in the best of situations and how you handle these situation will have a dramatic impact on your ability to work successfully with that person (s) in the future.
34. 10 plus 2 more….. When receiving criticism, recognize that you probably have faults and weaknesses just the same as everybody else.
Listen to what the other person is saying without interrupting, and look at the criticism technically not personally.
If you disagree with the criticism, get the disagreement out in the open in a constructive way, using “I” messages.
35. 10 plus 2 more….. Listen responsively which means to obtain information, identify the problems, resolve conflicts, solve problems and when necessary ask a mediator to assist in resolving the conflict.
When giving criticism stay present. Focus on the issue at hand. Don’t share a laundry list of complaints from the past.
36. 10 plus 2 more….. Deal Constructively with Anger and With Arguments
Wherever possible, avoid letting disagreements smolder in silence or erupt in anger, as both of these responses can lead to long-lasting grudges.
When anger or arguments do arise take a break and come back together when you are less emotional about the topics.
Really listen to what the other person is saying without interruption.
37. 10 plus 2 more….. State the problem in a logically and calm manner, using evidence, not opinion.
Don’t talk-down to the person and watch your non-verbal communication.
When it has been resolved, let it go.
Don’t talk about the person to others.
38. Putting it all together… In concert with your supervisor,establish objective together: Commit to a participatory style and listen to each others ideas and acknowledge their points of view. Commit to discussing issues and to find solutions together.
39. Putting it all together… Focus on contributions. Identify how team members can participate.
If everyone has a clear role, individuals will be less likely to become frustrated and will be more willing to work together.
Attend supervisory meetings or visits and discuss objectives and any concerns the team may have.
40. Putting it all together… Make sure each member understands the rules and standards as well as the rationale behind them.
Take responsibility for completing specific tasks and to solve problems as a team.
Establish time commitments.
41. Self-Awareness At Work Do a personal inventory. Be aware of your emotional triggers. Emotional triggers are events or personality types that cause an intense emotional response.
Common triggers are:
Blatant incompetence
Poor executive leadership(no demonstration of values, inconsistent, poor decision making, unavailable or unapproachable)
42. Self-Awareness at work Being overlooked for credit, accolades or promotions
Arrogance or inflated egos
Patronization or micro-management of subordinates
Back stabbing
Verbal attacks
Lack of communication
43. Self-Awareness at Work These are things that will frustrate and upset the best of us. The important point is to see if they trigger intense, long lasting reactions with ramifications that make it difficult to remain rational.
If one of more of these emotional triggers affects you, take some time to sole search or work with someone to uncover the root cause behind your powerful emotional responses to the triggers.
44. Self-Awareness at Work A look back to your family of origin could reveal relationship issues with parents, authorities or other key figures that have manifested themselves in your professional life.
Once you identify why you are so triggered by, for example, blatant incompetence, you can then catch yourself responding with your gut stress instead of staying in your head and responding with intelligence and rationality to the work situation.
45. Self-Awareness at Work It is crucial to your professional development that you deal with these triggers head-on. They can cause major career derailment, severe stress and emotional burn out if not taken seriously.
46. Personal Inventory Do I react with my gut or respond with my head when faced with an emotional trigger at work?
Reacting with your gut is reacting when you are at an emotional peak. Try to take the time needed to regain emotional composure so that you can respond from your head I.e. allow time for the adrenalin and other chemicals to subside so that you are at a place of logic and reason. Generally this takes about 20 minutes. In some circumstances however, you may need to sleep on things and look at them fresh the next morning.
47. Personal Inventory Am I judging the actions of my coworkers and communicating my judgment to others?
The tendency to judge others is based on fear. Usually we are frightened by seeing our negative qualities reflected in the other person. Lose the judgments by realizing that the person is functioning to the best of their ability with the tools they have from the parenting and environment they experienced.
48. Personal Inventory Do I become a blamer when faced with an emotional trigger?
It is a common reaction to blame others or other things when feeling criticized or judged or triggered into an emotional reaction. Stop the blame game by shifting the focus to your role in the situation and the things within your power to change. Focusing on another person and their negative behaviors only deflects energy away from where it is really needed- work on yourself.
49. Personal Inventory Do I live in a fantasy world that management, my work culture and the company I work for will be perfect?
This fantasy can do incredible damage to a career. If this were possible, then the company would have to clone you to have enough employees with the same values,personality and needs to be happy in the “perfect” environment. The reality is that workplace cultures are what you make them.
50. Personal Inventory Do I live in a fantasy world ….
Work on the aspects of your job satisfaction that you have control over. Take on new projects that excite you, ask for a promotion, a raise, a transfer.
Take control of your destiny and use your power of choice to create a healthy environment.
51. Personal Inventory Do I spend a lot of time focusing how the company or my boss could treat me better and feeling battered?
Being a victim is a sad waste of energy. Not only that, but your boss and higher executives will have no time or energy to devote to a whiner. Take responsibility for your behaviors and look at changing how you present yourself. Do not give up your power of choice to your boss. Create your own improvement to increase your job satisfaction.
52. Personal Inventory Can I separate criticism of my behavior from an attack on me personally?
When your work is criticized, it is your work that is not up to par, not you. Be careful to make that differentiation so that you react with your head to the criticism and ask questions so that you discover the reasons behind the criticism and how you can correct the situation.
53. Personal Inventory Do I lose my temper and lash out or cry frequently?
Excessive demonstration of anger or disappointment can create great disharmony in a team and led to loss of respect and cooperation. It is critical for you to seek “counseling” to work through the root cause of your intense emotional outburst. Your coworkers will thank you.
54. Personal Inventory Do I create political problems?
If you have an intense temper, cry frequently, use passive aggressiveness to make your point (pout, sarcasm, sabotage, criticisms) you will be using up your political currency. The more of this currency you use, the less likely you will receive that good evaluation, promotion,etc.
55. Personal Inventory Am I moody?
Your moods affect those who you work with. If you are having a bad day, do what ever you can to not deflect that on those you work with. Inconsistency of mood creates uncertainty. Communication breakdown and low productivity if the team does not know how you will reaction to certain information and situations.
56. Wrap Up Identify things by developing an action plan on the things that you would like to improve upon and make a commitment today to work on them.
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