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Trench Warfare

Trench Warfare. I. Guns of August 1914. Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire & Bulgaria, Allied Powers: Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Serbia, Belgium, others, and the US. II. War at Sea. Blockade U-Boats- Wolf Packs Convoys- strength in numbers Depth charges.

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Trench Warfare

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trench Warfare

  2. I. Guns of August 1914 • Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire & Bulgaria, • Allied Powers: Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Serbia, Belgium, others, and the US

  3. II. War at Sea • Blockade • U-Boats- Wolf Packs • Convoys- strength in numbers • Depth charges

  4. III. War on Land • A. Schlieffen Plan • B. Different Fronts pg 631 • C. Trench Warfare

  5. Schlieffen Plan • As soon as Russia mobilized • Attack France via Belgium (neutral country) • Set up defense on Russian/German border • Germany had modernized rail system to move troops back and forth to both fronts • Defeat France in 6 weeks • Then move troops to Eastern Front (assuming it would take Russia six weeks to moblize) • “Paris for lunch, dinner at St. Petersburg General Count Alfred von Schlieffen

  6. Trenches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k8Lj-cV7Ls

  7. THE TRENCH SYSTEM Front line Communication trench Support trenches No Mans Land Barbed wire

  8. Machine Gun

  9. Tanks

  10. Airplanes

  11. Weapons Chemical http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lSLWnfCP6M&feature=related

  12. Flame Throwers

  13. Life in the Trenches • Lice • Rats • Shell Shock • Trench Foot • Overall Filth


  15. Let’s watch some videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d7B4cBt_Qg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It0OhItEovQ

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