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Welcome to Camp Internet online learning expeditions Camp Internet offers training and online learning programs for Teachers , Students , and Families . Camp’s goal is to facilitate successful teacher, student, and community-based family education projects that Turn Technology into Learning
Welcome to Camp Internetonline learning expeditions • Camp Internet offers training and online learning programs forTeachers, Students, and Families. • Camp’s goal is to facilitate successful teacher, student, and community-based family education projects that Turn Technology into Learning
Today at Camp Internet • Expedition Field Reports • Camp Internet tour for Tech Coordinators • Weather Project • Digital Arts Contest Winners • Teacher Assessment Form 2001 • High School Teachers GIS Introduction • Kids News Net Video Camp Internet is Web-basedand also offers live teacher training and student field tripswww.campinternet.net
Our Students Explore Camp’sOnlineExpedition Trail Heads Year Round
Where Students Discoverrare historical and original source materials, some never before on the Internet The REAL story of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, never before online, that inspired Island of the Blue Dolphins The amazing LOVE STORY That brought Robert Louis Stevenson to California where he was inspired to conceive Treasure Island Never before on the Internet original Zorro stories and their historical sources of inspiration from Robin Hood to Joaquin Murietta
Meet Women and MenWhose Passion for the Natural Environment hasshaped the world understanding and legislative policies that have influenced of the West Helen Hunt Jackson, John Muir, Willa Cather, Mark Twain, Georgia O’Keeffe, Ansel Adams, Jack London, Joaquin Miller, Brett Harte, Zane Grey, Maynard Dixon, Maria Martinez, Frank Cushing, John Wesley Powell
Explore the EarthFossils to Canyons, Microscopic Life to the Heavens And uncover the mysteries and marvels of our world on Camp Internet
Inside Every Trackare History, Science, Reading, Art, and Math Learning Resources History - History of the Channel Islands Learn the history of ranching, mining, and tourism on the Channel Islands. Meet the European families who owned the Islands and tried to make their home in the Channel. Reading - Treasure Island Read Treasure Island, one of the most famous pirate stories ever written. And meet Robert Luis Stevenson, the author of this classic tale of adventure. Science - Marine Studies Learn about the fascinating world below the waves... study the animal and plant communities in the ocean around the channel islands.
Where Teachers Weave Togetherlearning resources that compliment their curriculum
Every Teacher Develops Their Own Lesson Planand implements special projects supported by Camp resources • Beginning with pre-session trainingof up to 40 hours in online and field activities, by remote or at regional workshops, • Teachers return to the classroomand implement seven or more activities using a variety of technologies to meet their curriculum delivery needs and meet state standards. • Year-round online and in-service sessionscontinue to build educator’s skill levels, with online mentoring, guided projects, and lesson plan sharing between colleagues encouraged. Outcome is a personal portfolio of seven or more lesson plans thatsuccessfully Turn Technology into Learning.
To Prepare to Offer this Challenging Program in the Classroom • Camp teachers first learn to understand the tools, hands-on activities, and program materials awaiting them in Camp Internet. • They personally experience the computer lab and field learning process that their students will undergo as they turn their classroom into a Camp Internet Outpost, and their school yard or neighborhood into field study resources. • Camp teachers become well equipped to launch exciting learning activities immediately in their classrooms.
And while the technology IS exciting, it is important to remember that there are Three Camp Cornerstones • Learning to use technology to access valuable educational INFORMATION • Working with technology to turn that information into KNOWLEDGE • Exploring ways to SHAREKNOWLEDGE using GIS, web, and field report technologies
Let’s Explore a few Camp Highlights~ Expert Trail Guide Chats ~ • Students, teachers, and familiesenjoy a unique opportunity to meet online in special guided activities featuring Camp’s distinguished, expert Trail Guides. • These scientists, historians, authors, and artistsgenerously share their valuable time in lively Q&A online session with our students through the Trail Guide Chat room. • This is the realization of the true classroom-with-out wallswhere real world experts lend their inspiring knowledge to students. Welcome to the Camp Internet annual Rock Art Day - this is our very special chance to learn from Bill Hyder who is a leading member of ARARA - the American Rock Art Research Association - from UC Santa Cruz. Bill: . . . . Wed, Nov 15, 9:05AM PST (-0800 GMT)Greetings. Bill here ready to answer your questions. Laura evans: . . . . Wed, Nov 15, 9:23AM PST (-0800 GMT)Have scientists been able to identify real stars or constallations in any rock art ?
Camp’s Video Library~ available online and in CD formats ~ • Remote field explorations, interviews with Trail Guides, and coverage of important conferences are all available to students and teachers in Camp’s video archive. • Using state-of-the-art video streaming, and CD ROM production, video programs are available to our viewers. California Channel Islands Video Library California Channel Islands Photo Library California Backcountry Video Library California Backcountry Photo LibraryStudent-made videos
Students Love our Internet Digs~ online guided research-based Q&A ~ • Internet Digs reveal a history, art, or science story by posing challenging research questions. • Every question has an active imbedded link to send the explorer to safe web sites where they will discover the answers. • They then use the back arrow in the browser to return to the Dig and post their answers as full sentences and concepts. Welcome to the Camp Internet ‘Great Kiva Internet Dig’ Camp Internet Headquarters: . . . . Sun, Jul 15, 8:43PM PST (-0800 GMT)>>> Dig Question #1 – name three objects you can identify in the Chetro Kettle Kiva that had a ceremonial art or musical purpose. button ………….. Camp Internet Headquarters: . . . . Sun, Jul 15, 8:43PM PST (-0800 GMT)Now, let’s look at the floor plan of the kiva button Camp Internet Headquarters: . . . . Sun, Jul 15, 8:44PM PST (-0800 GMT)>>> Dig question #2 – what shape is the kiva ? ……………
Bckpack Student E-Mail Center Student Email CenterCheck the Camp weekly Calendar They Use the Student Center ~ open to registered classrooms only ~ • The Student Center offers our young learners access to tools and projects that compliment their learning. • This is a safe, secure and personalized environment with motivating tools and projects See What's in your Library Trail GuideVisits Students' Projects Ask a Question!
They File Expedition Field Reports~ a productive new way to SHARE knowledge ~ • Online Field Reportsuse Camp’s web technology to record GPS readings, on site observations of flora and fauna, and encourage students to become astute observers. • TeachersandStudents learn to publish multi-media field reports at Camp Internet HHooverVic: . . . . Wed, Aug 8, 11:33AM PST (-0800 GMT)Botanical Gardens by Howard Hoover The Mission G.P. Sible challenge required an examination of the flora at Botanical Gardens in Santa Barbara, August 6, 2001. Include in this briefing are the GPS readings for the twelve different locations I explored during my visit to the Botanical Gardens. A majority of the horticultural specimens examined during my visit to the Botanic Garden are found on the Channel Islands. The GPS locations are provided so others, who may be interested, can find the flora described in this field report.
New This Year ~ GIS Mapping Projects~ using the Camp’s custom GPS units to build an online data collection ~ Expedition GPS Field Report Form (fill in the boxes) Your Name:Name of Your School: Grade: Longitude: Latitude: Find my latitude & longitude (page will open in a new window) Altitude: Type of GPS unit used:
Camp’s Hands-on Activitiescompliment online learning Camp Supply Kits, presented in a Teacher’s Backpack, include color ‘Backpack’ Passport Folios and color incentive stickers for every Student, Grow Kits and Wildflower Seeds, Custom GPS units,Weather Station Kit for GIS mapping, and a Book/Artifact Kit.
Camp Internet Family Nights ~ online and in-class sessions that bring the generations together ~ • Camp welcomes parent and grandparent participation • Online sessions invite parents to participate selected Thursdays • Classrooms also open their doors for live Family Nights • Field trips can invite family participation and get the generations learning about technology together
Our Goal: Happy Campers Ho! Exploring, Discovering, Learning ~ Technology IS EMPOWERING!
District Initiative,10-49 teachers, custom teachers training and all materials, $795 each for full year Campus Initiative,2-9 teachers, all teachers training and materials, $895 each for full year. Individual teachers,all teacher training and materials, $995 each for full year. Larger District Program Initiativesallow for on-site training and custom materials packages 50-99 teachers $695, 100-149 Teachers $595, 150 or more teachers $495 GPS above one per 10, add’l Train-the-Trainers packages by arrangement, with add-on teacher discounts. Camp Internet~ comprehensive classroom subscription options ~
1.Decide numberof teachers, school sites, and students that will benefit. 2.Determine costsbased on Camp fees (and training travel, if any). 3.Locate appropriate funding source~ local PTAs have also helped. 4.Contact Campat 1-800-889-2823 to request total exact project costs. Or email camp@campinternet.net 5.Submit purchase orderto Camp Internet 6.Have each teacher register online,noting subject track, grade level, and number of students. 7.Submit paymentupon invoicing. 8.Have teachers attend live or online training! How to Start the Process~steps to bring Camp Internet to your classrooms or library~
Outcomes~ what your classrooms will realize ~ • Higher level of teacher technology skills • Enthusiastic young learner success stories • A high return on your technology investment • Improved scores in reading, science, and math for all grade levels Engaged learners ~ Students AND Teachers