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<br><br>http://magnoliapublichighschool.blogspot.com/<br><br>Magnolia Public High School is a proud educational institution for the communities of California. We produce talented, motivated and highly responsible students. We are serving with the aim of providing innovative education consisting of modern educational strategies. Our focus is on Science, Engineering, Math, Technology and the Arts.<br>
Performance Goal 2: All limited-English-proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. SCHOOL GOAL # _2_ Meet Annual Measurable Objectives AMO’s (Proficiency) for AYP school-wide for all limited English proficient (LEP) students in English Language Arts (ELA) & mathematics as required under NCLB. Grade levels to participate in this goal: Anticipated annual performance growth: Students in grades 6-12, including all sub-groups All LEP students will progress at least one proficiency level per year or more as measured through the CELDT Examination. Data to be collected to measure academic gains: Smarter Balanced Assessment California English Language Development Test (CELDT) PSAT/SAT Examination Study Sync Assessments Samples of student work Interim Assessments every 6-9 weeks Rubrics Quarterly Report Cards and Progress Reports Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing administered 3 times/year (Beginning, middle, and end of year assessment) Home Language Survey Regular, in-class formative and summative assessments Means of evaluating progress toward this goal: McGraw-Hill Study Sync State ELD Standards and Framework End of Unit Assessments Home Language Survey Benchmarks & Assessments Classroom observations and assessments in ELD & content areas Student Portfolios “Presentation of Learning” (POL) Additional academic support: After-school tutoring, extended school day, Saturday School (tutoring), and a support teacher in identified classrooms. Math Placement exam: During summer orientation Use of “Accelerated Reader” program during Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Planned Improvement in Programs for LEP Students and Immigrants (Title III and EIA/LEP) Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Magnolia Public Schools offers a variety of blogs to parents and students to ensure all are aware of the full spectrum of educations resources MPS provides. You can find a list of those blogs here: http://magnolialausd.blogspot.com/ http://lausdmagnolia.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliaschoollausd.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliacharterlausd.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliahighschoollausd.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliapublichighschool.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliacharterschools.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliascienceacademyblog.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliastemschool.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliacharterhighschool.blogspot.com/ http://magnoliapublichighschool.tumblr.com/ http://magnoliacharterschools.tumblr.com/ http://magnoliascienceacademy.tumblr.com/ http://magnoliastemschool.tumblr.com/ http://magnoliacharterhighschool.tumblr.com/
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chairs Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers IT Department SPED Department Teachers All: Ongoing Title III 1. The programs and activities to be developed, implemented, and administered and how the SSD will use these funds to meet all annual measurable achievement objectives described in Section 3122 Title III Funds Apportioned to Consortium Lead (MSA-1): In order to most efficiently utilize Title III funds within the consortium, an English Learner Program Coordinator has been hired to provide direct supplemental services to English learners and teachers of English learners in all consortium schools. The EL Coordinator will support implementation of the CMO’s EL Master Plan and program, as well as ensure that all EL services are being delivered to the member schools. Specifically, the EL Coordinator will provide the following services to consortium member schools: • Maintain, evaluate, and improve the EL Master Plan and program • Lead the EL Coordinators at school sites, including facilitating team meetings and coordinating the EL program strategic planning process • Oversee adoption and implementation of EL curriculum, including a newcomer program • Oversee CMO’s Title III improvement plan • Support ELD/ELA teachers and provide appropriate professional development • Conduct lesson demonstrations and facilitate classroom observations/walk- throughs to improve instruction for English learners Administrative Costs (Lead LEA) Services and Operating Expenses (including professional development) Salaries Benefits Total Grant Allocation (Consortium) $825 $19,315 $18,945 $2371 $41,456 quired Activities
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): strategies in accessing prior knowledge, pre- teaching vocabulary, use of visuals/realia, study guides, graphic organizers, and differentiating the language of classroom presentations and reading materials. Students are organized according to their English Language proficiency level and given appropriate English Language Development (ELD) instruction along with native English speakers. As part of MSA-1’s monitoring program, the CELDT examination is administered annually to students who are identified as English Language Learners. MSA-1 monitors students’ CELDT, State Assessment, and MAP results along with teacher recommendations to monitor student progress towards successful reclassification. MSA strives to reclassify EL students expeditiously but appropriately, and has established a school-wide literacy enrichment program to support the use of academic vocabulary across content areas for all students. During weekly professional development meetings that include all stakeholders at the school and within the Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation (the organization), discussion takes place around reviewing data and student work, Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): as well as monitoring student achievement across all grade levels and sub-groups. Our principal, Chief Academic Officer, EL Coordinator, Department Chairs, and teachers review CELDT results and closely monitor these students during weekly development meetings, and daily via CoolSIS (our SIS system) in order to provide additional academic supports, assess academic progress in all subjects, and assess students for reclassification. Our CoolSIS system is accessible to school staff, students, and parents, and is updated daily. During summer professional development training, the entire school staff reviews student achievement data, including state assessment data, CELDT, benchmark assessments, and other diagnostic assessments. The staff disaggregates data by sub-group, grade level, and subject. The goal is to provide all stakeholders with the information needed to guide instruction, professional development training, and academic supports for students in the upcoming school year. In addition, MSA-1 reviews all data to assess if the school has met the annual measurable objectives and sets goals for raising student achievement along with developing an academic plan in order to reach those goals. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): MSA-1 is continuously involved in a school-wide self-study reflection that focuses on what students are learning, how are they learning, and using data to assess the schools instructional and curricular focus towards raising student achievement. If the school has not met annual goals, then a strategic plan with a timeline is developed to clearly address each goal and criteria with the inclusion and feedback of teachers, resource specialists, the Chief Academic Officer, principal, CELDT Coordinator, and EL Coordinator. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chairs Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department ELD Teachers SPED Department Teachers All: Ongoing $20,000 $240 General Purpose Title I 2. How the SSD will hold elementary and secondary schools receiving funds under this subpart accountable for: meeting the annual measurable achievement objectives described in Section 3122 making adequate yearly progress for limited-English-proficient students (Section 1111(b)(2)(B) annually measuring the English proficiency of LEP students so that the students served develop English proficiency while meeting State Academic standards and student achievement (Section 1111(b)(1) MSA-1 adheres to California State guidelines for annually assessing the English language development of each EL as well as measuring for academic proficiency and monitoring academic progress. Funds are allocated to provide professional development training for all MSA-1 teachers on effective research-based strategies that are nationally recognized to accelerate academic achievement for all English Learners. In addition, our goal is for EL students to become proficient in academic English in order to meet and/or exceed proficiency in the common core state standards in Salaries Professional Development CELDT/EL Data Training
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics. EL students are provided with additional individualized instruction through the use of ELD software (such as Rosetta Stone) and from the ELD Teacher. Annual discussion takes place during the summer PD meeting, with a focus on: • School wide academic goals • All subgroups meeting proficiency standards • Meeting AYP, API, and State Assessment requirements for all students and sub- groups (including EL) As mentioned earlier, MSA-1 develops an annual Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) with the input of teachers, EL Coordinator, Principal, Parents, Chief Academic Officer, and students to address meeting/exceeding AMAO’s, AYP, API and proficiency levels for all sub-groups, which includes revisions/changes to the instructional program, curricular focus, and the types and frequency of assessments that will be administered during the school year. The plan is drafted and revised as progress and goals are met. All SPSA’s require approval by the governing board. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chair Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department ELD Teachers SPED Department Teachers All: Ongoing 3. How the SSD will promote parental and community participation in LEP programs MSA-1 strongly encourages all parents to participate in the School Site Council (SSC) and the Parent Task Force (PTF) to fully implement and sustain this support. MSA-1 provides the following services: Parent workshops Mandatory beginning of the year orientation Quarterly parent/teacher/student conferences School Site Council Parent Task Force (PTF) – school wide monthly Parent Committee meetings.
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chairs Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department ELD Teachers SPED Department Teachers All: Ongoing Salaries $10,000 General Purpose Categorical Block Grant Title I 4. How the SSD will provide high quality language instruction based on scientifically based research (per Sec. 3115(c). The effectiveness of the LEP programs will be determined by the increase in: •English proficiency •Academic achievement in the core academic subjects MSA-1 continues to offer the following EL program options designed to assist EL’s, raise their proficiency in the English language, and to support them in attaining grade-level content standards: Structured English Immersion (SEI) designed for ELLs at the earlier levels of English proficiency. Mainstream English Cluster (MEC) - designed for ELLs at the higher levels of English proficiency. These programs provide a systematic program for ELD and access to a standards-based curriculum in all subject areas.
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): EL’s participating in SEI and MEC programs are expected to meet ELD standards for their respective proficiency levels each year, and to increase by one level per year. SEI students who achieve reasonable fluency and proficiency in English will advance to MEC. SEI and MEC students are expected to meet or exceed common core state grade-level standards in the core subject areas as they meet or approach the Early Advanced level of English proficiency. EL’s who reach the CELDT Early Advanced (EA) or Advanced English proficiency levels, and are at or near grade level in core subject areas, will be reclassified to Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP). MSA-1 is committed to providing language- learning opportunities that build on each student’s strengths, and recognizing home language and culture as valued resources that are key tools in achieving academic success. MSA-1 recognizes that academic knowledge transfers across languages and provides access to grade level core curriculum. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): 5. High quality professional development for classroom teachers, Directors, administrators, and other school or community-based personnel: a. designed to improve the instruction and assessment of LEP children b. designed to enhance the ability of teachers to understand and use curricula, assessment measures, and instruction strategies for limited- English-proficient students c. based on scientifically based research demonstrating the effectiveness of the professional development in increasing children’s English proficiency or substantially increasing the teachers’ subject matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, and teaching skills d. long term effect will result in positive and lasting impact on teacher performance in the classroom In order to meet the needs of our EL students in all proficiency levels, teachers are trained in a comprehensive, standards and research based, high quality EL Professional Development Program. Coaching is provided to utilize effective instructional theory and strategies Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chairs Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers SPED Department Teachers All: Ongoing Trainings/ Workshops $18,000 (see Question 1) Title III (see Question 1)
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source for second language acquisition, to accelerate English fluency, and to develop systematic academic English proficiency for English Language Learners. Title III funds are used to implement identified professional development activities that integrate current research and scientifically based theory. Components of the professional development program include, but are not limited to: • Designing and implementing differentiated, standards-based instruction in all core academic areas, including how to integrate cultural and linguistic diversity within the school/community • Implementing academic language across all content areas to support the learning of academic English for EL students • The ability to systematically identify and develop resources for differentiating instruction in the teaching of core content as well as reading, writing, listening and speaking Required Activities
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): • Understanding the vital role of assessments in guiding and evaluating instructional and programmatic practices • The ability to design and implement formal and informal assessments using classroom/student data to differentiate instruction while evaluating the efficacy of instruction In addition, Title III funds support professional development activities that enhance teachers’ abilities to understand and use curricula, assessments, and instructional strategies for LEP students. Professional development provides teachers with presentations and workshops to develop a high level of expertise and specialization to work with EL students in raising their academic achievement. The current instructional program for EL students has been developed to utilize state-approved resources in collaboration with ELA teachers. This ensures that EL students are provided access to standards-based instruction. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Required Activities
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): The Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation provides professional development meetings, workshop, trainings and conferences for all school administrators and Principals in the following areas: • Adhering to federal, state and local laws regarding LEP students – Policies & Procedures • Workshops offered by the Los Angeles County Office of Education specifically focusing on the needs of EL’s in the areas of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and Accountability. In addition, discussion takes place addressing the academic needs of EL students, reclassification rates, data, CELDT Reporting, and research- based best practices. Monthly meetings for all Magnolia Science Academy Principals where discussion and collaboration takes place regarding the needs of EL students, analyzing/disaggregating assessment data, parent involvement, effective PD, and best practices. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): • On a monthly basis, School Principals from the cluster Magnolia Charter Schools meet to discuss and address the needs of EL students, raising student achievement, increasing parent involvement, and implementing professional development workshops for school staff. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Describe the following specific activities addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required activities must be addressed): 1. Upgrade to program objectives and effective instructional strategies, if applicable To upgrade program objectives and effective instructional strategies, MSA-1 analyzes a variety of data that includes specific assessment measures, program observations and student data, to assist with program review. In addition, MSA-1 has adopted the Achieve 3000 Program, which is used as a supplement. Achieve 3000 is a research-based intensive reading intervention program designed to meet the needs of students whose reading achievement is below the proficient level. Instruction and practice are customized according to each student’s abilities but the program is delivered in a group setting utilizing technology, direct instruction and graded reading level materials that access both reading for pleasure and subject matter materials. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chair Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department All: Ongoing See Goal 1 General Purpose Categorical Block Title I Allowable Activities
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): Achieve 3000 benefits English Language Learners by providing the following opportunities: • Cooperative learning activities conducted in English in all classes that serve to immerse ELL students in the English language while providing opportunities to practice listening, comprehension, and speaking skills • Differentiated texts with adaptive content to address the needs of each individual learner. • Continuous, ongoing assessment to monitor the progress of each student • Frequent writing assignment in all classes that give students opportunities to practice writing and editing in English • After-school programs and tutoring • Saturday School Tutoring • Collaborative learning experiences through club projects Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): 2. Any: tutorials and academic or vocational education for LEP students and/or intensified instruction In addressing the needs of the identified students, the Title III Intervention program utilizes consistent, systematic instruction to: • Provide intensive and extensive opportunities for reading • Acquisition of new knowledge and vocabulary through reading and writing. • Read and comprehend leveled fiction and textual materials • Develop an enjoyment for reading • Engage in meaningful reading and writing • Engage in expository narrative, response to literature and persuasive writing projects Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chairs Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers SPED Department Teachers All: Ongoing Materials $2,000 General Purpose Categorical Block
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): • EL students are provided with multiple opportunities to apply learning in teacher- guided groups, small group, and one-on- one instruction. • Writing instruction includes shared, modeled, paired and independent writing. Students work towards meeting grade-level ELA and grade-span ELD Standards for writing applications and conventions. • In order to encourage independent reading for pleasure and academic advancement, EL students have access to an extensive collection of material at appropriate reading levels. Students are required to read daily during Silent Sustained Reading (SSR). Instruction is designed and modified using information from on-going formal and informal assessment of students’ strengths and needs. Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): 3. How programs for English Learners are coordinated with other relevant programs and services: As a charter school, MSA-1 has the ability to create small tutorials that support EL students’ English language acquisition through the after school tutoring program. Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chairs Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department ELD Teachers SPED Department Teachers All: Ongoing Principal Salaries $1,500 General Purpose General 4. Any other activities designed to improve the English proficiency and academic achievement of LEP children
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): In order to improve English proficiency and academic achievement, MSA-1 has established interim assessments that are used to identify interventions and supplemental programs targeted for EL students’ individual needs. Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chair Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers Teachers All: Ongoing Purpose
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): 5. Community participation programs, family literacy services, and parent outreach and training activities provided to LEP children and their families – a. To improve English language skills of LEP children b. To assist parents in helping their children to improve their academic achievement and becoming active participants in the education of their children In order to encourage parent participation in ‘Parent/Community’ involvement and Educational programs, funds are used to provide childcare services for parent conferences, and major parental involvement events. In addition, MSA-1 utilizes funds to sponsor Parental Involvement School-wide activities including: Working with the adolescent student at home (reading/math) Monitoring homework and improving study habits Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Department Chair Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers Teachers All: Ongoing $2,000 General Purpose Categorical Block Grants Title I Salaries Materials
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): Effective communication and interactions with MSA-1 Staff Positive methods to address discipline issues Developing time management skills Developing computer skills Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): 6. Efforts to improve the instruction of LEP children by providing for – a. The acquisition or development of educational technology or instructional materials b. Access to, and participation in, electronic networks for materials, training, and communication c. Incorporation of the above resources into curricula and programs MSA-1 has an instructional technology department that supports all teachers/staff in the implementation of technology in daily instruction. MSA-1’s IT Department provides trouble-shooting support for the entire school, including computer labs, and other forms of technology. Teachers provide opportunities for students to develop computer literacy skills, utilize computer technology in developing Power Point Presentations, research papers, etc. MSA-1 has allocated funds for the development and maintenance of the school’s website which provides parents access to the school’s calendar, course standards and syllabus, testing dates, board policies, and upcoming events. The website also provides the following resources: Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble Principal Chief Academic Officer Department Chair Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department ELD Teachers Teachers All: Ongoing Salaries Materials Technology & Software $3,500 General Purpose Categorical Block Grants Title I
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): • Parent/Student Handbook • Parent Friendly Website • Parent/Student Calendar of Events • Access to COOLSIS (Student Information System) to access attendance records, academic grades, behavior log, school wide announcements, daily homework assignments, communication with teachers/staff, etc.). • Access to the Accelerated Reader website MSA-1 will continue to allocate funds for the purchase of computers for student and teacher use. MSA-1 utilizes Rosetta Stone and Renaissance Learning software to provide individualized instruction to ELL students. Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble
ActivitiDescribe the following specific activities activities must be addressed): 7. Other activities consistent with Title III or EIA/LEP funds. N/A Persons Involved and Timeline Allowa addressing the use of Title III and/or EIA/LEP supplemental funds (note that the required Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source ble
Plans to Notify and Involve Parents of Limited-English-Proficient Students Parents of Limited-English-Proficient students must be notified: outreach efforts include holding and sending notice of opportunities for regular meetings for the purpose of formulating and responding to recommendations from parents. Describe how you will meet these requirements 1. SSD informs the parent/s of an LEP student of each of the following (per Sec. 3302 of NCLB): a. the reasons for the identification of their child as LEP and in need of placement in a language instruction educational program b. the child’s level of English proficiency, how such level was assessed, and the status of the student’s academic achievement c. the method of instruction used in the program in which their child is or will be, participating, and the methods of instruction used in other available, programs, including how such programs differ in content, instruction goals, and use of English and a native language in instruction d. how the program in which their child is, or will be participating will meet the educational strengths and needs of the child Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Chief Academic Officer Department Chairs Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department CELDT Coordinator ELD Teachers Parents All: Ongoing Materials Mailing expenses for annual required notifications $100 General Purpose Categorical Block Title I Required Activities
Parents of Limited-English-Proficient students must be notified: outreach efforts include holding and sending notice of opportunities for regular meetings for the purpose of formulating and responding to recommendations from parents. Describe how you will meet these requirements e. how such program will specifically help their child learn English, and meet age appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduation f. expected rate of graduation from secondary school for such program if funds under this title are used for children in secondary schools; g. in the case of a child with a disability, how such program meets the objectives of the individualized education program of the child h. information pertaining to parental rights that includes written guidance detailing – i. the right that parents have to have their child immediately removed from such program upon their request ii. the options that parents have to decline to enroll their child in such program or to choose another program or method of instruction, if available iii. the SSD assists parents in selecting among various programs and methods of instruction, if more than one program or method is offered by the SSD Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Required Activities
Parents of Limited-English-Proficient students must be notified: outreach efforts include holding and sending notice of opportunities for regular meetings for the purpose of formulating and responding to recommendations from parents. Describe how you will meet these requirements At MSA-1, parents of EL students are notified of their child’s prior CELDT results (if available) within 30 days of the beginning of each school year. In addition, parents are informed of the following assessment results: Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Language Assessment Results: CELDT • SBAC Assessment • Student Academic Status MSA-1 provides parents with an explanation on why the student has been identified as an English Language Learner (LEP) as well as a description of their child’s placement, and the EL Instructional Program Options and support services. The CELDT is administered during the first 4 weeks of the school year, based on the responses provided in the Home Language Survey. Students who enter MSA-1 with CELDT scores in the beginning, early intermediate, or low intermediate proficiency levels (1-2), with a limited number of school enrollment years will be placed in an English Language Development Class. Limited English Proficient (LEP) students have access to a multitude of additional intervention and support programs. Our goal is to accelerate their English language proficiency to facilitate their successful transition to mainstream English classes. Students who enter MSA-1 with CELDT scores in the high intermediate, early advanced, or advanced levels (3-5) of language proficiency are placed in Mainstream Required Activities
Parents of Limited-English-Proficient students must be notified: outreach efforts include holding and sending notice of opportunities for regular meetings for the purpose of formulating and responding to recommendations from parents. Describe how you will meet these requirements R e q Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Parents of Limited-English-Proficient students must be notified: outreach efforts include holding and sending notice of opportunities for regular meetings for the purpose of formulating and responding to recommendations from parents. Describe how you will meet these requirements English Learners are provided with access to every intervention program available to students at MSA-1 with a heavy focus on ensuring they have access to supports through the use of: 1) Academic language, the deliberate teaching of academic vocabulary throughout the curriculum to increase reading comprehension and access to higher level texts; 2) Saturday Tutoring, is an opportunity for students to take part in two hour academic enrichment classes in core subjects on Saturday mornings; 3) Daily after-school tutoring 4) The language cohort model, whereby English learners in Mainstream English Classes (MEC) are grouped by language proficiency level, as identified by their CELDT score, within their general education classroom. This allows the teacher to target language objectives tied to language development standards within the English content standards. Instruction is provided by an ELD teacher with advanced training in research-based strategies to assist students in increasing their English proficiency while learning academic subjects taught in English. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source
Parents of Limited-English-Proficient students must be notified: outreach efforts include holding and sending notice of opportunities for regular meetings for the purpose of formulating and responding to recommendations from parents. Describe how you will meet these requirements Note: Notifications must be provided to parents of students enrolled since the previous school year, no later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year. If students enroll after the beginning of the school year, parents must be notified within two weeks of the child being placed in such a program. MSA-1 will adhere to all federal and state requirements for notifying parents. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department All: Ongoing Principal Dean of Academics/ Counselor IT Department All: Ongoing Materials $200 General Purpose Materials $200 General Purpose SSD Parent Notification Failure to Make Progress If the SSD fails to make progress on the annual measurable achievement objectives, it will inform parents of a child identified for participation in such program, or participating in such program, of such failure not later than 30 days after such failure occurs. MSA-1 will adhere to all federal and state requirements to notify parents if the school fails to make progress on the annual measurable outcomes.
Plans to Provide Services for Immigrants IF the SSD is receiving or planning to receive Title III Immigrant supplemental funding, complete this table (per Sec. 3115(e)). Please describe: GCMS is not eligible to participate in this program. 1. Family literacy, parent outreach, and training activities designed to assist parents to become active participants in the education of their children. MSA-1 and all member schools will design workshops targeted to support parents of English learners, invite and encourage parents to participate, and monitor parent attendance through sign-in sheets. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditure s Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers Parents All: Ongoing Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Allowable Activities Title III – See question 1 under required activities 2. Support for personnel, including teacher aides who have been specifically trained, or are being trained, to provide services to immigrant children and youth. Magnolia Public Schools has a contract with the Los Angeles County Office of Education to provide our teachers with training on ELD and SDAIE
IF the SSD is receiving or planning to receive Title III Immigrant supplemental funding, complete this table (per Sec. 3115(e)). Please describe: GCMS is not eligible to participate in this program. strategies, which will help newcomers with language acquisition and provide access to the content. Our member schools in San Diego and Santa Clara will be utilizing resources and workshops provided by their individual county educational offices. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditure s Estimated Cost Funding Source Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers Parents All: Ongoing Principal Chief Academic Officer EL Program Coordinator Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers Parents Salaries and services Preliminary Entitlements Per Member School: MSA-1: $528 MSA-2: $1131 MSA-3: $151 MSA-4: $151 Title III Immigrant 3. Provision of tutorials, mentoring, and academic or career counseling for immigrant children and youth. Magnolia Public Schools supplemental immigrant funds to provide newcomers with additional tutoring with the school’s ELD teachers, as well as counseling and mentoring services in partnerships with local organizations. will be using
IF the SSD is receiving or planning to receive Title III Immigrant supplemental funding, complete this table (per Sec. 3115(e)). Please describe: GCMS is not eligible to participate in this program. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditure s Estimated Cost Funding Source All: Ongoing MSA-5: $754 MSA-6: $603 MSA-7: $302 MSA-8: $151 MSA-San Diego: $528 MSA-Santa Ana: $528 MSA-Santa Clara: $1056 Total Amount: $5883
IF the SSD is receiving or planning to receive Title III Immigrant supplemental funding, complete this table (per Sec. 3115(e)). Please describe: GCMS is not eligible to participate in this program. Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditure s Estimated Cost Funding Source Principal EL Program Coordinator Dean of Academics/ Counselor ELD Teachers 4. Identification and acquisition of curricular materials, educational software, and technologies to be used in the program carried out with funds. In order to support language acquisition for newcomers, MSA-1 has purchased Rosetta Stone for students who need additional support. This item has already been purchased with previous funds. 5. Basic instruction services that are directly attributable to the presence in the school district involved of immigrant children and youth, including the payment of costs of providing additional classroom supplies, costs of transportation, or such other costs as are directly attributable to such additional basic instruction services. N/A
IF the SSD is receiving or planning to receive Title III Immigrant supplemental funding, complete this table (per Sec. 3115(e)). Please describe: GCMS is not eligible to participate in this program. 6. Other instruction services designed to assist immigrant children and youth to achieve in elementary and secondary schools in the USA, such as programs of introduction to the educational system and civics education. N/A Persons Involved and Timeline Related Expenditure s Estimated Cost Funding Source 7. Activities coordinated with community- based organizations, institutions of higher education, private sector entities, or other entities with expertise in working with immigrants, to assist parents of immigrant children and youth by offering comprehensive community services. N/A Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)