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An Overview of the Requirements for School Improvement. Presented by Susan Whiting, Jamie Holiman, Randy Speer, Phil Denney, Kirsten Braman Federal Instructional Improvement Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Federal Programs Conference September 27-29, 2009.
An Overview of the Requirements for School Improvement Presented by Susan Whiting, Jamie Holiman, Randy Speer, Phil Denney, Kirsten Braman Federal Instructional Improvement Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Federal Programs Conference September 27-29, 2009
MeetingAdequate Yearly Progress • Participation Rate < 5% LND • Cell Size 30 • Annual Proficiency Target • Confidence Interval • Growth • Safe Harbor (not applied to Growth) • Safe Harbor Confidence Interval (not applied to Growth) • Additional Indicator
Meeting AYP • Each subgroup must meet or exceed the state goal • Any school not meeting AYP fortwo consecutive years in same content area or additional indicators will be identified as a school in improvement • Identification will take place before the beginning of the school year following the failure to make AYP.
School Improvement • Level One – not meeting AYP for two consecutive years Notify parents Offer public school choice Develop 2-year school improvement plan Begin implementation of plan Use 10% of Title I building allocation for PD
Parent Notification • The Meaning of the Notification • A comparison of the schools’ academic achievement with other schools in the district and state • Reasons for the identification and what the district, school and state will do to address the problem
Parent Notification(continued) • Ways parents can become involved in addressing the academic issues that caused the school to be identified for school improvement • An explanation of the parent’s right to transfer – if applicable • An explanation of how to obtain Supplemental Educational Services – if applicable • DESE Templates
School Improvement (continued) Level One, Delayed if the school meets AYP in the first year after being identified for school improvement, the school will stay in Level One, Delayed and continue to implement the requirements for School Improvement, Level One
School Improvement (continued) • Level Two – not meeting AYP for three consecutive years Notify parents Continue to offer public school choice Offer SES to low-income families Continue implementation of plan 10% of Title I building allocation for PD
School Improvement (continued) Level Two, Delayed if the school meets AYP in the second year after being identified for school improvement, the school will stay in Level Two, Delayed and continue to implement the requirements for School Improvement, Level Two
School Improvement (continued) Level Three – Corrective Action Notify parents Continue to offer Choice & SES 10% of Title I funds for PD is not required but encouraged LEA selects the Corrective Action Measure
Corrective Action Measures • Replace school staff relevant to the failure • Institute and implement a researched based and professionally developed curriculum • Significantly decrease the management authority at the school level • Appoint an outside expert to advised the school of its progress
Corrective Action Measures (continued) • Extend the school year or school day for the school • Restructure the internal organizational structure of the school • Provide scientifically research based professional development
Corrective Action(continued) Required Needs Assessment DSAC II – on line, OSEDA Decision Support Architecture Consortium or something similar Revised School Improvement Plan reflects the needs assessment, the Corrective Action Measure with strategies that explain how the CAM will support the needed changes.
Corrective Action (continued) Level 3 – Corrective Action Delayed If the school meets AYP at the end of the Corrective Action year, the school is in Corrective Action – Delayed and continues to implement the requirements for Corrective Action
School Improvement (continued) Level Four – Restructuring Planning • Continue to offer Choice & SES • Notify parents and teachers of the LEA’s decision to restructure the school and allow for a comment period, along with the opportunity for both groups to be involved in the restructuring plans before such plans take effect.
Level Four – Restructuring Planning The LEA must… • Evaluate the school improvement plan and incorporate the restructuring plan, to take effect within one year, to do one or more of the following: • Reopen the school as a public or charter school; • Replace all or most of the staff who are relevant to the failure to make AYP;
Level Four – Restructuring Planning (continued) • Enter into a contract with an entity, such as a private management company with a demonstrated record of effectiveness, to operate the public school; • Turn the operation of the school over to DESE, if permitted by State law and agreeable to DESE;
Level Four – Restructuring Planning (continued) • Implement any other major restructuring of the school’s governance arrangement that makes fundamental reforms, such as significant changes in the school’s staffing and governance, to improve student academic achievement in the schools and that has substantial promise of enabling the school to make AYP.
School Improvement(continued) Level Five – Restructuring Implementation Notify parents Continue to offer Choice Continue to offer SES Restructure (implement plan) Restructuring Implementation lasts until the school meets AYP for two consecutive years
School Improvement • Within 3 months, an identified school must develop a school improvement plan, in consultation with parents, school staff, district, and outside experts. • The LEA must provide technical assistance during the planning and implementation of the plan.
The school plan must… • Cover a 2-year period • Assure that the school will spend annually not less than 10% of the building’s Title I funds or its equivalent on professional development • Establish annual measurable objectives for continuous and substantial progress to ensure that each subgroup will ultimately meet proficiency
The school plan must also… • Incorporate strategies based on scientificallyvalid research to address specific areas that caused the failure. • Align strategies with MSIP standards. • Adopt policies and practices concerning the school’s core academic subjects that have the greatest likelihood of raising student achievement to meet the state proficient level.
And… • Provide effective Professional Development that supports the strategies and incorporates a teacher-mentoring program • Provide effective parent involvement • Incorporate, as appropriate, extendedlearning activities
ePeGs electronic Planning electronic Grants system GOAL Areas • Student Performance • Highly Qualified Staff • Facilities, Support and Instructional Resources • Parent and Community Involvement • Governance
ePeGS • Measureable Objectives – specific targets are identified and measured by quantifiable information. • Strategies – explain how the objective will be accomplished. Identify programs and practices to be implemented. • Action Steps – divide the strategies into more specific responsibilities and activities necessary to implement the strategies.
Measurable Objectives • 98% of students will read at or above grade level by the end of their fourth grade school year. • 80% of the staff will effectively implement identified instructional strategies by the end of the 09-10 school year. • There will be a 25% increase in parent participation by the end of the 09-10 school year.
Strategies • Obj. #1 • A Literacy Coach will train teachers in effective best practices for reading. • A three-tiered instructional model will be implemented in grades K-4. • Obj. #2 • Teachers will participate in professional development on a Three-tiered instructional Model. • Walkthrough observations will be conducted daily
Strategies • Obj. #3 • Two parents will be part of the School Improvement Planning Team • Teachers will make a minimum of 2 positive phones call home per week. • A parent volunteer program will be developed. • Curriculum nights will be held each semester.
Funding • Schools identified for Title I School Improvement will receive additional School Improvement funds to support the plan. • The funds are tied to specific strategies • School Improvement 1003 (a)
Funding • Level 1 - $40,000 for a two year period • Level 2 Delayed - $20,000 • Level 3 Corrective Action - $15,000 • Levels of Restructuring - $10,000
Non-Title I Identification • No Federal Sanctions • No Additional Funds • Create Objectives and Strategies based on AYP Status • Check strategies: • CSIP and NCLB School Improvement Plan
LEA Responsibilities • The school district must provide technical assistance to its school(s) during the planning, development, and implementation of the School Improvement Plan(s).
LEA Responsibilities(continued) • District must provide all students in the Title I school the option to transfer to another of its public schools not identified for school improvement --if funds are insufficient to satisfy all transfer requests, the lowest achieving of low-income students have priority fortransportation.
LEA Responsibilities(continued) • District must set aside an amount equal to at least 20% of district Title I funds for transportation for choice in first year of school improvement. • In second and subsequent years, district must set aside an amount equal to 20% of the Title I allocation for choice and SES. At least 5% must be used for SES.
LEA Responsibilities(continued) • Choice option is for all students in the school in improvement. • Only low-income (free/reduced lunch) students eligible for Supplemental Educational Services (SES).
Exiting School Improvement If a school identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring makesAYP for two consecutive years in the content areas and additional indicator, the school will exit school improvement.
School Improvement • should be about reforming what is not working based on data • focuses on academic success for all students through effective instruction • and professional development • is a continuous process making changes when things aren’t working • involves all stakeholders
DESE ASSISTANCE • Contact your Federal Instructional Improvement Supervisor for assistance with writing the plan. • The FII Supervisor can help you look at data, provide you resources for writing the plan, and help with the online form - ePeGs • The FII Supervisor will review and give final approval of the plan.
Resources Federal Programs Home Page http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/fedprog Understanding Your AYP http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/sia/dar/ UnderstandingYourAYP.pdf Best Evidence Encyclopedia www.bestevidence.org
Resources School and District Improvement http://www.centerii.org/improvement/ http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/guid/ schoolimprovementfuid.pdf School Choice http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/guid/ schoolchoiceguid.doc Parent Involvement http://www.families-schools.org/
Resources http://www.centeroninstruction.org/ www.interventioncentral.com www.specialconnections.ku.edu http://manila.esu6.org/instructionalstrategies/