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Investing in the restaurant business can be an extremely good idea but it also comes with a huge responsibility as well. You need to have caution and high standards in order to have good healthy food available for your customers. This Level 1 Food Hygiene and Safety course can help you achieve that goal by giving you simple tips that help in improving your restaurants’ hygiene & safety.<br>See more...https://bit.ly/2ONtvHG
10/24/2018 Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Manager - John Academy LOGIN LOGIN Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Manager Manager Thinking of owning or managing your own restaurant? This is a highly skilled profession which requires pro?ciency in all aspects of the business. It’s not an easy career to embark on but know that these courses could just help make your quest that much easier by providing you with the learning required to be a successful restaurateur. Write Write a thorough business plan Manage Manage yourself, others, and your money Identify Identify your target market https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-restaurateurs-restaurant-manager-learning-path/ 1/8
10/24/2018 Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Manager - John Academy Level 1 Food Hygiene and Safety Investing in the restaurant business can be an extremely good idea but it also comes with a huge responsibility as well. You need to have caution and high standards in order to have good healthy food available for your customers. This Level 1 Food Hygiene and Safety course can help you achieve that goal by giving you simple tips that help in improving your restaurants’ hygiene & safety. It is an absolute necessity for you have clean premises given that otherwise your restaurant could be shut down by the health service. Through this course, you will be prepped to regulation standards by initially learning about food hygiene and HACCP. You will also discover the physical, chemical and biological hazards faced in the food industry, and their precautionary measures. Read More Level 2 HACCP Training Course HACCP is known as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, and it is a standard used in the maintenance of quality in the food and beverage industry. Ensuring that consumers get good quality food is a mandatory requirement by law, and that is why there is a good demand for people who know about HACCP standards. You can start your career in this industry with the help of this Level 2 HACCP Training Course, and work your way up to the quality manager position. The course is divided into three small sections which gives you a general idea about HACCP. You initially start with understanding what HACCP is, why these standards are needed, and the fundamentals of HACCP. Read More https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-restaurateurs-restaurant-manager-learning-path/ 2/8
10/24/2018 Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Manager - John Academy https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-restaurateurs-restaurant-manager-learning-path/ Level 2 Certi?cate in Food Hygiene and 3/8
10/24/2018 Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Manager - John Academy Level 2 Certi?cate in Food Hygiene and Safety for Catering This Level 2 Food Hygiene and Safety for Catering Level 2 Food Hygiene and Safety for Catering course has been designed to help you improve your knowledge of handling food your knowledge of handling food in a catering environment. You will discover to prepare and serve food in the service industry. You will also discover of hazards and their preventive measures, and much more much more including temperature control and handling basics. improve discover the legal requirements discover HACCP, the multiple levels Knowledge and understanding of basic food hygiene and safety is a legal requirement so as not to contaminate food and to be safe at work at all times. Read More Diploma in Restaurant and Food Management This fantastic diploma in restaurant and food management course is designed for the individuals who are looking for a change in their career. People who are already into this industry but are willing to enhance their skills and wish to undertake further training. This course will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to main sectors of the service industry. It will also teach you about the di?erent types of food and beverage products, host responsibilities, catering utilities and kitchen commodities. Read More https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-restaurateurs-restaurant-manager-learning-path/ 4/8
10/24/2018 Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Manager - John Academy Level 2 Certi?cate in Hospitality Management Hospitality Management is a study of people who want to be part of the hospitality industry. In this course the meaning and de?nition of hospitality management will be discussed You will learn the https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-restaurateurs-restaurant-manager-learning-path/ 5/8
10/24/2018 Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Manager - John Academy course, the meaning and de?nition of hospitality management will be discussed. You will learn the procedures of hospitality management and how you should follow these steps. Then you will learn its history and how it was developed through time. You will also learn the scopes of hospitality, classi?cation of hospitality organisations, and most especially the in?uence which a?ects the industry. Read More Kitchen Management Course Regardless of whether you’re new to the business and wanting to begin a career in kitchen management or an e?ective pro?cient planning to propel your profession, this course will enable you to enhance your basic skills in kitchen operations management. As a graduate, you’ll be set up to look for work in a variety of settings, including eateries, school cafeterias, private enterprises, and establishments. This course introduces you to the fundamentals of kitchen management. You will ?nd out about the components that must be considered when planning the kitchen, for example, the necessary kitchen utensils, sort of eatery and kitchen dangers. Read More https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-restaurateurs-restaurant-manager-learning-path/ 6/8
10/24/2018 Become a Restaurateurs/ Restaurant Manager - John Academy ABOUT US ABOUT US We are a company who is best known for o?ering awarding body accredited courses for anyone who wishes to take their professional life to the next level. 11 Floor, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7BB 020 3744 3990 info@johnacademy.co.uk CERTIFICATE CODE CERTIFICATE CODE Enter Certi?cate Code VALIDATE VALIDATE IMPORTANT LINKS IMPORTANT LINKS About Us FREE CV REVIEW For Business Redeem Voucher Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Cookie Policy FAQ Contact FREE CV REVIEW FREE CV REVIEW https://www.johnacademy.co.uk/career-paths/become-a-restaurateurs-restaurant-manager-learning-path/ 7/8
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