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Atascocita Springs Elementary

Welcome to first grade at Atascocita Springs Elementary School! Our curriculum follows the state-mandated TEKS, focusing on reading, spelling, math, science, and social studies. Math objectives include mastering benchmark scores. Our literacy program progresses from level 3 to 16. We emphasize positive behavior with P.A.W.S. values and a classroom behavior plan. Homework assignments and dismissal procedures are detailed, and parent-teacher communication is key to your child's success.

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Atascocita Springs Elementary

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  1. Atascocita Springs Elementary Welcome to First Grade! Where …..You Matter, Community Matters, Relationships Matter, Innovation Matters, Learning Matters, We Matter !

  2. 1st Grade Teachers You, ME, WE MATTER ! Kerri Kohler Sarah Swain Kathlyn Garrett Melissa Swann Bridget Mullin Nydia Higgins Secilia Cardenas AutumButsch Mindy Corley

  3. CurriculumOur curriculum follows the state mandated TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)Reading: Guided reading program (ability grouped, flexible grouping) Daily 5 and Café to learn Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Vocabulary Spelling: Words Their Way: Phonics based, word building, word families, etc. Math: Investigations/Envisions: Guided Lessons, Hands-On Workshop & Whole Group DiscussionsScience:Hands- On Experiments, Discovery & Inquiry Methods Social Studies: Integrated in Core SubjectsMath ObjectivesIn addition to continuing to read daily, it is also important that your child practice his/her math facts throughout the school year. A child can be retained in first grade, if their benchmark scores do not show mastery.

  4. August- Level 3September/ October- Level 4 Level 3- “I like oranges,” said the boy. Do you? “No,” said the girl. “I like apples. Do you?” Level 4- “Look at the rain,” said Dad. “Get your umbrella.” Kim looked in the closet. “No umbrella,” she said. *Many repetitive c-v-c words with picture clues *Many high frequency words

  5. November- Level 6 Level 6- Lee and Pam liked to play after school. But on Monday Lee went to art class after school. “No time to play with Pam,” he said. *students will use word chunks to help decode words *moving away from finger-pointing *reading in phrases and less word-by-word

  6. December – Level 8 Level 8 It was time to take the books back to the library. “ We had ten books,” said the teacher. “But now we have nine!” We must find the lost book.” Two boys looked under the rug. They found one black bug and one penny, but no book. *decoding slightly longer words *using long vowels sounds including two-letter vowels like –ay, -ea, -ai *making connections to text, predicts, rereading to check meaning

  7. January- Level 10 Level 10 One morning Mom said, “Let’s make lunch for Grandma.” “Yes! Let’s surprise Grandma!” said Ben and Rose. Dad and Ben made some soup. “Grandma loves soup and so do I,” said Dad. *use short and long vowels and decoding two and three-syllable words *learns new words *makes and checks predictions, using words more than pictures *noticing and using puncutation for phrasing

  8. February/ March – Level 12 Level 12 Allie wished she had a pet. She wanted a pet to play with and to love. On Monday, Allie helped Lee take care of his dog. She loved the dog, but he was not her pet. On Wednesday, Allied helped Sam. She loved the bird, but it was not her pet. *uses new words in retell or rereads new words for meaning *deeper understanding of characters *uses intonation and expression *moves quickly through longer text

  9. March/ April – Level 14 Level 14 Kate and her family moved into a new house. She would have to go to a new school in the morning. Kate was sad. She wasn’t sure she would like her new school. She wasn’t sure she would have any friends. Kate’s father took her to her new classroom. The teacher smiled at her and said, “Sit here by me.” The teacher read a story to the class. Kate liked the story, but she still wasn’t sure she would like her new school.

  10. Beginning of May Level 16 Birds make nests in the Spring. Mother robin finds mud and twigs and leaves. She makes a round nest. She puts soft grass inside the nest. Birds lay eggs. Mother robin lays on egg each day until she has about four eggs. Robin eggs are light blue. Birds keep their eggs warm. Mother robin sits on the nest to keep the eggs warm. She turns the eggs each day. *decoding silent letters like –kn, -wr, -gn *reading silently *builds schema on less familiar topics *reading and applying all strategies to non-fiction

  11. Behavior/P.A.W.S. • Positive • Accountable • Willing • Safe • “I Matter” & “We Matter” Tickets / Office referrals • Classroom Behavior Plan - Daily Conduct/Work Habits Folder • Each student begins their day on Blue. • Purple, Blue,Green, Yellow, Orange, Red (initial and return Folder Daily)

  12. Homework • Reading – 10 minutes recommended per night • A Homework Menu will be sent home each week. Please make sure your child is keeping up with assignments. Some assignments are written and others are verbal. Written assignments will be due on Friday.

  13. Dismissal • Leaving early – Please send a note with your child in the morning. • Change of transportation: • WALKERS must designate Location 1, 2,3 or 4. • Send note with child in the morning. • Need to call front office on or before 2:00pm 281-641-3600 • If change involves riding bus, parents MUST call Bus Barn 281-641-8720

  14. Teacher Information Please keep us up-to-date on any changes in dismissal or emergency information throughout the school year. Rain Day Dismissal ? Emergency numbers? (Student Info. Cards) It is VERY IMPORTANT that we have working numbers to call you in case of emergencies. If you have not received an email from me yet, please let me know tonight.

  15. We are looking forward to a fabulous 1st Grade year! THANK YOU FOR COMING

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