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Flexible Network Striping

Flexible Network Striping. Asfandyar Qureshi. RQE: 21 st August 2006. Medical Emergencies. Emergency 911 call Ambulance arrives EMTs’ initial examination Transport to hospital Doctors begin treatment.

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Flexible Network Striping

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  1. Flexible Network Striping Asfandyar Qureshi RQE: 21st August 2006

  2. Medical Emergencies Emergency • 911 call • Ambulance arrives • EMTs’ initial examination • Transport to hospital • Doctors begin treatment Due to the EMTs’ lack of medical training, doctors do not believe they can depend on EMTs for much beyond speedy transport.

  3. Mobile Telemedicine • Remote diagnosis and treatment • Provide advanced remote diagnostics capabilities • Allow doctors to examine patients in-transit • What we want to send • Unidirectional VIDEO (~600 kbit/sec) • Bidirectional AUDIO (~30 kbit/sec) • Low-rate Physiological data (EKG, Heart-rate, etc)

  4. System Deployment • Plan to deploy the system in order to conduct multiple medical studies • Initial deployment: Spring ’07 • Project partners • Boston: Massachusetts General Hospital • Orlando: Orange County Florida’s Emergency Medical Services • Economic constraints • Limited/progressive deployment must be easy • Initial medical study: two ambulances • Cannot amortize the cost over many ambulances • Use existing wireless infrastructure

  5. Talk Structure • Motivation • Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWANs) • Performance overview • Horde: network striping middleware • Network striping • Horde API • Horde internals • Channel managers and transmission slots • Packet scheduling

  6. WWAN Performance Overview • CDMA EV-DO interfaces • US providers: Verizon and Sprint • Low throughput • Download < 400 kbits/sec • Upload < 150 kbits/sec • High and variable packet RTTs • 500 ms ± 200 ms • Realistic WWAN performance data is hard to come by • Lots of hype/disinformation

  7. WWAN Experiments • We spent some time running WWAN experiments in Orlando and Boston • Drove around in a car • Simultaneously used multiple interfaces • Measured UDP throughput and RTTs • Used GPS to derive coverage maps • Also logged 802.11 APs • Not a rigorous analysis • Nonetheless, provided a great deal of insight into WWAN behaviour

  8. Throughput AGGREGATE mean = 306 kbps, stdev = 64 kbps SPRINT mean = 111 kbps, stdev = 36 kbps VERIZON-1 mean = 109 kbps, stdev = 21 kbps VERIZON-2 mean = 91 kbps, stdev = 32 kbps

  9. High and variable RTTs Stationary pings (Boston)

  10. Network Striping • ‘Stripe’ Application Data across Multiple Network Channels • Simultaneously use many networks • Wireless networks can be dissimilar and unstable A B N network channels M data streams M data streams

  11. Striping: Related Work • Wired networks • e.g., n-ISDN lines as a virtual T1 line • SIGCOMM ‘96: “A Reliable and Scalable Striping Protocol”, ADISESHU, PARULKAR, AND VARGHESE. • Mostly concerned with getting TCP to run well. • Wireless networks • Globecom ’99: “Adaptive Inverse Multiplexing for Wide-Area Wireless Networks”, SNOEREN. • Mobisys 2004: “MAR: A Commuter Router Infrastructure for the Mobile Internet”, RODRIGUEZ, CHAKRAVORTY, CHESTERFIELD, PRATT, AND BANERJEE. • Multi-path video streaming • 2001: “Unbalanced Multiple Description Video Communication using Path Diversity”, APOSTOLOPOULOS AND WEE.

  12. Challenges • Network • Network channels can be quite dissimilar • Channel QoS varies significantly in time • Number of channels varies • Application • Bandwidth limited • Different types of streams with dissimilar network QoS sensitivities • Want applications to be independent of the number and types of channels

  13. Our approach: Horde • Network striping middleware • Exposes striping operation to applications • Apps can abstractly modulate striping policy • Flexible striping mechanism • Per-channel congestion control • Does not support unmodified legacy applications • Horde is targeted at developers of new mobile applications • Legacy support is relatively easy to provide… • Virtual TUN interfaces • TESLA (Salz et al, Usenix ‘03)

  14. Forward Compatibility • Applications do not have a short shelf-life • Depend on Horde’s abstract API • The modular design of the middleware, allows our applications to be forward compatible • Networks are likely to evolve. • Sprint moving to WiMax • Verizon moving to EV-DO rev A • Our middleware is designed to simultaneously handle many different types of networks and its functionality can be extended easily.

  15. Horde API: Sessions • Each host runs a local Horde daemon • Exposes a RPC-like interface to applications • Before any data is sent, peering applications must negotiate a named session. • Multiple sessions (unique names) are allowed “Tavarua” “Tavarua” ApplicationA ApplicationB N network channels HordeA HordeB Host B Host A

  16. Horde API: Streams & ADUs • Within a session, one or more streams can be negotiated. • Streams are (relaxed) bi-directional FIFOs of Application Data Units (ADUs). • Maximum reordering  (maximum number of channels) • ADUs can be fragmented, partially lost, etc. “Tavarua” “Tavarua” “video” “audio” ApplicationA ApplicationB “data” HordeA HordeB Host B Host A

  17. API: Data Send Timeline • Host A: send data • App requests that Horde send an ADU • Data is scheduled (ADU fragments → packets) • One or more ADU fragments per packet • Host B: receive data • Data is unpacked (packets → ADU fragments) • App notified about received fragments • ACKs sent for received packets • Host A: receive ACKs • ACKs mapped to ADU fragment info • Losses detected from ACK stream • App notified about ACK’d or Lost ADU fragments

  18. Horde API: QoS Objectives • ADUs can be ‘tagged’ with Quality-of-service objectives • Tags are hints to packet scheduler • An abstract way to modulate the packet scheduling policy • Example tags: • ADU priority • Correlation group • Minimize the joint loss probability P(X lost ∧ Y lost), if the two ADUs X and Y are in the same correlation group. • Elements in the same correlation group are less likely to experience correlated failures. • E.g., President and Vice president would have the same group.

  19. Scheduler and network layer can have per-session configurations. Multiple implementations of these. Horde Internals Applications APPLICATION IPC API ADUs Session ctrl MUX Packet Scheduler (iMux) Horde Daemon Network Channel Management Packets O/S NETWORK SERVICES

  20. Channel Managers • A single channel manager instance for each active network interface • Pool manager creates and destroys the Mi • The Mi implement congestion control • Multiple implementations of the channel manager interface • Pool manager chooses one based on per-interface settings Packet Scheduler Network Management Layer M1 M2 MN O/S NETWORK SERVICES

  21. Channel Managers • Primary services provided by MX • Throttle packet sends on interface X. • Generate ACK and LOSS notifications for packets sent on X. • Each MX runs a congestion control session • Congestion control logic belongs below the striping layer • Multiple independent congestion domains, need multiple independent sessions. • Channel-specific optimizations possible • Pick congestion control algorithm based on the channel type (e.g., 802.11, EV-DO, WiMax) • Implementations: AIMD, CBR, AIMD_EVDO, DCCP*, …

  22. Transmission Slots • TxSlot objects are the interface between the scheduler and the network layer • For the scheduler, each channel manager is a source of TxSlots. • Each TxSlot provides a packet TX capability. • When a slot becomes available, the scheduler maps data to that slot. • A TxSlot provides expected QoS for that TX • E.g., expected RTT and expected loss probability. • The scheduler can use the expected QoS fields to determine the best data for that slot.

  23. Di Ti TxSlot Life Cycle ADU schedule_tx_slot(…) TxSlot→Data mapping ADU ADU One or more ADU fragments packed together Packet Scheduler Ti Managerk generate_tx_slot(…) TxSlot allocation consume_tx_slot(…) TxSlot deallocation Packet

  24. Hoard Scheduler »schedule_tx_slot(slot): streams = set of streams with unsent data while (slotnot full) and (streamsnot empty): stream = highest priority from streams adu = ADU at the head of stream f = largest fragment that will fit in slot if test_constraints(slot, f) is okay: read f from adu into slot if (no more unsent data in adu): pop adufrom stream if (streamempty): remove fromstreams if (slot has data): consume_tx_slot(slot)

  25. Currently Supported Objectives • Optimization • Static ADU priority • Constraints • Stream FIFO ordering • ADU loss probability threshold • ADU latency threshold • Stream latency variance threshold • ADU correlation groups • Other • Resilient ADU sends

  26. Conclusion • Mobile telemedicine deployment • Horde is a big part of a system that is being deployed soon. • Will allow doctors to try things they wouldn’t have been able to try for another 5-10 years. • Support the development of demanding mobile applications • Transparently exploit all available wireless resources. • Powerful abstractions (internal and API) • Objectives, transmission slots, etc. • Allowed us to modularly experiment with different congestion control schemes and scheduling strategies.

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