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The Ocean. Laken Horton. VARK Kinesthetic Aural Visual. Memletics Aural Verbal Social. My Learning Styles. Kinesthetic Learning Style.
The Ocean Laken Horton
VARK Kinesthetic Aural Visual Memletics Aural Verbal Social My Learning Styles
Kinesthetic Learning Style Kinesthetic learning style means that I learn best by actually doing whatever I`m learning, rather than listening or watching a demonstration. About 40% of the population are kinesthetic learners.
Aural Learning Styles Aural learning is learning best by listening. You often remember things by a rhythm or a song. This learning style is an example of when you would rather hear something than to read it.
Visual Learning Style A visual learner will learn best by seeing. Your best way of studying is to take notes and read over them, to watch a video, read a book, or watch a demonstration.
Verbal Learning Style A person with a verbal learning style has the ability to reason, solve problems, and to learn by using language. These type of people learn best by using spoken or written materials.
Social Learning Style A social learner will learn best by being in a group or with other people. You often get into learning groups to study.
The Ocean Biome Almost ¾ of the world is engulfed by water. The ocean is around 97% of that water. The remaining water is frozen in glaciers and icecaps, or in rivers, lakes and even in the air. The ocean is 2 times as large as all the landmasses of the Earth put together.
What is in the Ocean? Mountains, valleys, trenches, and even volcanoes line the bottom of the ocean. But the ocean is home of more than just land masses, it supports a wide diversity of plant and animal species and ecosystems.
The Divided Ocean The ocean is one large mass of water divided by continents. The biggest section of the ocean is the Pacific Ocean, then the next largest is the Atlantic Ocean, and then the Indian Ocean. The Southern Ocean is the fourth largest. Artic Ocean has the least in mass, bordering the continent of Antarctica.
Plankton Plankton are the most abundant species in the ocean today. More than 90% of species living in the ocean are related to plankton. These species are small and can only be seen by a microscope. But that doesn’t mean they’re not important, because about 1/3 of the oxygen on the Earth is made by these tiny creatures!
Invertebrate Animals Sponges, anemones, jellyfish, corals, mollusks, worms, and crustaceans are all invertebrate animals, meaning they do not have a backbone. Most invertebrate animals only live in ocean environments.
Vertebrate Animals Fish, mammals, reptiles, and birds are ocean animals that are vertebrates, having a backbone. More familiar to us than invertebrates, vertebrate animals are more complex and are vast on the Earth.
Plants Plants grow very much in the ocean. Marine animals not only use plants for food, but also shelter and other necessities.
Ocean Food Webs Plankton play an important role in the food web. They are at the bottom of it, and if they didn’t exist, all the species in the ocean would die out. Various species are in the middle of the food web. Lastly we are on the top.
Endangered Species Many animals in the ocean are endangered. The families of the dolphin, whales, sea turtles, and sharks are a few of the animals that are endangered. There are many more than this. A way that we can help is to recycle, so that some of our trash is not thrown into the ocean to pollute it and its animals.
Saltwater Do you know why the ocean is filled with salt? The ocean is salty because of the substance sodium chloride, or every day table salt. This mineral and other salts come from land rocks that have been washed into the ocean. Another way that salt finds its way to the ocean is by underwater volcanoes that produce salt in their lava.
Tides Gravity, the pull of the Earth towards the Moon, causes tides. Gravity pulls the ocean water towards the Moon. There are Lunar tides, Spring tides, and Neap tides.
Coral Reefs Coral reefs are a beautiful part of the ocean, but did you know that coral reefs are actually alive? Coral reefs are living things made up of skeletal material that have been transported by waves. They support a wide variety of other animals and plants.
Ocean Production The ocean is a mass production site. We get food from the ocean, minerals, and even energy. Oceans steady air temperature. Don’t forget that the ocean is a huge recreation site for travel or just everyday fun.
Ocean Discovery We know quite a few things about the ocean, but only 5% of this great water biome has been explored. An ocean explorer, Sylvia Earle, once said, “ We know more about the surfaces of the Moon and Mars than we do about the floor of the ocean.” Maybe one day I can find a career in Marine studies and learn more about the ocean.
Marine Careers There are many jobs that involve marine studies. Some of these jobs are: • Marine Biology • Oceanography • Recreation
Bibliography http://geology.about.com/od/regional_geology/a/sealiteracy.htm http://www.uga.edu/lea/allies/life.html http://www.ecb.org/guides/pdf/BillNye16.pdf http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215471/ocean_pollution.htm http://www.savethesea.org/STS%20Ten%20Things%20You%20Can%20Do.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coral_reef http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/info-books/coral/reef-ecosystem.htm http://home.hiwaay.net/~krcool/Astro/moon/moontides/ http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/ocean.htm
Bibliography (continued) • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean • http://www.savethesea.org/STS%20ocean_facts.htm • http://graysreef.noaa.gov/student/careers.html • http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/permanent/ocean/03_oceanlife/index.php • http://www.cuyamaca.edu/eops/dsps/resourcesvis.asphttp • http://learningdisabilities.about.com/od/resourcesresearch/qt/visual_learner.htm • http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?title=Multiple_Intelligences_and_Learning_Styles