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Mastering Java Loops: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn about loops in Java, including initialization, ending, bugs, and common mistakes. Practice writing pseudocode and turning repeated code into loops. Discover count-controlled loops, sentinel values, booleans, and more.

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Mastering Java Loops: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. COMP 110Loops Catie Welsh February 14, 2011 1

  2. Announcements • Program 2 Due Wednesday by 11:59pm 2

  3. Questions? 3

  4. Today in COMP 110 • Loops • Body • Initializing Statements • Ending a loop • Bugs 4

  5. Loop Body count = 1; while (count <= num) { System.out.print(count + “, “); count++; } • Repeated code • Write pseudocode and turn repeated statements into loops 5

  6. Pseudocode for loop • Get user input • sum = sum + input • Get user input • sum = sum + input • Get user input • sum = sum + input • Average sum Repeated statements in pseudocode become your loop 6

  7. Body of our loop • Get user input • sum = sum + input

  8. Initializing Statements sum = sum + input • Variables in your loop must be initialized (set to a value) before the loop • What is initialization of sum? • What if we found the product? • sum = sum * input 8

  9. Ending a loop • If you know number of loop iterations? • Count-controlled loops • for(count = 0; count < iterations; count++) • User controlled ending • Ask-before-iterating • Sentinel value • Booleans 9

  10. Count-Controlled Loops for(count = 0; count < iterations; count++) { System.out.print(“I have iterated “ + (count + 1) + “times\n”); }

  11. Ask-Before-Iterating do { //do stuff in your code here System.out.print( “Continue? yes/no”); answer = keyboard.next(); } while (answer.equalsIgnoreCase(“yes”)); 11

  12. Sentinel Value • Signal end of input System.out.print(“enter a negative number to end the loop”); next = keyboard.nextInt(); sum = 0; while ( next >= 0 ) { sum = sum + next; System.out.print(“enter a number”); next = keyboard.nextInt(); } 12

  13. Booleans int next, sum = 0; booleannumbersLeft = true; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); while(numbersLeft) { next = keyboard.nextInt(); if (next < 0) numbersLeft = false; else sum = sum + next; } System.out.print(“the sum is “ + sum); 13

  14. What is the output? int count, count2; for (count = 0; count <= 3; count++) for(count2 = 0; count2 < count; count2++) System.out.println(count2); 1 0 2 3 Count = 4 Count2 = 3 0 1 2 14

  15. Writing code • Give a Java loop statement that will set the variable result equal to 25. 15

  16. Bugs • Problem with program preventing correct execution • Two most common mistake in loops • Off-by-one errors • Infinite Loops!!!!!! 16

  17. Off-by-one errors • Loop repeats one too many or one too few times • for (count = 1; count < 10; count++); • Loop 9 times 17

  18. Infinite Loops A loop which repeats without ever ending is called an infinite loop. If the controlling boolean expression never becomes false, a while loop or a do-while loop will repeat without ending.

  19. Infinite Loops count = 1; while (count <= num) { System.out.print(count + “, “); //count++; } 19

  20. Infinite Loops count = 1; while (count <= num); { System.out.print(count + “, “); count++; } 20

  21. Infinite Loops int count; // initializing action; boolean expression; update action for (count = 1; count >= num; count++) { System.out.print(count + “, “); } 21

  22. Finding errors • Error checking • System.out.print(variable); • Run on simple input • Debugger 22

  23. Wednesday • Program 2 Due • Review of Strings and Loops 23

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