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Planning for Hospital Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Understand the significant role of hospitals in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery, along with the essential elements of a comprehensive hospital emergency plan.

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Planning for Hospital Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery

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  1. Planning for Hospital Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery


  3. Role of Hospitals in Emergency Management (AO 6-B s. 1999) Hospital shares the goal: “To promote health emergency preparedness among general public and to strengthen the health sector’s capability to respond to emergencies, disasters or calamities”

  4. Role of Hospitals in Emergency Management (AO 168 s, 2004) The hospital shares the DOH mission: “To lead in the formulation of comprehensive, integrated, and coordinated health sector response to emergencies and disasters”

  5. Hyogo Framework for Action (2005-2015) • World Conference on Disaster Reduction in in Kobe, Japan in 2005 • One of the key priorities for action “Promote the goal of “hospitals safe from disasters” • Inter-agency Task Force of the ISDR made “Safe Hospital” as the focus of the global risk reduction campaign (2008 – 2009)

  6. Significant Roles of a Hospital in Emergency or Disaster • Receiving end of victims • Responders to emergencies/disasters • Direct life saving roles • Symbol of social progress • Prerequisite for social stability and economic development

  7. Role of Hospital in Management of Emergencies • To protect public safety and public health, a hospital and its emergency services need: • Capacity to reduce vulnerabilities • Capacity to respond • Capacity to recover From: WHO – PHEMAP Course

  8. Bureau of Licensing and Regulation “Submission of “Hospital Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Plan” is a requirement prior to the issuance of new hospital licenses to operate and renewal of existing licenses”

  9. Risk Management in Hospital Planning

  10. Disaster Management Cycle Disaster Impact Response Preparedness Recovery Development Mitigation Prevention

  11. Protect life, property, environment Mitigate loss of services HEM Planning ? Promote Cooperation Among sectors And agencies Use efficiently Available resources Create systems and networks for responding To and recovering from emergencies “Hospital Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Plan Development ‘08”

  12. Preparedness • measures to build capacities to respond to, and recover from emergencies Capacity • ability to manage risks by: • reducing hazards • reducing vulnerabilities • reducing consequences by responding to, and • recovering from emergencies • In terms of: • Organization; systems; resources and partnership

  13. Emergency Management Plan An agreed set of arrangements for: • responding to, and • recovering from emergencies

  14. Emergency Management Plan A plan containing description of: • Responsibilities • Command & coordination mechanism • Management structures • Resource management • Information management and communication • Training and exercises

  15. Risk Management • is a comprehensive strategy for reducing threats and consequences to public health and safety of communities by: • preventing exposure to hazards (target = hazards) • reducing vulnerabilities (target group = community) • developing response and recovery capacities (target group = response agencies)

  16. Hospital emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Plan • Emergency Preparedness Plan or A risk reduction plan includes: • A hazard prevention plan • A vulnerability reduction plan • An emergency preparedness plan (or capacity development plan)

  17. Hazard Prevention Plan • plan to prevent exposure to hazards • not all hazards are predictable or preventable • Strategies/activities to prevent exposure to hazard

  18. Vulnerability Reduction Plan • Plan to reduce consequences of exposure to hazards • Identify vulnerabilities specific to the five elements of the community • Strategies/activities to reduce the vulnerabilities • Building resilience of the hospital to withstand impact and consequences of hazard

  19. Emergency Preparedness Plan • Plan to build response capacity of the hospital • Policies, Protocols, Guidelines and Procedures • Plans • People • Promotion and Advocacy • Partnership Building • Physical (Facility Enhancement) • Program Development • Practices • Peso and Logistics • Package of Services

  20. 2. Emergency Response Plan • to use existing response capacity, includes : • Policies for direction and plans to be activated • Systems and Procedures to be activated/implemented • Organized team to respond to emergencies • Available logistics and funds for the operation • Established networks for emergency management

  21. Emergency Response Plan • use existing capacities to deliver relief or response • mobilization of resources • use of developed systems for emergency management • actual implementation of guidelines/proedures for the developed systems

  22. 3. Recovery and Reconstruction Plan • A plan to restore services and replace damaged elements of hospital for the better

  23. Emergency Planning Process Analyze resources Define the plan Describe Roles and Responsibilities Form Planning Group Hazard Analysis Describe Management Structure Vulnerability Analysis Risk Analysis Develop Strategies and Systems Problems/Gaps Analysis “Hospital Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Plan Development ‘08”

  24. Elements of Hospital Preparedness, Response and Recovery Plan I. Background II. Plan description III. Goals and objectives IV. Planning Group V. Emergency Preparedness Plan • Hazards prevention • Vulnerabilities reduction • Risk reduction VI. Management Structures VII. Roles and responsibilities

  25. Elements of Hospital Preparedness, Response and Recovery Plan VIII. Hospital Response Plan • Policies, guidelines, protocols for the developed systems IX. Recovery and Reconstruction Plan X. Annexes • Glossary • Abbreviations • Directory of contact persons • Inventory of resources of hospital and partner agencies • Hospital policies, guidelines, protocols, and other issuances relevant to emergency or disaster management

  26. Hospital Emergency Planning Process I. Background • Write in narrative form the background of your region or agency including the provinces, municipalities/communities within your area of jurisdiction. • Some data are better presented in tabular or graph forms for faster and easier comprehension of the reader or user.

  27. Background • Name of the Hospital and address (narrative) • Geographic description (location: Low lying area? Etc.) • Demographic profile of catchments communities • Hospital Profile • Health statistics of the hospital (IMR, MMR, etc.) • Health facilities found in the municipality/city (tabular) • Health services areas/departments of the hospital • Manpower complementation of the hospital • Disasters responded/managed • Legal issuances establishing its authority in HEM

  28. Significance: • Picture of the site and location of the hospital • Catchments areas provided with hospital services • Health resources in and around the hospital • Existing capacity and capability of the hospital • Partner agencies around the hospital • Anticipated hazards as basis for hospitals’ capacity and capability building

  29. II. Plan Definition • Aim, objectives, and scope • Tasks to be performed • Resources to be needed • Framework which emergencies will be managed

  30. Plan Definition • Brief description of the content of the plan • Specific intentions relevant to set goals and objectives. • Include the coverage, scope and limitations. • Include the legal basis whereby the hospital is authorized to act in disaster situations • Legal issuances detailing the roles and functions of hospitals in managing all phases of emergencies or disasters

  31. Example:PLAN DEFINITION • The JRMH Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan defines the direction of the hospital in preparing for an effective and efficient response in any event of emergency or disaster. This embodies a set of strategies and activities based on the hazards and vulnerabilities or risk analysis of the hospital.

  32. Example: Context of JRMH HEPRRP • The JRMH Preparedness Plan contains strategies & activities that the hospital will carry out to build and enhance hospital capacity to respond to emergency or disaster, whereas its Response Plan includes strategies and activities in utilizing hospital resources for effective and efficient response during emergency or disaster. Likewise, this Response Plan includes policies, protocols, guidelines and procedures pertaining to various emergency management systems for more efficient response. The third set is the Regional Recovery or Rehabilitation Plan which entails strategies and activities in mainstreaming the hospital back to its prepared position for any forthcoming eventuality. • The JRMH Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan includes the inventory of its internal and external resources, in terms of inventory lists and directories, in the context of human resources, logistics, financial sources, existing systems and services. These are all found in the annexes of the plan.

  33. Scope of the Plan • This Plan shall be implemented, by the JRMH together, (but not limited) with all other members of the regional hospital network concerned with emergency or disaster management. Significance: • Who will implement the plan • Extent of implementation including limitations

  34. III. Goals and Objectives • Gives the purpose of the plan from a broader to more specific perspectives. Example : Goal:To build the hospital capacity for effective and efficient response to and recovery from emergency Objectives: • To strengthen the hospital HEPRRP • To develop systems and guidelines for emergencies • To develop human resource competencies • To upgrade hospital facility for better services • To ensure availability of funds and logistics in times of emergency or disaster

  35. IV. Planning Committee • Hospital Planning Committee include major stakeholders • Permanent or “AD HOC Group” which convenes only for hospital emergency planning purposes. • This group shall be created through a hospital order. • Roles and functions of the planning group/committee • Develops, reviews and updates the HEPRRP • Gathers required information and gain commitment of key people and organizations • Initiates testing of the plan for its functionality and adaptability to current situation

  36. Example: Planning Committee Structure • Hospital Director/CMPS/HEMS Coordinator • Representative from Planning Division • Representative from Administrative Division (especially finance and logistics officers) • Representative from areas of hospital operation • Representative from the community

  37. Hospital Planning Committee Structure Hospital Director/CMPS/ HEM Coordinator Representative from areas of hospital operation Representative from Administrative Division Representative from Planning Division Representative from the community

  38. V. Emergency Preparedness Plan Development 1. Hazard assessment • Identifying all the possible hazards that have the potential to affect the hospital • Identify the possible areas to be affected Hazards Areas commonly affected Translate into a Hospital Hazard Map

  39. Example of Hospital Hazard Map Legend: Fire Earthquake OPD ER Flood Laboratory Radiology Admitting Sect. Billing Sect. OB Ward EENT Ward Ortho Ward OR Urology Ward Delivery Rm. Pedia Ward Medicine Ward Surgery Ward OR

  40. Recovery/Rehabilitation Plan Emergency Risks People Property Environment Services Livelihood (Damages Needs) Hospital People Property Environment Services Livelihood (Vulnerable) Hazard Disaster Recovery/ Rehabilitation Capacities used To manage Risks

  41. Hazard Reduction/Prevention Plan

  42. Risk Analysis

  43. Risk Assessment

  44. Preparedness Plan From the results of the self assessment of the hospital, list down all the weaknesses based on the expected hospital capacities. List down all the strategies and activities to be done for capacity development.

  45. Recovery/Rehabilitation Plan Emergency Risks People Property Environment Services Livelihood (Damages Needs) Hospital People Property Environment Services Livelihood (Vulnerable) Hazard Disaster Recovery/ Rehabilitation Capacities used To manage Risks

  46. Vulnerability Assessment

  47. Vulnerability Reduction Plan

  48. Activities during Response Phase • Utilization of capacities built • Activation of plans and systems developed • Activation of OPCEN • Mobilization of resources • Management of emergency cases • Validation and constant monitoring of the event

  49. Hospital Emergency Management Policies, Guidelines, Procedures and Protocols • Available procedures, protocols, for emergency management • Security system • Public Information System • Incident Command System • Information Management System • MHPSS • Blood and blood products mobilization

  50. Hospital Emergency Management Policies, Guidelines, Procedures and Protocols • Available procedures, protocols, for emergency management • Code Alert System • Infection Control • System to expand services, spaces and beds in case of surge of patients • System on drills/simulation exercises • Stockpiling of emergency medicines and supplies

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