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Establishing a charter school to enhance performing arts education accessibility in Aurora, focusing on academic excellence, community involvement, and innovative curriculum development.
APS Charter Application Capacity Interview Visions Performing Arts College Prep Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Question 1 The Visions performing arts program is already so successful, why become a charter school? What will be your greatest start-up challenge?
Question 2 Describe the long-term academic goals of the school.
Question 3 Why is this particular school needed in Aurora? Where in Aurora is the school needed the most and why? The application states the school will bring Aurora students back into APS, how?
Question 16 Describe how VPAC’s board is involved with the Aurora community.
Question 9 The application states various VPAC stakeholders will help develop a curriculum framework. Describe this process and how it will ensure research-based curriculum is utilized. What structures will be in place to ensure students are exposed to all grade level standards in equitable ways?
Question 17 Describe the variety of expertise that makes up VPAC’s board. What other particular skills sets do you feel are still missing that will help in making the transition from a program to a school?
Question 14 Explain how VPAC is going to ensure its teachers are highly qualified to teach academic content?
Question 4 Please speak to student progress monitoring outside of CMAS and NWEA MAP and how that information is utilized in the teacher data meetings. What interim assessments will be used to measure weekly or quarterly data?
Question 15 What professional development does VPAC have in mind at this time? What role does assessment data have in this plan?
Question 6 VPAC being a specialty school focusing on the arts attracts self-motivated students, however, what contingency plans are in place for students who are not engaged in learning? (i.e. enrolled in the school due to proximity, have attendance issues, fall below a C- grade, etc.)
Question 5 How is student intervention determined, and what intervention programs will the school use for core subjects?
Question 10 The application indicates Monday Mastery is time for academic intervention/enrichment. What is the plan for providing interventions daily for students who need it?
Question 19 The application does not address the fact that APS is a district experiencing substantial enrollment decline and that the areas with the largest declines are in close proximity to the Aurora Arts District. The application also does not address the fact that three schools serving the same grade levels will open in 2019. How did the school determine the target enrollment? What evidence can the applicant supply that they will be able to achieve these goals in a community with more choice and fewer students?
Question 24 The fundraising and performance budget increases from 180k to 560k. Please clarify how this amount was determined. Are student performances a fundamental fundraising component? Will families have to pay to see their child perform?
Question 18 The application states board member are required to raise money ($5,000) for VPAC. How does this ensure any parent can run for a board seat and not only a privileged few?
Question 25 Section I: Governance mentions there will be a finance committee however, this is not addressed at all in Section L: Budget & Finance. Please clarify the make-up, responsibilities, and practice of the finance committee.
Question 20 The application demonstrates an extensive list of plans to meet the recommendations of the University of Denver’s report, however, only the Executive Director is assigned to oversee progress. This is a full time job, and the application does not list any family/community positions. What supports will VPAC utilize to ensure the recommendations are implemented fully.
Question 26 There are numerous discrepancies between the staffing model in Section O: Employees and the budget. For example, Section O states the Restorative Justice Coordinator salary will be $60,000, yet the budget shows $45, 000. Describe how the budget was developed. What was the process, who was involved in discussion, and what consultation did you receive?
Question 23 The application instructions under Section L: Budget & Finance state The budget should not include any “soft funds,” such as unknown foundational funding or contributions. However, the budget shows over $1 million each year in “soft funds”. What contingency plan(s) exist if these funds are not secured?
Question 28 The budget demonstrates teacher salaries will be $45,000. What retention plans exist considering salaries do not increase over the term of the charter? In addition, Section L: Budget & Finance states, “labor will grow at 2.5% unless added staff is needed to support enrollment.” Please clarify what this means.
Question 11 Considering students who need special education support up to 60% of their school day, outside of general education, what is VPAC’s plan to provide a continuum of services for mild & moderate students?
Question 8 IXL and Common Core Companion are more support programs than comprehensive curricula. What vetted and standard-aligned curricular resources will VPAC use for core content areas? What about resources specifically for english language development?
Question 12 What specific differentiation strategies will be implemented at the school to support various level of language learners? Clarify VPAC’s English Language Development programming and schedule to demonstrate dedicated ELD blocks.
Question 13 The application speaks toward students gifted in the arts, but what is the plan for academically gifted students? Describe how the school with align with research-based strategy and organize cluster grouping.
Question 21 Describe VPAC’s facility plan and how it will provide appropriate space to execute the program. The application assumes 100 sq. ft./ student will be needed, how was that determined to be an accurate estimate of space?
Question 22 Describe how the facility budget was determined and why VPAC believes it to be appropriate.
Question 27 The budget shows Year 1 surplus will be $156,746, however, the narrative states even with 75% enrollment the surplus will be $691,746. Please explain how the school will gain $535,000 in surplus with less students.
Question 29 The application states class sizes will be 20 students for academic classes and 30 students for artistics classes. After reviewing the budget, it appears the class sizes are significantly smaller. Please provide an explanation. In addition, please explain how the enrollment counts in the budget were made as they do not align with what is stated in the application.
Question 30 Section L states, “The Board will create and keep the financial policies and procedures in alignment with the overall operations, mission and visions of VPAC. An annual process for evaluating its financial allocations have been effective.” Please explain the annual process and specify who is involved.
Question 7 Please describe VPAC’s high school curriculum map and how students are meeting CDE graduation requirements.