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CMSD and Charter School Application Orientation. November 7, 2014. agenda. Welcome and Introduction Overview of Portfolio Strategy and Cleveland Plan S ponsorship Overview of Application for Sponsorship Components of the Sponsorship Application Partnership
CMSD and Charter School Application Orientation November 7, 2014
agenda • Welcome and Introduction • Overview of Portfolio Strategy and Cleveland Plan • Sponsorship • Overview of Application for Sponsorship • Components of the Sponsorship Application • Partnership • Overview of Application for Partnership • Components of the Partnership Application • Gates Compact • Overview and Update • Wrap up/General Questions
Cleveland: A Portfolio city Good choices for families Extensive public engagement School Autonomy Portfolio Strategy Sources of Support Student-based funding for all schools Performance-based accountability for all schools Talent-seeking strategy
The Cleveland Plan • It’s about Cleveland, not CMSD. Developed by broad range of stakeholders, from Mayor Jackson to the business community to district and charter schools. • It’s focused on quality. Based on the portfolio model, the Cleveland Plan aims to ensure that all students attend a high-quality school. • It’s agnostic as to the type of public school. Key to plan: growing number of high-performing district and charter schools and closing and replacing failing schools.
Overview of sponsorship application • Applications available on website http://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/charters • Intent to Apply Due Nov. 15 • Email to Evelyn.Holmes@clevelandmetroschools.org the following: • Name of applicant • Lead applicant phone number • Lead applicant email • Whether this is a new school or one switching sponsors • Name of school • Geographic location
Overview of sponsorship application • Final Applications Due Monday, Dec. 15 by 4 p.m. • Must submit one paper copy and one flash drive • Any discrepancy between the paper and electronic version will be resolved in favor of electronic version • Flash drive includes application and attachments • Pages 12-14 of application list acceptable formats for files • Acceptable formats are MS Word, MS Excel for Budget, and Adobe for certain sections • Application can be mailed or dropped off in person at: • 1111 Superior Avenue East, Suite 1714 • ATTN: Evelyn Holmes • Cleveland, OH 44114
Overview of sponsorship application Timeline for Sponsorship Nov. 15 Intent to Apply due Dec. 15 Complete Application Due Dec. 16-Jan. 9 Applications evaluated Jan. 20-22 Interviews with Applicants Feb. 10 CMSD Board Reviews Applications Feb. 24 Board Votes on Applications March 15 Date by which preliminary agreements must be signed
Overview of sponsorship application Resources for applications • Information on Cleveland Plan http://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/Page/532 • Ohio Department of Ed information http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/School-Choice/Community-Schools • OAPCS Charter Law Guidebook http://www.oapcs.org/files/u1255/Ohio_Charter_Law_Guidebook_Oct_2014_Version.pdf • OAPCS New School Development Handbook http://www.oapcs.org/resources/starting-a-charter-school
Components of sponsorship application Sections 1 – 4 • Sec. 1: Basic info (name, contact info, statement that applicant is over age 18) • Sec. 2: Mission statement • Sec. 3: Executive summary, no more than 2,000 words • Emphasize need for school • Explain how school will likely improve student learning • Summarize how leadership and governance structure will lead to a strong school • Summarize how financial plan supports success • Sec. 4: Enrollment plan, by year
Components of sponsorship application Sections 5 and 6 • Sec. 5: Have you filed any other applications? • Sec. 6: Affiliation with other organization • May work more than one, complete for all • Generally, these organizations are non profits that offer fees for service or free of charge, or are management organizations that take a flat percentage of school’s income in exchange for provision of services • Explain nature and purpose of school’s relationship with organization and describe how school’s governing board will manage that relationship • Include letter of intent from organization (s) • Note that no more than 40 percent of a school’s governing board can be affiliated with any other single entity • Fill out even if you do not have any other affiliations
Components of sponsorship application Sections 7 and 8 • Section 7: Calendar and daily/weekly schedule • Section 8: Academic Program Describe: • Instructional strategies • Culture-building approach • Support for special needs students • Support for other at-risk student populations
Components of sponsorship application • Section 9: Achievement, Organizational, Financial Goals • Include indicators, measures, metrics, targets • CMSD requires schools to set absolute goals, comparative goals, and growth goals for academics • CMSD also requires organizational and financial goals
Components of sponsorship application Sections 10 and 11 • Sec. 10: Use of High Quality Assessments • Explain plan for selecting or developing assessments • Identify who will administer, collect, and analyze data • Explain how the stakeholders for school will use the assessments and for what purpose • Ability to show evidence of student achievement will be key • Sec. 11: Curriculum • Describe in detail that materials that will be used • Cite research to show curriculum and methods have been successful • Provide two sample lesson plans • Explain how curriculum is aligned with Ohio standards and, if applicable, school-specific standards • Include curricula map or timeline for development
Components of sponsorship application Sections 12, 13, and 14 • Sec. 12: Prof. Development • What PD will be offered, and how will it meet school goals and student needs? • Sec. 13: Special Student Populations • Describe identification of, and plans to support, students with disabilities, gifted students, LEP, and homeless students. • Sec. 14: High school graduation requirements • If not applicable, indicate • How will school meet ODE’s grad requirements?
Components of sponsorship application Sections 15 and 16 • Sec. 15: Organizational Plan and Staffing Chart • Identify plans for first five years • Must align with budget • Indicate reporting structure • If school contracts out, the org chart must reflect the relationship • Sec. 16: School Leadership • Demonstrate capacity of leaders • If leaders not selected, describe attributes desired • How will this leadership team lead the school to success?
Components of sponsorship application Sections 17 and 18 • Sec. 17: Parent and Community Engagement • Address need for and interest in school • How will school attract students? • Describe plans for parent engagement if school opens • What other community groups will school work with? • Sec. 18: Trustee Qualifications and Proposed Board of Trustees • Must provide resumes or CVs for board • Each member must complete and sign questionnaire
Components of sponsorship application Sections 19 and 20 • Sec. 19: Budgets and Budget Narrative • Sec. 20: Budget Soundness For more info, contact: Michael Bowen, CMSD Director of Accounting Michael.bowen@clevelandmetroschools.org
Components of sponsorship application Sections 21, 22, and 23 • Section 21: Insurance • Identify requirements list providers the school will consider • Provide confidence that school understands requirements and will comply if accepted to open • Section 22: Facility • Describe, if known, the building and location. Provide info on cost, owner, financing, lease arrangements, etc. • If not known, describe target areas and provide info on what features will be required for the school • Section 23: Timeline • Submit proposed timeline from contract signing to opening
Overview of partnership application • Partnering, defined: A charter school located in Cleveland that is either sponsored by CMSD or signs an agreement whereby the district and charter school agree to endorse each other’s programs • Partnering schools share in proceeds of local education levy • Partnering schools agree to the following: • Have enrollment data noted on CMSD district report card, and have their academic performance data combined with comparable data from CMSD schools for district report card • Partnering schools also agree to administer a conditions of learning survey • Partnering schools are part of the Cleveland Quality Schools Network
Overview of partnership application CMSD currently has 14 partners • All 8 sponsored schools are partners • In addition, partners include Stepstone Academy, Village Prep Woodland Hills, the Intergenerational School, Lakeshore Intergenerational, Northeast Ohio College Preparatory, and Cleveland College Preparatory
Overview of partnership application • Applications for partnership due Nov. 18, 2014 • Applications for partnership on CMSD website: http://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/Page/6142 • Similar to sponsorship application, partnership applications must be submitted to Evelyn Holmes by 4 p.m. on deadline. • Applicants must submit one paper copy and one electronic version (flash drive). • Acceptable formats for files are MS Word, MS Excel, and Adobe PDF.
Overview of partnership application Timeline for Partnership Oct. 31 Applications released on CMSD website Nov. 18 Applications due by 4 p.m. Nov. 18-Dec.8 Evaluation of partner applications Dec. 9 CMSD Board Reviews Partner Applications Dec. 16 CMSD Board Votes on Partner Applications Early 2015 Approved partners receive levy funds
components of partnership application • Similar application requirements to sponsorship (mission, vision, performance info) • Partnership is for existing schools; it looks more and what you are doing than what you plan to do • Application must includes evidence, via a statement from your school sponsor, that school is adhering to law, rules, and regulations • Application must include willingness to 1) align with the Cleveland Plan “roll up,” 2) administer the Conditions For Learning survey, and 3) participate in the Cleveland Quality Schools Network
components of partnership application Section 5 : Partnering Rationale • Why does the school want to partner with CMSD? • How is the school aligning with the goals of the Cleveland Plan (e.g., creating seats in high-quality schools)? • Show a deep understanding of the Cleveland Plan and the capacity to be a true partner Section 7: Affiliated Organizations • Similar to sponsorship, applicants must detail any formal relationships with affiliated organizations and describe how the school boards holds those organizations accountable Section 11: Budget and Budget Narrative • Applicants must provide 14-15 annual budget and previous budgets (past 2 years) • Applicants are required to annually report disposition of levied funds, providing types and amount of expenditures
Gates compact • Planning period through June 2015 • Focus on key three areas: • district facilities • Improving special ed needs, service delivery, and resources • Exploring how charters can address needs of lowest performing district schools