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Sustainable Transport Systems - Call FP6-2005-TREN-4

This conference discusses the open calls for proposals in sustainable surface transport research, focusing on areas such as urban transport, rail freight, waterborne transport, intermodal transport, and infrastructure charging. It also provides information on other related calls for proposals.

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Sustainable Transport Systems - Call FP6-2005-TREN-4

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  1. DG TREN –Transport Research -Open calls in FP6Outlook towards FP7 Speaker: Ludger Rogge, DG TREN Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  2. DG TREN – Transport research in FP6 • Sustainable Surface Transport (Priority 6.2) • DG TREN: Part A - Research to support the European Transport Policy180 M€ • DG RTD: Part B – Research, technological development, • integration490 M€ • DG TREN – Calls for proposals • TREN-1 2002 • TREN-2 2003 • TREN-3 2004 • TREN-4 2005 Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  3. Call FP6-2005-TREN-4 Sustainable Transport Systems 36 M€ Sustainable Energy Systems 125 M€ Publication 08 July 2005 Closing date 22 December 2005 Evaluation results April 2006 First contracts Autumn 2006 Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  4. Open areas: urban transport & rail freight • CIVITAS Dissemination and Best Practice Transfer Action (SSA) • Ensuring validation & dissemination of results / best practices & knowledge transfer of CIVITAS I projects • Specific Support Action - 100% financed • New concepts for rail freight services (IP) • Setting up and demonstrate seamless rail freight services in two or three European wide corridors Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  5. Open areas: waterborne transport • Motorways of the sea (IP) • Large scale demonstration and validation of efficient ship/ port/ hinterland interfaces, in terms of: • concept development, • physical equipment (vessel/ port design, handling equipment, loading units, etc.) • information management • Vessel data management (STREP) • Improve the analysis of the causes of incidents and accidents in European waters • Develop new applications, functionalities and standards for Voyage Data Recorders & electronic logbooks Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  6. Open areas: intermodal transport • EU forum on intermodal passenger travel (CA) • Set up a forum for European stakeholders to promote trans-national solutions of intermodal passenger transport (comprising all modes) • Knowledge base for intermodal travel (STREP) • Provide a high-quality knowledge base for decision-makers on intermodal travellers and the intermodal market • Activities: analysis of market potential, strategies for changing behaviour, cost-benefit analyses Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  7. Open areas: infrastructure charging • Infrastructure cost allocation methods (STREP) • Review current cost allocation practices for the various modes in EU Member States • Propose and test new allocation procedures • Address all modes • Cover different types of infrastructure quality and vehicles • Appropriate contractual relationships (STREP) • Relationships between charging rules and PPPs • Risk management of different charging rules • Risk sharing optimisation • Real project testing Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  8. Reference Documents Core documents: • Call Text • Work programme for priority 6.2 “Sustainable Surface Transport” • Guide for Proposers per instrument (including forms A and B) • « FP6 in brief – an overview of the basic features of this programme » Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  9. More information Call TREN-4:http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/calls_open.cfm Documents:http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/find-doc.htm FP6 Cordis homepage:http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/home.cfm TREN-4 Information Day, 21.09.2005, Brussels: http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/energy_transport/rtd/index_en.htm TREN-FP6 Helpdesk:tren-fp6@cec.eu.int Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  10. More information WEB-SITES TRANSPORT: CIVITAS www.civitas-initiative.org tren-civitas@cec.eu.int Rail Transport: http://europa.eu.int/comm/transport/rail research/index_en.htm Intermodal Transport: http://europa.eu.int/comm/transport/ intermodality/research/activities_en.htm EXTRA http://europa.eu.int/comm/transport/extra/web/index.cfm Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  11. Other Calls for Proposals Policy Oriented Research (Call FP6-2005-SSP-5) • Tools and Indicators for sustainable transport • 6 tasks open • Indicative Commission contribution: 7.5 M€ • Security Training for Transport Staff • 1 task open • Indicative Commission contribution: 1.1 M€ Publication Date: December 2005 Closing Date: March 2006 More info: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/support.htm Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  12. Other Calls for Proposals Galileo Joint Undertaking - Open topics: • Tracking and tracing • Additional Galileo services • Other specific user communities • Development of users equipment technology for all Galileo services Publication Date: November/December 2005 More info: http://www.galileoju.com/ Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  13. FP7 - What’s new ? Main new elements compared to FP6: • Annual budget doubled (EUR 5 billion ►10 billion) • Flexible use of funding schemes • Simplification of procedures • Light submission procedure • Increasing autonomy of consortia • Streamlining the selection process • “externalise” part of the FP management to executive agency structures Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  14. FP7 2007 – 2013 Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  15. FP7 2007-2013‘Cooperation’ – Thematic priorities & budget Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  16. 7. Transport (inc. Aeronautics) Aeronautics and air transport Surface transport (rail, road and waterborne) Support to the European global satellite navigation system (Galileo) Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  17. Surface Transport Research to focus on: • Greening surface transport • Clean and energy-efficient thermal engines and components including hybrid technology • alternative fuels, incl. integration of fuel cells and hydrogen into transport operations • Encouraging modal shift and decongesting transport • Interoperability and optimisation of transport networks, systems and services and their modal integration • Optimisation of infrastructure capacity (incl. terminals, specialised networks) • Infrastructure pricing and charging • Improved transport and traffic management through ITS, etc. Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  18. Surface Transport Research to focus on: • Ensuring sustainable urban mobility • Next generation vehicle • Incl. elements of a safe, energy-efficient, safe and intelligent road transport and fuel aspects • Clean urban transport strategies • Integrated town planning and transport • Improving safety and security • Accident investigation • Design of vehicles and vessels • Integrated safety concepts for vehicles, vessels and infrastructures systems • Strengthening industrial competitiveness • vehicle technologies • cost-effective production, etc. Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  19. Cooperation – Collaborative research • Under each theme there will be sufficient flexibility to address both Emerging needsand Unforeseen policy needs • Dissemination of knowledge and transfer of results will be supported in all thematic areas • Support will be implemented across all themes through: Collaborative research (Collaborative projects; Networks of Excellence; Coordination/support actions) Joint Technology Initiatives Coordination of non-Community research programmes (ERA-NET; ERA-NET+; Article 169) International Cooperation Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  20. Joint Technology Initiatives • New “funding scheme” in FP7 aiming at large-scale industrial programmes/projects implemented in PPP • Objective: to speed up significant technological developments of major European public interest • Identification criteria include: • Impact on industrial competitiveness and growth • Strong commitment from industry • Added value of European-level intervention • Importance of contribution to broader policy objectives • Capacity to attract additional national support and leverage industry funding Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  21. Joint Technology Initiatives Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Hydrogen and Fuel Cells for a Sustainable Energy Future Aeronautics and Air Transport Towards new Nanoelectronics Approaches Innovative Medicines for the Citizens of Europe Embedded systems Other possible themes to be identified later… Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  22. Technology Platforms • “Bottom-up”, industry-driven initiatives • Bring together stakeholders in a particular sector or technology area • EU Role: Facilitating and Guiding but not Leading or Owning • Define a Strategic Research Agenda (vision, long-term programme for RTD) • Strategic Research Agenda provide input for definition of thematic priorities in FP7 Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  23. European Technology Platforms • In total 27 established • Including 4 in the transport sector: • ACARE for Air Transport (est. 2000) • ERRAC for Rail Transport (est. 2001) • ERTRAC for Road Transport (est. 2002) • WATERBORNE for maritime transport (est. 2005) More info: http://www.cordis.lu/technology-platforms/ Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  24. Preparation of FP7 - Milestones Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

  25. Thank you for your attention Ludger ROGGE European Commission DG TREN / A1 - Research Co-ordination Rue Demot 28, 7/10 B-1040 Brussels E-mail: ludger.rogge@cec.eu.int Sustainable and Safe Surface Transport Conference, Warsaw, 22/11/2005

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