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University Name : Kulob State University named after Abuabdulloh Rudaki. City: Kulob Country: Tajikistan. ABOUT KULOB STATE UNIVERSITY.
University Name:Kulob State University named after AbuabdullohRudaki City:Kulob Country:Tajikistan
ABOUT KULOB STATE UNIVERSITY Kulob State University (KulSU) named after Abuabdullohi Rudaki was formed in 1945.KulSU situated in Kulob city. On honor of this city our University named. Kulob is one of the ancient town with more than 2700 years. We celebrated 2700 anniversary of our city in 2006 year. During 72 years of its existence, more than 35 000 specialists graduated it and obtained higher education degree. During these years, in spite of difficulties and shortage of management personnel the quantities of faculties at the university were increased from 5 up to 10 and specialties from 5 up to 51. KulSU is the education institution, the most advanced on the way of reform. Now more than 9, 000 students study in KulSU. It has been taking an active participation in 6 TEMPUS and ERASMUS MUNDUS projects as: CANQA, Pro-Training, QUADRIGA, EDUCA, TuCAHEA and CANEM. In the framework of the project were signed bilateral agreements with European universities to exchange students and teachers. Also the University has signed an agreement with more than 50 Universities of Central Asia, Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Armenia(Erevan State University), China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria, Portugal and etc.
Agenda: • Credit system used at the institution; • Alignment (or lack of) with the Bologna Process; • Use (or lack of) ECTS; • Administration structure supporting student mobility; • Student mobility process; • Credit transfer process; • Grade conversion process.
Credit system used at the institution Since 2008 KulSU in 1 faculty has practiced the Credit System of Education as pilot variant and year by year in all faculties and for all specialties has been shared Credit System of Education. Now in KulSU in all the 51 specialties we prepare the specialists by Credit System of Education. There are more then 9,000 Bachelor degree students, 209 master degree students and 40 Phd students. The total number of postgraduates/ Researchers are 80 (Traditional Education System) .
Alignment (or lack of) with the Bologna Process The University is implementing the Bologna Process system in 2008-2009.In KulSU there is an active process of reforming the sphere of education, bringing it in line with the world standards of the Bologna process. SpeakingaboutHigherEducation , itischaracterized by a periodoftransitiontotheCreditSystemofEducation. ProvisionsthatreinforcetherelevantprinciplesoftheBolognaProcess, including : • providing a three-level training system (Ba, Ma, PhD); • introduction of a credit system; • assessment of knowledge and quality of education in accordance with international indicators; • recognition of diplomas and qualification degrees of Higher Education and their comparison with world standards; • increasing of students’ mobility and teachers’ Experiences Exchange.
Use (or lack of) ECTS Using of ECTS in KulSU is alignment to the European Credit System of High Education and is in such form for all three levels: Ba, Ma, and PhD: • Bachelor Degree: 240 ECTS (60 ECTS per a year); • Master Degree: 120 ECTS (60 ECTS per a year); • PhD: 180 ECTS (60 ECTS per a year);
Administration structure supporting student mobility In connection with the entry of the Republic of Tajikistan into the world educational space and on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the University, a transition was made to the credit technology of education. With a view to realizing this transition, the order of the rector approved the "Regulations on the organization of the process of credit education at KulSU from the beginning of the 2008-2009 academic year". Entry into a single global educational space, the signing of the Bologna agreement is based on the transition to a multi-level system of education - bachelor's, master's and doctoral PhD in credit training. In order to implement this transition and in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of higher professional education, the Programming, Monitoring and Quality Control Department of the University was established in the structure of the university's teaching section. The main purpose of the Training Department, Registration department and the Testing Centre is the organization and provision of credit training in KulSU. To achieve the goal, the department performs the following tasks: • drafting and implementation of regulatory legal acts of credit education; • preparation of work programs and adaptation of their form and content in accordance with the standards; • control of the organization and conducting of the academic process in academic groups in the context of credit system training. At present, the transition to a multistage training of specialists in the conditions of credit training is completed at KulSU.
Student mobility process In three last year KulSU has excepted more than 170 students from other HEIs and 1 of them has come from Malaysian HEIs, 94 students from other Tajik HEIs, and 76 as internal mobility (from one specialty to other specialty, from one faculty to other faculty). By the University policy and policy of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, the students, whose study results is more than 18 ECTS, will be excepted one year earlier (if studies in 3 course in previous specialty or faculty will be excepted in 2 course). More than 60 ECTS will be excepted two years earlier (3rd course will be excepted in 1st course).
Credit transfer process Theorderoftheuniversityattheuniversity. Thestudentappliestotherectorofahighereducationinstitution, wherehewantstoapply. Theapplicationmustbeaccompaniedbyacopyofthetranscript (orcertificateofexamination) withthesignatureandstampofthefacultythatthestudentpreviouslystudied; Thedecreeonhighereducationestablishesacourseofstudyanddistinction;Basedonthesignatureofthedeanoftheexpertcommissionontheeducationalcomponent, thedeadlinefordividingthedifference; • Onthebasisofthesigningofthedean, theregistrar, thedeputyrectorfortheworkoftherectorofthehigherschoolofthefosterschool, thestudent'stransferwassigned. From 171 student mobility were fixed 128 ECTS as difference and 6 students were excepted in 1 year earlier courses. The rest of these students have been retrained the ECTS which they didn’t learned in their previous HEIs or specialties and they obtained these courses.
Grade conversion process • Scientific-methodicalresearch, theuniversitydevelopsacomprehensiveplanfortheratingsystem, facultiesanddepartments, developsacomprehensiveplanforevaluatingindividualsubjects (dependingonthetrainingtheyarestudying, andforeachphaseofthecurrentandintermediatetesting). • Based on the results of current certification, the student receives an excellent rating from each subject in accordance with the financial system adopted by the university, based on the quality of his knowledge and skills. • Eachstudentcanreceivedetailedandconciseinformationinthedeanorintheregistrationcenterforhisacademicranking. The final class of the student includes: • Interimrating - 50%; • Finalexaminations -50%.