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Presentation of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University International Relations’ Department director, candidate of philological sciences, docent Temitbolat I.Kenshinbay at the Robert Gordon University, UK (Aberdeen, 02-0 5 .0 2 .0 9 ). KORKYT ATA KYZYLORDA STATE UNIVERSITY. TEMPUS Project.
Presentationof the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University International Relations’ Departmentdirector, candidate of philological sciences, docent Temitbolat I.Kenshinbay at the Robert Gordon University, UK (Aberdeen, 02-05.02.09)
TEMPUS Project CD_JEP-25224-2004 “Restructuring Business Education Teaching with Innovative Curricula Development in Kazakhstan” Tempus, the all-European model of cooperation in the field of higher education is one of the programs of the European Commission designated for promotion of social and economic reform processes in partner-countries.
TEMPUS Project Grantholder of the project : University of Robert Gordon, Scotland, Great Britain Partner universities: University of Carlo Cattaneo, Italy Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Ust -Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda Sate University, Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan
TEMPUS Project Project purpose The development of human capacity and enhancement of skills sets to support the growing educational needs of the state in terms of curriculum development. The development of new and innovative undergraduate and postgraduate curricula ECTS/Bologna Agreements - needs of the Kazakh economy and the requirements of the Kazakh Ministry of Education. The creation and subsequent evolutionary development of quality assurance programmes for ensuring high standards of teaching, learning and assessment.
Projected Outputs fromthe Project 2 - PhDs 20 - Masters Students (IB) 80 – HELT Students English Language Courses QA Unit
Actual Outputs from Project 8 - PhDs 10 - Masters Students (IB) 54 – HELT Students More than 120 - students English Language QA Unit – Training Continuing
KKSU Projected Outputs 20 representatives from the teachers staff and administrative personnel of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University participated in the training of HELT program-Higher Education Learning and Teaching Methodology due to the program of the Robert Gordon University, Great Britain within 16 months, passed over 4 modules and on March 27, 2008 the 11 teachers successfully coped with all requirements of modules and received their certificates from Dr..Charles Juwah Form of training: distance education in English, and 4 visiting sessions of the Robert Gordon University, UK to KKSU, Kyzylorda.
KKSU Projected Outputs • 4 teachers studied master program in natural sciences on the speciality "International Business” at the Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty and took over 8 modules. Among them only one 1 teacher (Zhanna Smagulova)was recommended to write a master thesis and successfully graduated and obtained her MSc. in International Business. The rest 3 teachers were recommended to get certificates of participation in the master course • Term of training 2 years: 2006-2008 in English as the remote form and 8 visiting sessions of the Robert Gordon University, UK professors to KBTU, Almaty.
KKSU Projected Outputs • 2 teachers - candidates of sciences Ms.Salykova Leila and Ms.Abdrassilova Raikhan have been taking their Ph.D. doctoral programmes in English on specialities "International Business” and "Information Analysis" at the Robert Gordon University, UK. • During this period of time they visited 2 times the Robert Gordon University and successfully passed training at the university, took appropriate examinations in modules and were recommended for writing doctoral dissertation. • Term of training 3 years: 2006-2009, form of training: distance and visiting sessions.
KKSU Projected Outputs • Technical means: For the effective realization of the project the Tempus program provided with 4 computers, 1 multi-purpose printer (scanner, copier, printer), headphones and web-cameras, textbooks and manuals, purchased at the expense of the project budget.
KKSU Accomplishments • Temirbolat Kenshinbay, being a local coordinator of the Tempus project, was nominated a Bologna expert and participated in Tempus IV 2nd Training seminar “ Promoting Higher Education Reform Experts: Quality Through Modernisation of Universities” held at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, June 16-17, 2008 • “Institutional Quality Assurance in Line with European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance” seminar held at the Kyrgyz State University in Bishkek, Kyrgystan, May 26, 2008
KKSU Accomplishments Temirbolat Kenshinbay participated at International Conference “Eurasian Symposium on Quality Assurance in Higher Education”, held at the Kazakh-British technical University in Almaty, Kazakhstan, October 22-24, 2007 TEMPUS IV Central Asian-German Cooperation Seminar held at the German –Kazakhstan University (DKU) in Almaty, September 29-30, 2008 in the workshop with the presentation of the activities of the project "Restructuring Business Education Teaching with Innovative Curricula Development in Kazakhstan" “Preparation of the Higher Education Institutions for the International Accreditation of the Educational Programs”, training seminar in Kyzylorda, December 23-24, 2008
KKSU Accomplishments Kenshinbay Temirbolat prepared presentations “Bologna Process: contents and developing perspectives”(overview in 24 pages, Russian) “European Credit Transfer System”(ECTS)(overview with the glossary in 25 pages in Russian)
KKSU Accomplishments Ms. Salykova Leila Nurtileuovna-candidate of economical sciences, docent of the chair of economical theories and public administration, RGU Ph.D. student • Winner of the “Bolashak-2008” International Scholarship of the President of Kazakhstan on the program “Research Internship” for the period of 1 year (February 2009-2010)at the Robert Gordon University, UK. The government scholarship covers travel expenses, accommodation, stipend, books and other allowances during this period. • Best educator of the Higher Education Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2007 with the scholarship of over 16 500 USD for covering cost of publications, development courses, international conferences and round trips abroad.
KKSU Accomplishments Salykova’s Publications: 1. The main aspects in the ways of entering of Kazakhstan to WTO, published in the Bulletin of Kazakh academy of transport and communications, 1, 2007, Almaty 2. The principle directions of Kazakhstan uranium branches development, published in the Bulletin of Kazakh academy of transport and communications, 2, 2007, Almaty 3. The Kazakhstan accedence’s to WTO: conditions, problems, advantages. Bulletin of Kyzylorda state university after Korkyt Ata, 6, 2007 Salykova’s Presentations at the conferences: Directions and perspectives of Kazakhstan aluminium industry development// Materials of conference «Raw materials of Aral region: exploring, problems and perspectives of development», 18.10.2007, Kyzylorda city Perspectives of Kazakhstan export orientation economy development.// Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference. International Kazakh- Turkish University after H-A Yassavi, 2005
KKSU Projected Outputs Ms.Raikhan S. Abdrasilova-candidate of technical sciences, RGU Ph.D. student • Literature Review for developing countries • Interviews with respondents from Kyzylorda Oblast Akimat (3 pers.) Conclusion and reflection on interviews • Results of Interviews • Questionnaire delivered to supplies of creation the viability model of Information Management System • Academic English Writing, Aberdeen, Sept-Oct, 2008
KKSU Projected Outputs • 2 visiting workshops of Dr. Douglas Nisbet from the Robert Gordon University, UK, concerning the curriculum development. • The participation in the Tempus project has enabled the teachers of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University to get acquainted with new technologies and achievements in curriculum development sphere. The participants of the project have created 9 developments and recommendations for students of economic specialities.
KKSU Projected Outputs • This program was chosen because the university as well as other state higher institutions of Kazakhstan followed the Bologna principles and started to introduce into the teaching process. The Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University signed the Magna Charta Universitatum, Bologna University, Italy in September 2005 and joined the Bologna Declaration among the first higher institutions in Kazakhstan. The credit technology system and then on this base introducing and moving to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is one of the priorities of the university. • Many of project participants, teachers who deliver lectures, modified and upgraded their curricula due to the requirements of the credit technology system. The Tempus program sources on business teaching helped a lot in this kind of work. The teachers enriched the contents and structures of the disciplines.
KKSU Projected Outputs • The project team, consisting of 20 teachers, created a short course program and developed 36 hours credit technology course, consisting of 20 hours of lectures and 16 hours of practical classes and conducted in all 9 full-time faculties during the year 2007 with the topic “Introduction and upgrading the credit system of education and the use of innovative technologies at the teaching process of the university”. The team explained the teachers and students about the basics of credit technology, how to develop syllabus, how to create case-study and electronic manuals, methods of conducting lectures and practicals, methods of using contact-hours and independent study work, methods of creating educational-methodical complexes of disciplines, criteria of assessing students’ knowledge, establishing quality assurance unit, how to introduce innovative technologies into the teaching process and others.
KKSU Projected Outputs • The master program student Zhanna Smagulova has written “Marketing” discipline methodical development on the topic “Analysis of enterprise environment due to the schemes 5 Porter’s Forces, PESTLE-analysis”. • The doctorate student Leila Salykova created a new 18-hour elective course on the topic ”The strategy of the State Foreign Trade Policy formation” for economic and law faculty students. • The HELT program student Gulshat Musayeva upgraded her lecture course program on ”Management”, made power point presentations on case studies, on credit technology system’s peculiarities, interactive methods of teaching. • The HELT program students Zhanna Zhaksylykova and Zhanna Smagulova made a mini-project “Developing mix marketing (4P) for different segments of the market”(on the example of “Beauty Products Company”) in the form of methodical development for self-study students.
KKSU Projected Outputs HELT Program students, Ms Zhaksylykova ZH.T. and Bissenova RA developed • methodical recommendations on innovative techniques and technologies for teaching disciplines, and also published an article in the collection of the International conference, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the University “The use of innovative teaching methods in preparing the economic student profile”(November, 2007). • syllabi educational-methodical complexes for disciplines “Foreign exchange banks transactions”, “Marketing”, “Business Organization”, “State pricing”.
KKSU Accomplishments • Smagulova Zhanna- senior teacher of the chair of finance, Master program student • Participated at the TEMPUS student conference organised by the European Commission DG EAC, Brussels, Belgium, April 19-20, 2007