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Web Frame and Iframe Examples

Learn how to display one webpage within another using frames and iframes. Explore practical examples and coding techniques for web programming.

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Web Frame and Iframe Examples

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  1. Frame, Iframe http://www.im.ncnu.edu.tw/ycchen/www/html-example.html#frame

  2. <iframe …> 在網頁中顯示另一個網頁 <iframe src="contFrame.html" /></iframe> <iframe src="contFrame.html" width="200" height="200"> </iframe> <iframe src="contFrame.html" frameborder="0"> </iframe> <iframe src="contFrame.html" name="innerF"> </iframe> <a href="http://www.ncnu.edu.tw" target="innerF">NCNU</a>

  3. http://ycchen.im.ncnu.edu.tw/www2011/lab/frame/iframe.html <a href="../index.html" target="contF">Web Programming Examples</a>, … <iframe src="contFrame.html" width="1080" height="500" name="contF" /></iframe>

  4. <frameset cols=" " > </frameset> <frameset cols="20%,80%" border="10"> <frame src="simpltoc.htm" name="exampletoc"> <frame src="forms.htm" name="examplecontent"> <noframes>You must use a browser that can display frames to see this page. </noframes> </frameset>

  5. <frameset rows=" " > </frameset> <frameset rows="70,*"> <frame src="menuFrame.html" name="menu" /> <frame src="contFrame.html" name="content" /> <noframes>You must use a browser that can display frames to see this page. </noframes> </frameset> http://www.im.ncnu.edu.tw/ycchen/www2011/lab/frame/fIndex.html

  6. <frameset cols="20%,*"> <noframes>…</noframes> <frame src="frametoc.htm" id="noname"> <frameset rows="30%,*"> <frame src="frtoc1.htm" id="toptoc"> <frame src="frstart.htm" id="outer"> </frameset> </frameset>

  7. target屬性 topFrame leftFrame mainFrame http://www.im.ncnu.edu.tw/ycchen/www/html-example.html#frame <a href="http://n.yam.com/" target="_blank">yam天空-新聞</a> _blank _parent _self _top 或frame_name ex. mainFrame

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