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Explore the fundamental role of environmental education and science popularization in raising public awareness and promoting self-management for marine and coastal protection in Cuba. Learn about the geographic characteristics, main ecosystems, priority areas, environmental issues, and Cuba's marine scientific institutions. Dive into the historical development, main goal of self-management, and the importance of capacity building in achieving sustainable development. Discover the various educational programs, awareness initiatives, and direct participation activities aimed at fostering a proactive community engagement in marine conservation efforts.
“Environmental education and science popularization: fundamental means for public awareness, participation and self management in marine and coastal protection and sustainable development” Guillermo García Montero National Oceanographic Committee Republic of Cuba International Conference : 50 Years of Education and Awareness Raising for Shaping the Future of the Oceans and Coasts Sharing lessons learned and proposing long-term projections
Main elements: Reasons… What and Why?… The principles… The basics… How?... The results... What?... The lessons... To whom and where? The projections... When?...
Main Geographic Characteristics 4,000 islands, islets and keys Total land area: 110,860 Km2 (Island of Cuba land area: 104,945 Km) 6,000 Km of coast line Maximum width: 191 Km Minimum width: 31 Km More than 20 important bays More than 81,038 Km2 watersheds Total population: 11.2 millions Island total shelf: 67,832 Km2 Average depth of the shelf: 6-8 m The Cuban Archipelago
Main Cuban Ecosystems Coral Reefs: 3.200 Km long. 60 species/15 families. Mangroves: 5,321 Km2 (4.8% of the total land area). Covering 70% of the total coastline. Sandy Beaches: 336 locations. 16% of the total coastline.
MAIN PRIORITY AREAS Coastal Tourism and Populations Fisheries Agriculture Coastal and Marine Biological Diversity Coastal Pollution Maritime Safety Weather Forecast Storms and Hurricanes Storms Surges Tsunamis
Main Environmental Issues • Coastal pollution. • Over-fishing. • Coastal erosion. • Salinity increase in semi- enclosed shallow waters. • Habitat degradation. • Limited-local biological diversity lost.
Cuba’s System of Marine Scientific Institutions • Center of Marine Research (University of Havana) • Center of Fisheries Research (Ministry of Fisheries) • Institute of Oceanology (Ministry of Science) • Center for Management of Bays and Coastal Zones • Center for Coastal Ecosystems Research • GEOCUBA Marine Studies (Enterprises Group) • National Aquarium of Cuba • ...and others University’s Laboratories
1959: The beginnings... “... Our National Aquarium: triple function: tourism, public awareness and scientific research ...”
Historical Development… • 1960:Entertainment and information. • 1965 to the 70's:Education and communication. • 70's to 80’s: Science, Education and Communication. • 80’s to 90’s: In the way to local communities. • Since1994: Awareness rising, actions implementation, self-management.
MAIN GOAL: Self-Management “To transform attitudes towards the marine and coastal environment in order to achieve a proactive participation of the community in the solution, prevention and mitigation of their environmental problems”
A FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPT: Capacity building has to include people’s environmental education and public awareness, as a main issue of development and sustainability of human, institutional and organizational resources. The holistic approach is crucial.
Basic principles applied for capacity development in environmental education and public awareness. PRINCIPLE 1 / In-line with national priority PRINCIPLE 2 / Clear goals PRINCIPLE 3 / Resources capacity PRINCIPLE 4 / Leadership • PRINCIPLE 5 / Implementation • and coordination PRINCIPLE 6 / Contributions
... 27 millions visitors approximately have enjoyed the Aquarium...
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION • General Marine Educational Program “Let’s know the Sea”, • Marine Environmental Education in Coastal Communities, • Special education (attention to disabled and hospitalized children and young, development and application of alternative therapies) • Teachers and professors guidance in marine issues, • Program for “third age” people.
POPULARIZATION AND AWARENESS • Yearly national marine science and arts meetings of children and young. • Other meetings, workshops, and conferences. • Serial publication “Let’s know the Sea”, other books and printed materials • Popular library with marine scientific and popular information, etc.
Direct participants in Environmental Education and Public Awareness Activities International Year of the Ocean
How have we developed our Let’s know the Sea Program? Which tools have we developed to reach our people? • University for All, TV course “The Sea and its Resources”, • Scientific journeys with Children, youths and third age people, • Serial publication “Let’s know the Sea”, • Video Serial “A voyage to the world of the sea”, • Third Age Workshops, • Debates and reflections meetings, • Workshops and conferences in general, • Popular library, other books, propaganda, etc.
Environmental Education in Coastal Communities. Manual-Book Up to date more than 3,000 copies have been distributed to primary and secondary schools, municipalities, local organizations… and many other governmental and non-governmental institutions.
University for All: “The Sea and its resources” TV Course 40 classes One-hour each A 30 pages-course guide (newspaper format) 68 figures / 6 tables 50 Contributing authors 10 Professors 9 Institutions
Child and Youth Scientific Journeys 1994-2005
Jornadas Científicas Infantiles (Estadísticas)
Serial publication “Let’s know the Sea”
Educational TV Serial “A voyage to the world of the sea"
But, to know and to understand is not enough to ensure participation and action… • Other important ingredients are needed… among them: the man needs tools, orientation, conduct norms, and ethical, social and moral values.
Finally… the challenge is to enhance ocean and coastal education, information and public awareness in the most direct and simpler way we can for better knowledge and commitment of the community.
Which should “the community” be? • Very simply: all sectors of the society… • From children to grandpa's… • From ordinary people to professionals… • From decisions makers to local and national leaders…. • …All of them constitute “the community”……
Scientific and Educational Sectors Environmental Education and Public Awareness Universities Science Institutions GO’s and NGO’s Aquaria and Science Museums Educators Scientists Communicators Local Leaders Ordinary people Local Organizations Industries and Service enterprises Decision makers and political leaders.
Acuario Nacional Sector Educacional Niños de las escuelas primarias y secundarias Adultos del nivel universitario Jóvenes de las escuelas de nivel medio superior Niños y Jóvenes con necesidades educativas especiales Educadores Comunidades Costeras Del hombre común a los profesionales Líderes de las comunidades y tomadores de decisiones Líderes nacionales y tomadores de decisiones El hombre común, los líderes y tomadores de decisión
Una definición rápida … Para los propósitos de esta presentación es suficiente entender la “creación de capacidades” en ciencias y servicios marino-costeros como: Proceso para mejorar la habilidad de los individuos, las comunidades y sus organizaciones, para usar las ciencias y sus servicios, con el fin de identificar y resolver los problemas del medio marino y costero.
Bases para la Sostenibilidad • Elementos necesarios para alcanzar “la sostenibilidad”, entre ellos: • Eliminación de la pobreza, • Paz duradera, • Gobernabilidad y seguridad, • Acceso universal a la educación, • Acceso universal a la salud pública. • Factores menos visibles pero quizás más estratégicos para lograr el desarrollo sostenible... entre ellos: la creación de capacidades y la concientización social.
Regularidades que emergen de la experiencia • Formulación de los objetivos de programas influyen claramente en la solución de las incertidumbres y problemas nacionales más urgentes. Para ello: • Los programas están en armonía y correspondencia con las prioridades nacionales comunes. • Los intereses sectoriales y/o locales se subordinan a las prioridades nacionales. • Se definen las prioridades que habrán de ejecutarse en correspondencia con los recursos disponibles, a fin de evitar el fracaso, la frustración y la pérdida de recursos.