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OpenStreetMap in Education. Red Bank High School Red Bank, TN. 1. Introduction. Randy Hale GISP GA URISA President Owner NRGS Board Member of OpenStreetMap US. Leah Keith-Houle Teacher Hamilton County School System Masters in Education Geology, Astronomy Scientific Research Class
OpenStreetMap in Education Red Bank High School Red Bank, TN 1
Introduction • Randy Hale • GISP • GA URISA President • Owner NRGS • Board Member of OpenStreetMap US • Leah Keith-Houle • Teacher Hamilton County School System • Masters in Education • Geology, Astronomy • Scientific Research Class • Teacher of the Year (Hamilton County and Southeastern TN) 2
OSM • Started in 2006 • In 6 years there are over 500,000 registered editors in the world. (I'm ranked 318) • Small percentage continue editing • Community is very active.
OSM • How do you map? • Take a GPS, Walking Papers, notepad, etc and map • Mapping is basic Geometry: Nodes, Lines, Polygons • Users are encouraged to field verify their edits.
OSM Software • All tools are OpenSource (i.e. Free with Source Code) • Potlatch (web) • JOSM • Meerkartor • QGIS • Windows, Mac, Linux, Mobile
Tags (Keys) • wiki.openstreetmap.org • Buildings are building=yes • Roads are highway = residential|primary|secondary|etc • Example of a House: • building = house • addr:street = 215 Jarnigan Avenue • addr:postcode = 37405 • addr:city = Chattanooga
Who uses OSM Google started charging for uses and suddenly there were a lot of companies switching.... • Mapquest • Apple (iphoto) • Wikipedia • Foursquare • Flickr
Who uses OSM from the community • Map for the Blind • OpenCycleMap • TopOSM • Surveillance Camera Map • Paint with Maps • OpenTripPlanner
Red Bank - 2010 • I called and asked Randy to come down and talk about GIS/OSM. • At the time they have no GIS program in the School. • After meeting – we decided on OSM. • No Software needed • Instant gratification for short attention spans • Mapzen, Potlatch, and JOSM 11
So by 2012. • Over 150 Students Have participated • Projects have covered: Red Bank, Energy Sources, Schools in Hamilton County, Downtown Chattanooga, Padang (and we got Hotter). Sequoyah Solar Panels at Stadium 12
Stuff Started Appearing… Signal Mountain Hixson Both Areas Way outside Red Bank 14
Biggest Problem and Biggest Plus • Red Bank is a Title One school • 54% are on Free and reduced lunch • 50% or more don’t have internet access 15
Good Problems • People want to work with OSM • Students actually like working with it • It's good practice for a job in the GIS Field • Taught in College • Chase Griffin Shocked professors on OSM knowledge • You aren't supposed to know this • UTK 16
Good Problems con't • College • Sarah Mapped Sewanee • This contributed to RBHS getting a new computer lab in 2012 • Plotter • Printers • 25 computers • ArcGIS Software • Administration is behind it 17
Here's what we did this year! • You have the opportunity to become HOT • 2nd in Project Earth Intl 18
SAVING PADANG: one click at a timeRED BANK HIGH SCHOOLJune 2012
Why are we doing this? We are doing this to save the lives of thousands of people caught in the path of a potentially devastating tsunami. At any time, one could hit, causing the death toll to be in the hundred-thousands. Our job is to create a base map of the area so rescuers can locate tsunami victims, by looking at the map and knowing where the buildings are supposed to be. Taken at Ao Nang, Krabi Province, Thailand, during the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.
What is HOT? Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team was created in 2009; its purpose to provide maps for humanitarian response and economic development. HOT has been used most during natural disasters, specifically tsunamis. Indonesian translation: Free Map Remedy All
History of Sumatra Fault Padang Sumatra Fault 93 earthquakes in the past 100 years. Active region. 8.7 Magnitude on April 11, 2012
What is a Tsunami? A tsunami is a series of waves caused by a sudden displacement of the sea floor, sudden landslides, or volcanic activity. A highly recognizable sign of an incoming tsunami is the water receding quickly from the shore. Water receding First Wave Second Wave
Mountains This is a picture of the landscape of Padang. The mountains in the background are 5.16 miles from the upward facing arrow. In some places, many people have to run farther than that to reach safety.
What we accomplished Our class mapped a total of 15,027 buildings during the duration of this project. As a class our elapsed mapping time was 9 hours and 33 minutes. Notice the small amount of gray unmapped squares
OpenStreetMap – Project Haiti - YouTube Please click on the video clip. In January 2010, an earthquake struck Haiti, devastating its western coast. HOT teams all over the world came together to create Project Haiti. Within twelve hours, 28 citizens in various HOT teams were able to map all of the affected areas of the earthquake. The teal spots at the end of the video are illustrations of the work that the HOT teams of OSM did in 12 hours. This is one of the many reasons why we decided to map Padang.
Student Involvement Making the connection from across the world
1st graders in Padang There are about 1,000 schools along the island coast of Indonesia and the students need at least 40 minutes to reach safe area. No matter how many drills the kids do to prepare for these tsunamis, many people doubt that the kids will be able to make it to a safe area. They don’t tell the kids because they don’t want the kids feeling hopeless.
How did Red Bank High School work with HOT? Our class worked with Kate Chapman HOT coordinator for Padang, Indonesia, almost entirely through emails to coordinate our tasks, goals, and accomplishments with groups on the ground to ground truth our mapping. During the earthquakes, which recently occurred in Indonesia, our class was very worried about the safety of HOT teams in the area. We sent an email to Kate as soon as possible to assure her safety. Luckily, Kate and her HOT team were fine. However, she managed to send us pictures of damage of the April 11, 2012 earthquake.
Padang Earthquake April 11, 2012 Damage In these two photograph you can see the devastation that happened to the infrastructure of Padang buildings. We knew that earthquakes and tsunamis was why we were mapping, but we did not expect April 11th earthquake and the “real” damage to our teams and infrastructure.
Indonesia Earthquake Magnitude 8.6 Date-Time Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 02:38:37 PM at epicenter Depth 22.9 km (14.2 miles) Region OFF THE WEST COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATRA Distances 434 km (269 miles) SW of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia Credit to USGS
Click to edit Master text styles • Second level • Third level • Fourth level • Fifth level Outcome We made a difference!
How will it affect others At Red Bank High School, a group of high school kids are the youngest Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. Mapped over 15,027 buildings across the world with just the internet. When a disaster happens and people are sent out to look for people in houses, it was a good thing we mapped the buildings so people will be able to find those structures and not have any problems.