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WSIB. Paralegals Presenter: Will Wong Professor: Helen Voudouris C ourse: PLY401. What is WSIB. Acronym for Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Created as a Workmen’s Compensation Board in 1915 Legislated by the Ontario government

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  1. WSIB Paralegals Presenter: Will Wong Professor: Helen VoudourisCourse: PLY401

  2. What is WSIB • Acronym for Workplace Safety and Insurance Board • Created as a Workmen’s Compensation Board in 1915 • Legislated by the Ontario government • Responsible for administering the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act

  3. Paralegals’ Role • Paralegals’ role in serving the public in WSIB claims can be summarized as: • Benefits for Loss of Earnings • Benefits for Non-Economic Loss • Loss of Retirement Income Benefits • Benefits for Future Economic Loss

  4. Benefits for Loss of Earnings

  5. Benefits for Loss of Earnings • If you miss time from work because of a work-related injury or illness, WSIB insurance pays for loss of earnings. This benefit starts from the working day after the injury or illness occurred. How WSIB calculates your loss of earnings benefit depends on the date the injury occurred. • A paralegal can help a claimant to determine how long, how often, and what kind of benefit the claimant is eligible to get based on the claimant’s particular situation

  6. Benefits for Non-Economic Loss • If you suffer permanent impairment from a work-related injury or illness, the WSIB will pay you a non-economic loss (NEL) benefit to compensate you for the physical, functional, or psychological loss the impairment causes. This benefit is determined when your condition has reached a point where no further improvement can be expected. The amount paid is based on a legislated base amount times an impairment rating.

  7. Filing for NEL Benefits • A paralegal can help determine how NEL benefits are calculated, how the NEL benefits are paid, and the other situations related to NEL benefits

  8. Loss of Retirement Income Benefits • If you are: • under 64 years of age • have received loss of earnings (LOE) benefits for 12 continuous months • The WSIB sets aside an amount equal to 5% of all subsequent LOE benefits to pay for a loss of retirement income (LRI) benefit. (This 5% is over and above your regular payments, but will not be paid to you until you turn 65.)

  9. Paralegals Can Help • Paralegals can help you determine: • How to make additional contributions • What you are entitled to at the age of 65 • How the Loss of Retirement Income can be paid • How much your dependants will receive in case of the claimant’s death

  10. Conclusion • Paralegals can assist in filing WSIB claims such as • Benefit for Loss of Earnings • Benefit for Non-Economic Loss • Loss of Retirement Income Benefit • Benefit for Future Economic Loss • Reference websites: • http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_97w16_e.htm • http://www.wsib.on.ca/en/community/WSIB

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