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Painting in Greece

Explore the rich history of Greek painting, from cave paintings in the Paleolithic era to iconic Byzantine art, Renaissance masterpieces, and modern works by renowned artists. Discover the diverse styles, themes, and techniques that have shaped Greek painting over thousands of years.

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Painting in Greece

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Painting in Greece

  2. Paleolithic Era (30.000-12.000 b.C.) • They were found in caves where people lived.

  3. Paleolithic Era (30.000-12.000 b.C.)

  4. Neolithic Period(around 10.000 B.C.) • People used to decorate vases with geometricalshapes.

  5. Ancient Greek Painting Dolphins at the Minoan Palace at Knossos (Crete 1500 B.C) A wall painting of plants from Thera (1600 B.C) Mycenaean fresco of a woman

  6. Polignotos “Kimona’s Period”

  7. Polignotos “Odysseus’ Descent”

  8. Minoan Art

  9. Mycenaean Art

  10. Cycladic Art

  11. Apollodorus (180- around 110 B.C)

  12. Apelles His paintings depict the battles of Alexander the Great.

  13. Classical Period Red – figure Style Black – figure Style 

  14. The Byzantine Period is seperated into three periods: • The Early Christian Art or Early Byzantine Period (4th–7th century). • The Iconoclasm or Middle Byzantine Art (8th–12th century). • The Period of Palaiologos or the Late Byzantine Art.

  15. The Byzantine Period “The Birth” - Michael Damaskinos

  16. Renaissance (16th century) “Saint Theodora” Emanuel Tzanes.

  17. El Greco “The Entombment of Christ” ““Saint Dominic in Pray” “The Adoration of the Magi”

  18. Nikiforos Litras (1832-1904) “The hanging of Patriarch Gregory the Fifth” “The Burning of the Tourkish flagship from Kanari” “Antigone in front of dead Polinikis”

  19. Nikolaos Gizis (1842-1901) “Grandfather and Grandchild” “Child’s Engagement” “The Secret School” “Carnival in Athens” Other artists are Dennis Kalibokas (1806-1877) and George Miniatis (1820-1895)

  20. Another Group of Artists 1844 and 1872 Simeon Savidis (1859-1927) “A Turkish Woman during Coffee Time” PolixronisLebesis (1849-1913) “The Kid with the Rabbits”

  21. Modern Art Konstantinos Parthenis (1878-1967) “Corfu” Konstantinos Maleas (1879-1928) “Santorini”

  22. Egonopoulos (1907-1985) “Dioscuri” “The Byzantine” Other artists are: Kontoglou, Basiliou, Tsarouxis, Moralis and Diamantopoulos

  23. Zakynthian Art ZakynthianHagiographies

  24. Panagiotis Doxaras (1662-1729) “Ourania” The “Οurania” is in St. Spiridonas church in Kerkyra. Some of his paintings

  25. Nicolaos Doxaras (1700-1775) Nicolaos Doxara’s (son of Panagiotis Doxaras) works of art:

  26. Nicolaos Koutouzis (1741-1813) Some of Nicolaos Koutouzi’s paintings (mainly portraits):

  27. Nikolaos Kadounis (1767-1834) Some of his works of art (portraits):

  28. Painting In Greece The End.

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