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Psychology of Work and Profession al Ethics

Psychology of Work and Profession al Ethics. Introduction. General Learning Purpose: Students have a motivations and good fundamental works ethics, and could applied it on their daily life

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Psychology of Work and Profession al Ethics

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  1. Psychology of Workand ProfessionalEthics

  2. Introduction • General Learning Purpose: • Students have a motivations and good fundamental works ethics, and could applied it on their daily life (Mahasiswamemilikimotivasidandasar-dasaretoskerja yang baikdandapatmengaplikasikannyadlmkehidupansehari-hari) • Students could applied professionalism, both in social or professional environment, and could applied profession ethics in work environment professionally (Mahasiswamampumenerapkansikapprofesional yang berlakudalamlingkunganmasyarakatdanlingkunganbisnisdanmampumengaplikasikanetikaprofesidalamduniakerjasecaraprofesional) • Learning Contracts: • Tardiness tolerance: Students > 15 minutes, go to education department Lecturer > 15 minutes, class is free • Evaluation system:

  3. Introduction • Evaluation

  4. Sekilas Psikologi • Psikologi? Kognitif Afektif Gerak/psiko motor/tingkah laku

  5. P S Y C H O L O G Y • Psychology, come from words psyche: minds/soul and logos: science /knowledge • So, by Etimologic : Science/knowledge that learn about human minds/souls • Experts Said: • Mussen and Rosenzwieg:  science that learn about human thinking (mind), then mind develop into behavior , so that psychology define as a science that learn about human behavior • Woodworth and Marques: Science that learn about human activity or behavior in their relationship with the universe • Clifford T Morgan: Science that learn about human and animal behavior • Conclusions: psychology is a knowledge that learn about human behavior and human relations

  6. Why should learn Psychology • As a part of service industry, students have to learn about psychology because: • Human is a social creature, human always need other human in their live, so that they have to learn about how to understand others • Understanding about other human, will make us easier to give excellent services to other people • In service industry, understanding of other people will lead us to acts wisely to other people and to our self also  Psychology that learned by student of LP3I is a psychology about services • Services psychology is science that learn about human behavior of work interaction process in service industry, between company/producer and customer

  7. Personality • Nature Theory  personality is a genetic issue that brought since someone was born, so the most important is their nature potential • Nurture Theory  personality shaped by environment, the most important is how much environment influences people • Convergent Theory (W. Stern)  personality shape as interact between nature and nurture According to Stern, because personality as a result of interaction between nature and nurture, so personality is DYNAMIC, CONTINUE TO DEVELOP and MOVE ON To have Good personality that continue to develop; the aspects are: • Trying to know and understand yourself • Gathering feedback from others • Developing new attitude • Developing strong personality • Communicating in an effective way

  8. Understanding yourself • POWER concepts by John Robert Power: • P- positive attitude • Other people understanding other people • Word communication skill • Expanding interest expanding interest to other people and yourself • Realize based on above aspects, people would understand and realize what the main purpose of their life • Joharry Windows concepts by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, according to them, every people have 4 area in their personality: • Open area (knows by the self and other people) • Hidden area (know by the self, not knows by other people) • Blind area( not knows by the self but know by other people) • Dark area (not knows both by the self and other people)

  9. Joe – Harry Window

  10. Joe – Harry Window

  11. Good performance at work • Self Image the way you look at yourself; is one of key to success in professional life • Body health • Body maintenance  skin, hair, hand and nail, face , breath and body odor/smell • Professional wardrobe • Traditional established impression  PNS, Bank, insurance • Contemporerdynamic impression telecomunications, Technics Information, developer, car dealer • Bridgedynamic and established impressiontransportation, manufactur, construction and outdoor activity • Mode and trendy fashion forward entertainment, model, arts, beauty, garment

  12. Positive Attitude and Service Ethics • How to have a positive attitude: • Thinks, acts and view things in a positive way • Reducing a bad/negative prejudice • Etiquette: • Is a way of good manner or polite behavior, that usually applied by civilized society in interact among them • Value that promote etiquette: • Value of people in general • Value of honesty, openness, and kindness • Value of human well being • Value of good manner/polite behavior and respect others • Value of wisdom and ability to considerate  could determine what should hiding and what should socializing • Communications • No matter how hard you work or how many brilliant ideas you may have, if you can’t connect with the people who work around you, your professional life will suffer

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