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Analysis of current university-industry cooperation, suggestions for legislation, and creating connecting links for technology transfer and innovation. Emphasis on supporting SMEs, improving research utilization, and fostering entrepreneurial culture in education.
Questions and problems • Interconnecting universities with entrepreneurial environment • Improvement of conditions for using the scientific and technical potential of young researchers • The insufficient transfer of outcome of the Slovak universities research projects to small and medium sized enterprises • The insufficient utilisation of the research results of universities by SMEs
The work on the problem • to analyse in detail the current situation in business environment • to evaluate of research and educational & training activities • to suggest the creating suitable legislation • to create the connecting links between universities and small and medium sized enterprises
Four main priorities are emphasized by National Lisbon strategy High degree of enforcement of laws and contracts Public institutions as a a partner and not as a burden Effective access to capital market for all firms High-quality physical infrastructure and services in network industries Fourinterconnected principles represent the Slovak policy of the support of the entrepreneurial sector Support of business activities SMEs Innovations Support of keeping free markets Current Situation in Business Environment
Industry – research – universities relations • The links between research and development and the business sector are inadequate, though some technological research centers or business innovation centers were established • Innovation intensity in Slovakia’s enterprises is generally markedly weaker than in the developed EU countries. In small EU enterprises, innovation intensity reaches 5.1 % compared to as little as 3.4 % in the SR. Innovating enterprises in the processing industries in the EU make up 51% whereas only 17% in the SR.
Institutional form which Could be stimulating innovation processes in SME’s Could create better conditions for young research workers Could provide integrated view on whole university, faculty, departments with all its capabilities Create relations on the network concept & clusters Industrial liaison offices at faculties or universities Agencies or centres for transfer technology Technology centres Science technology parks Entrepreneurial incubators Spin-off firms, start-up firms Industry – research – universities relations
Source Qualified personnel Training provider Technology provider Research partner Spin-off generator Cluster engines Licensing Etc. Offer Image Neutrality Networks State-of-the art competence Etc. Universities
Networkconcept • For economic and financial networks we can specify: • The nodes as members of network, for example firms, businesses, small and medium size enterprises, universities etc • Links as the formal (contractual) or informal connection between two members of network and • Flows as the volume of product, information or financial resources that run from one member to another member of network
Networkconcept -Scheme of relations among suppliers and consumers by using networks
Networkconcept - Example of relations or links among the different members of network
Conclusion about universities role • Potential key player in regional innovations and development • Creation of entrepreneurial culture in higher education and research institutions • Changes of learning and teaching (critical knowledge, mutual learning processes, integration learning and business, courses on intellectually property and exploitation of research,...) • Professionally commercialise research results and research potential mainly young researchers results (supporting start-up companies, spin-outs, PPP projects, ...) • Improve the innovative and entrepreneurial atmosphere in region and at universities
Thank you for your attention Ján Čorej & Tatiana Čorejová E-mail: Tatiana.Corejova@fpedas.utc.sk Jan.Corej@fstav.utc.sk