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The study of ideas, specifically the analytical study of the ideas that are held by a certain culture, class, group, or even an individual. In order to determine value system adhered to. Three broad categories of ideology in film: Neutral
The study of ideas, specifically the analytical study of the ideas that are held by a certain culture, class, group, or even an individual. In order to determine value system adhered to. Three broad categories of ideology in film: Neutral Issues of right and wrong are treated superficially, and the emphasis is on action Implicit Characters may represent conflicting value systems, but these are not dwelled upon or mentioned directly. The point of view, or the theme, may be slanted in a particular direction, but it is without obvious manipulation. Explicit Thematically oriented films that aim to teach or persuade, they may be extremely manipulative Ideology
Left-Center-Right Model • Democratic vs. Hierarchical • Environment vs. Heredity • Relative vs. Absolute • Secular vs. Religious • Future vs. Past • Cooperation vs. Competition • Outsiders vs. Insiders • International vs. Nationalistic • SexualFreedom vs. Marital Monogamy You can determine your ideological leanings by taking the survey at http://www.politicalcompass.org
At first glance at their titles, Independence Day might seem to be liberal, advocating freedom, and Men in Black to be conservative, excluding women and setting up classicist expectations; however, an analysis shows that their ideological slants go exactly opposite of those expectations. Ideological Comparison ofIndependence Day and Men in Black
Independence Day Conservative Pro-military Glorifies stereotypes Depicts women as angels or monsters, and rewards or punishes them accordingly Men in Black Liberal Anti-military Dispels most stereotypes “Kills” the monster by depicting an attractive intelligent woman as a relative equal Comparative Summary
Independence Day Conservative politically • Distrusts government • CIA does not inform the President of all the facts • Military is the way to success • Education and technology are good, but fighting is better • Stereotypes and pigeonholes characters • Jewish • “Mad” scientists • Women and Men • Foreign Cultures • Homosexuals
Men in Black • Ideologically Liberal • Trusts government • Secret agencies ensuring the safety of the country and doing “the right thing” • Military is not the way to solve problems • Military is ignorant and lacks originality • Story tries to expose stereotypes • “Masculine” male gets punished—killed and becomes the skin of a bug • Male protagonist gets punished when assuming a female is “easy” just because she’s sexy • Female saves the main characters at the end