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Choosing corporate charity programs and practices for implementation Victoria Petrova

Choosing corporate charity programs and practices for implementation Victoria Petrova Deputy General Director for Human Resources, RUSAL International Conference “Business, Charity and Mass Media” Moscow, March 3, 2005.

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Choosing corporate charity programs and practices for implementation Victoria Petrova

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  1. Choosing corporate charity programs and practices for implementation Victoria Petrova Deputy General Director for Human Resources, RUSAL International Conference“Business, Charity and Mass Media” Moscow, March 3, 2005

  2. I. Survey of expectations and needs of population in the regions of the Company’s activity II. Development of a strategy (objectives and tasks) for charity work IV. Monitoring and evaluation of specific projects and programs III. Thorough development and implementation of charity projects and programs Our approach to planning of charity 2003 - we accept a strategic approach of doing charity work: • Conduct needs surveys of regional population • Establish Charity Committee • Develop Regulations on Charity • Implement specific charity projects and programs

  3. Over 60%of population when asked to define a value package for the ideal image of large business lay emphasis on social responsibility “Sensitive” areas - children and young adults - socially challenged groups Most acute problems - no facilities to develop education and leisure for children and youth - no arrangements to protect and support the poor *Based on the survey of Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Sociology, 2003 Survey of regional population needs, 2003

  4. Objectives for 2004: Provide support in finding solutions for most acute problems of the regions Provide for a positive change in the public perception of the RUSAL social policy; increase the number of people in the region who positively view RUSAL and its activity Tasks for 2004: Apply the strategic approach to charity work Initiate projects that would stir wide public interest and receive coverage in the mass media as a result of actual (affordable, noticeable and visual) help to the people; promote involvement in charity work among authorities of all levels, community leaders, clubs of youth and children and employees at RUSAL enterprises Objectives and Tasks, Charity Work’2004

  5. Principles of implementation of charity projects Partnership with non-commercial organizations on federal and regional levels. Open competitions for potential participants of charity projects and programs Wide publicity of the projects on the regional level Example: Participants of 100 Best Projects Program Practices for implementation Federal level PR Projects Department, RUSAL Managing Company Corporate Culture Unit, RUSAL Managing Company CAF ‘NCO School’ Foundation Regional Level Regional Coordinators (8 towns) Regional NCOs (5 towns) Press Services, Plants (5 towns) Corporate Culture Units,Plants (5 towns)

  6. Results of charity work, 2004 2 specificcross-regionalprograms • 100 Best Projects • 423 applications • 100 winning projects

  7. Healthy youth is a basis for the prosperous region! 10 playgrounds improved7 multipurpose mini-stadiums constructed

  8. Our support to Beslan 42 people were involved in the rehabilitation program18 families were assisted specifically

  9. Social Aid Center in Krasnoyarsk • 4 900 requests; 8 projects

  10. Youth Environment Protection Group • - 17 environment protection projects

  11. “Heading for tomorrow with RUSAL!” • 30 kids attend extra-curriculum classes led by special tutor • 40 kids master new skills at Workshops of Responsible Life

  12. Our playgrounds

  13. Results of charity work, 2004 (continued) PR and publicity • 544articles in mass media • 166 infomercials • 14 outdoor boards • 8 press conferences • Since October 2004 – a Charity Intranet page • Since September 2004 – the wall newspaper “Alye Parusa” specifically related to charity projects Employees Involvement • 75 children of the employees on Children Committees • USD 178 000 of individual donations as a part of our support to Beslan • 69 people (Moscow)– engaged in collection of clothing

  14. Evaluation of efficiency of charity programs in 2004 Aware of RUSAL Charity Projects, % Based on the sociological survey of Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Sociology, 2004

  15. The survey confirmed the right choice of the target group for charity projects and programs – schoolchildren, youth and deprived. In all towns, the population singled out the following groups as social policy priorities: Orphan children Deprived groups Schoolchildren and young adults There are four areas of support for the youth that all groups of population view as most vital: Assistance in employment Anti-drug effort Welfare assistance to schools Provision of housing Survey of regional population needs, 2004 * Based on the survey of Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Sociology, 2004

  16. Objectives: New! Instill in the employees a feeling of pride in the Company Provide support in finding solutions for most acute problems of the regions Bolster the RUSAL’s image by securing a further growth of brand recognition in the regions of activity and number of people who view the Company positively Tasks New! Initiate projects that would interest and involve employees and their families New! Apply the experience of the pilot projects in new regions Objectives and tasks for 2005 4 cross-regionalprograms(in 2004 – 2) • 100 Best Projects (second and third stages of the competition) • Healthy youthis a basis for the prosperous region (Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Sayanogorsk) • New regions Social Aid Centers (Krasnoyarsk, Sayanogorsk, Novokuznetsk, Nikolayev) • New regions Together heading for tomorrow (Bratsk, Novokuznetsk, Sayanogorsk) 6 Projects • Our support to Beslan • Youth Environment Protection Group (Nikolayev) • Young Hearts • New!Employee donations (Pilot area - Moscow) • New!Employee Aid Fund • New!60 Anniversaryof Great Victory

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