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Measurement of H → WW* fully hadronic in HZ at 350 GeV. Mila Pandurovi ć. Analysis recapitulation. Hadronic FS : 6 jet FS H→WW→qqqq , Z →qq Isolated lepton finder N=0, 6jets, Kt exclusive NEW preselection MVA
Measurement of H→WW* fullyhadronic in HZ at 350 GeV Mila Pandurović
Analysis recapitulation Hadronic FS: 6 jet FS H→WW→qqqq , Z →qq Isolated lepton finder N=0, 6jets, Kt exclusive NEW preselection MVA Semileptonic FS: 4 jet FSH→WW→qqqq , Z →ll , l=e, μ Isolated lepton finder N=2, 4jets, Kt exclusive NEW Isolation redone
6 jet signature H→WW→qqqq , Z →qq Simultaneous reconstruction of the real W, Z, Higgs. W virtual is the free parameter. Based on the track energy of a lepton candidate and calorimeter depositions within a cone cos θ=0.995 around lepton track.
BDT H→WW→qqqq , Z →ll Preselection optimized to reduce ‘semileptonic’ bck . Main background, qqqq, poorly responds to any kind of preselection variables. y12 <2.0 y23<2.6 y34<3.0 y45<3.2
BDT H→WW→qqqq , Z →ll Thepreselection as loose as possibleto preserve signal and maximally reduce leptonicbck. InvMassW1>10. InvMZ>70. Evis>250.
BDT H→WW→qqqq , Z →ll BDT trained on hadronicbck: 1. HZ, Z-ll, nonWW-qqqq decays 2. qqqq
BDT application H→WW→qqqq , Z →ll After MVA After Preselection - 4 jet background hard to reduce - Trying to find more sensitive variables - angles between jets that comprise W real and Z After MVA” close up: without qqqq
4 jets signatureH→WW→qqqq , Z →ll These ‘falsely reconstructed leptons’ are pared to construct a fake Z boson
Improved lepton isolationH→WW→qqqq , Z →ll Reduced the ‘definition’ of lepton reduced number of reconstructed leptons reduced lepton pairs that comprise Z boson
Summary and outlook 6 Jets Signature Preslection cuts are focused to remove semileptonic background MVA trained on the 4jet and nonWW Higgs decay bck : Remaining : qqqq other backgrounds at the signal level outlook New variables- jets W1 angle and jets Z angle Fit, TOY MC 4 Jet signature: waiting for redone files see if enything is improved outlook Fit, TOY MC, result