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Special Services Overview PTSA Special Needs Group September 2011

Special Services Overview PTSA Special Needs Group September 2011. Agenda. Introductions Special Services Overview Special Education Services Overview Special Education Supports Special Education Funding Preschool Changes Special Education Partnerships

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Special Services Overview PTSA Special Needs Group September 2011

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  1. Special Services Overview PTSA Special Needs Group September 2011

  2. Agenda • Introductions • Special Services Overview • Special Education Services Overview • Special Education Supports • Special Education Funding • Preschool Changes • Special Education Partnerships • Special Education Federal Stimulus Funding • Special Education Professional Development • Special Education Celebrations

  3. Introductions Administrative Team: • Jon Holmen, Special Services Coordinator • Wynn Spaulding, Special Services Coordinator • Sue Anne Sullivan, Special Services Coordinator • Paul Vine, Director Special Services

  4. Parents’ Ladder of Support Ladder of Support • Start with the special education and/or general education teacher and/or school special education specialist • School principal • Special Education School Support Coordinator • Director of Special Education • Director of School Support • Deputy Superintendent • Superintendent • Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Follow the “Ladder of Support” when you have questions or concerns regarding your child

  5. Special Services Overview Department’s Programs • Special Education Services • Safety Nets Services • Title 1, LAP, Better Schools Targeted Assistance • English Language Learner (ELL) Services • 504 Coordination and Services • Health Services • Homeless Services • Eastside Native American Programs

  6. Administrative Support Team Special Education Jon Holmen, Wynn Spaulding, Sue Ann Sullivan & Paul Vine Safety Nets, ELL, and Homeless Jon Holmen, Wynn Spaulding, Sue Ann Sullivan & Paul Vine 504 Compliance Jon Holmen, Wynn Spaulding, Sue Ann Sullivan & Paul Vine Health Services Nancy Johnson, Supervisor Eastside Native American Education Programs Mary Wilber

  7. Safety Net Programs • Tier II and Tier III Supports (Not SPED) • Safety Net Programs • Title 1 ~ Federal Funds • Learning Assistance Program (LAP) ~ State Funds • District Remediation (DR) ~ Levy Funds • Better Schools and Targeted Assistance ~ Levy Funds • English Language Learners (ELL) Program ~ Federal and State Funds • Homeless ~ competitive grant LWSD doesn't qualify, though we still have mandated services

  8. Health Services • School Health Service Providers (Nurses) • All our Health Service Providers are Registered Nurses • School support • Student specific support (IEP or 504) • Participate on the following teams • Guidance team • Evaluation team • 504 teams when appropriate • IEP member when appropriate • Resources for families on health related matters and can assist on wrap-around teams

  9. Native American Education Programs • Provides culturally relevant activities, family program and enrichment opportunities to Native American, American Indian and Alaska Native children • Service opportunities provided are: • Once a week after-school activities • Homework support • Mentoring • Coordination of home and school needs • Student advocacy • Cultural events • MSP and HSEP preparatory classes • Microsoft Job Shadow

  10. Special Education Services 2011 - 2012

  11. Special Education Services • Special Education – • Birth to 2 (Kindering Center) • Pre School 3-5 (LWSD) • Kindergarten-12 (LWSD) • 18-21 Transition Services (LWSD)

  12. Special Education Services Special Education is a Service Not a Place “All our students are general education students, that receive different levels of supports based on his/her individual needs”

  13. Special Education Services The location of special education services is based on the student’s individual needs and the type of services required to ensure the student’s “Least Restrictive Environment” (LRE) Note: Some student’s services are of a greater need that cannot always be delivered at the student’s neighborhood school

  14. District Learning Centers Pre School Learning Centers Dickinson Elementary & KaJHS Elementary Learning Centers K-6 Audubon (K-3) Dickinson (K-3 & 3-6) Frost (Medically Fragile K-6+) Lakeview (3-6) Keller (K-1 and 2-6) Mead (K-6)

  15. District Transition Centers Junior High Transition Centers IJHS, KaJHS, KJHS, RJHS High Schools Transition Centers EHS, JHS, LWHS, and RHS Transition Academy 18-21 (Community Based Program located in a retail space on 87th Street)

  16. District Intervention Centers Elementary Intervention Centers Rose Hill Full Day (K-3 & 3-6) Redmond Full Day (K-3 & 3-6) Junior High Intervention Centers Rose Hill & Evergreen High Schools Intervention Centers Eastlake & Juanita

  17. Special Education Supports 2011-2012

  18. Special Education School Support Teams IEP On-Line Support: Iman Shmait

  19. Special Education School Support Teams

  20. Service Access System (SAS) Process • SAS process is a tool for teachers and buildings to access our Special Education Support Team: • Autism Support Specialists • Intervention Support Specialists • Vision and Hearing Specialists • Program Specialists

  21. Special Education Funding 2011 - 2012

  22. Special Education Sources Funding State General Education* Federal Special Education* State Special Education* District Local Levy Funding Resources * Funds are based on student enrollment

  23. State Funding Impacts • Significant State funding cuts to school districts over the last three years • Federal Stimulus has offset some of the impact of state funding reductions • Increases in student enrollment has also help offset some of the impact • Legislative changes with Levy funds have also helped off set some of the state funding cuts • Good fiscal management of our district budget over many years, preparing for cuts • Continued community support Levy, Bonds, Foundation and volunteering in our schools.

  24. State Funding Impacts (cont) • Federal Stimulus funds have sunset • We have cut significantly in all areas across our district, • central office administration • facilities supports • energy efficiencies • some services while trying not to impact the students teacher ratios • While not trying to impact the classroom, keeping • Student to teacher ratios as low as possible • High quality teachers working with our students

  25. Special Education Funding • Special education funding has not been cut at the Federal and State Level • What has changed is the level of fiscal support the district can pull from the general fund to continue to support special education cost overages • We no longer can rely on having general funds to offset the cost to run special education services • We are faced as all school districts are • Doing more with less • Continuing to work hard and creatively to provide a quality educational experience for all our students

  26. Preschool Changes 2011 - 2012

  27. Ready Start Preschool History • Gordon Hauck (Head Start & Special Education Services) • Ready Start: School Board initiative (Head Start waiting list) • Ready Start Modeled after Head Start 3.5 hours day 4 days a week, FSS support, transportation, and food provided • I -728 & Title I funding resources • State and Federal budget cuts • Approximately $845,000 in I-728 and Title • Title I reductions Pre and K-6 district wide • Federal Stimulus ARRA funding • Through September 2009 to June 2011 • $845,000 maintain Ready Start Model • Model changed to 2.5 hour day 4 days week • New Ready Start Preschool Model 2011-12 • Bridging model for future planning of LWSD Preschool Programs

  28. Preschool Priorities 2011-12 • Priorities in planning this year’s bridging program • Serving our most at-risks students • Maintaining a blended preschool model • Provide some sort of waiver process for or funding support for families who are at risk (45 students’ fee waived currently) • Generate funding sources to offset the $845,000 funding short fall due to State and Federal budget cuts • Limit the impact on current preschool staffing to the greatest extent possible • Utilize the current spaces available for preschool classrooms to maximum extent possible • Provide three year old programs for students who qualify for special education services

  29. Preschool Changes for 2011-12 • What has changed: • Co-teach Model: Ready Start General Education teachers and Special Education teachers teaching in a co-teach model • Fee based student enrollment (up to 54 students) • $300 month fee • No transportation service provided • No food provided (snack model much like Kindergarten) • Continued enrollment for At-Risk students (at a lower level currently 45 students ) • No transportation services provided • No food provided (snack model like Kindergarten) • 3 year old program piloted at Bell El PM

  30. Preschool Changes for 2011-12 • What has changed (cont): • Para support is in tact, but IA support could not be supported due to budget constraints; (Our Preschool IA staff were given position in the K-12 IA staffing 2011-12) • Ready Start Program Coordinator Position eliminated • FSS: reduction of one position and reduction of hours • Program Specialist Position 0.5 FTE added: • Doreen Milburn: (Ready Start Program support) • Fee Based Tuition set at 300/month: • Combination of Federal Title Funds and some district supplement funding for one bridging year to offset cost

  31. Special Education Partnerships 2011-2012

  32. Special Education Partnerships • University of Washington ~ Research Study • Children’s Hospital~ Autism and Behavior support • Ryther ~Social skills classes @ RJHS, IJHS, EJHS & KJHS • PTSA Special Needs Group (Monthly meetings) • Parent Advisory Committees • Legislative/Inclusion • Parent Education • Dyslexia Awareness • Revisit this year to ensure alignment with PTSA priorities and bylaws

  33. Special Education Federal Stimulus (ARRA) Funding 2011 - 2011

  34. ARRA Special Education Funds • Funds ended summer 2011 • Priorities for funding expenditures • Purchases that would impact students and would last over time • Build capacity in our teachers and provide them with tools to assist in meeting our students’ needs • Ensure purchases were based on best practices and would be researched based • Provide professional development to support any purchases of curriculum and assessment tools

  35. ARRA Special Education Funds (cont) • Elementary • Reading Mastery K-2 • Focus Math K-5 and support materials • Skill for School Success (executive functioning skills) • WIAT III Assessment ( academic norm assessment) • Social Skills books – Jed Baker • Social Thinking (Michelle Garcia Winner) • Super flex, You are Social Detective, and Thinking about You Thinking about Me

  36. ARRA Special Education Funds (cont) • Secondary (Junior High/Middle School) • Bridges to Algebra • Middle School Study Skills Curriculum • Middle School Second Step (behavioral focus) • WIAT III Assessment ( academic norm assessment) • Secondary (High School) • EDGE • Bridges to Algebra • High School Study Skills • Social Thinking - MGW Books

  37. ARRA Special Education Funds (cont) Learning Centers • Reading Mastery • Edmark-Functional Word Series • Focus Math • Touch Point Math • Functional Academics • Social Skills books - Jed Baker • Transition Centers • INSIDE/EDGE • Edmark Level 1,2, Print/software • Focus Math (JH) • Functional Academics • We Can Stop Abuse • News 2 You

  38. ARRA Special Education Funds (cont) • Intervention Centers (K-12) • INSIDE/EDGE (JH, SR) • Reading Mastery (Elem) • Focus Math (Elem) • Bridges to Algebra (JH, SR) • Soc. Skills books - Jed Baker (Elem) • Second Step - Behavior (JH) • Aims web – Behavior (All) • Skills for School Success 3-6

  39. Special Education Professional Development 2011 - 2012

  40. 2011-12 Professional Development • SPED Modules focus on curriculum and instructional strategy training • Secondary Program Review looking at Middle School Programming • Intervention Program alignment K-12 • Elementary Math Adoption: Focus Math • Learning and Transition Center Program curriculum alignment • IEP Transition Plans and Transition Assessments training • Evidence-based Strategies for Students with Autism and other Developmental Disabilities • Curriculum Based Measures training • Behavior support class for all teachers • Evidence Base Training for ASD with Dr Nancy Rosenberg

  41. Special Education Celebrations 2011 - 2012

  42. Celebrations • University of Washington Research Study • ESY Social Skills groups in ESY .. UW students and Dr. Rosenberg • Expanded work with Ryther • 5 junior high schools (IJHS, RJHS, RHJHS, EJHS and KJHS) • New Math Adoption Implementation • New Literacy Adoption 2011-2013 • Curriculum and Assessment • Edge and Insight Secondary • Social Skills (elementary and secondary) • Reading Mastery (Elementary) • Transition Centers Stop Abuse curriculum • Special Education Specialist update Assessment (WIAT III)

  43. Thank You Why we do what we do & Why it matters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQPmY4nIjVE&feature=related Thank you!!!

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