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Step 3: Interventions for Michael

Step 3: Interventions for Michael. Develop a rein forcer menu with Michael and provide a chart for him (make sure you incorporate his special interest) New skills should be reinforced across settings in order for Michael to generalize them.

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Step 3: Interventions for Michael

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  1. Step 3: Interventions for Michael • Develop a rein forcer menu with Michael and provide a chart for him (make sure you incorporate his special interest) • New skills should be reinforced across settings in order for Michael to generalize them. • Provide Michael with a list of conversation cues. Have him keep a list in his binder to refer to in class. Reinforce Michael for using appropriate conversational manners. • Provide a problem solving flow chart as a visual support for Michael. • Teach Michael to recognize the right time to talk • Establish Circle of Friends to practice social skills • Teach parents, peers- Circle of Friends, teachers to narrate ( i.e., describe out loud what others are thinking) • Teach Michael to read others thoughts and feelings (mind blindness) #1 Mind blindness #39 Difficulty talking about others interests #53 Poor organizational skills What Levels of Ziggurat are covered? Reinforcement, Struct. V/T Supports,Skills to Teach,

  2. Step 3: Interventions for Michael • Use of video to help Michael learn conversational manners and related skills • Provide Michael with a list of conversation cues. Have him keep the list in his binder so he can refer to it in class. Reinforce Michael for using appropriate conversational manners. • Use Comic Strip Conversations to help Michael understand what the listener (whole class) is thinking and feeling when he interrupts or dominates a conversation. • Provide speech therapy services to address pragmatic (social) language skills such as conversational manners (e.g., transition statements taking turns while talking, staying on topic, recognizing off-topic statements, using appropriate, voice tone and volume, showing good listening skills), recognizing the listener’s non-verbal messages, and code-switching skills. • Reinforce Michael for using appropriate conversational manners #9 Difficulty understanding non-verbal communication #25 Difficulty with rules of conversation #28 Difficulty starting, joining, ending conversations What Levels of Ziggurat are covered? Reinforcement, Struct. V/T Supports, Skills to Teach, Task Demands,

  3. Step 3: Interventions for Michael • Can teach Michael relaxation techniques including calming sensory strategies. • Using portable coping cards to help Michael to calm in all school settings. • Reinforce Michael for using relaxation/calming skills • Use of stress thermometer to teach Michael about anxiety and how to recognize the signs that indicate when he needs to use his coping strategies • Teach Michael to identify body cues that indicate stress/anxiety and relaxation/calming strategies • Teach Michael how to use problem solving sheet • Practice skills in a familiar environment #42 Responds in an unusual manner to sounds, pain, and touch #89 Difficulty managing stress and anxiety What Levels of Ziggurat are covered? Reinforcement, Struct. V/T Supports, Skills to Teach, Task Demands, Sensory,

  4. Step 3: Interventions for Michael • Reinforce Michael for completing homework and his checklist • Initially, provide adult assistance with organizational skills • Use high interest activities to encourage participation • Develop CAPS for all academic settings #53 Has poor organizational skills What Levels of Ziggurat are covered? Reinforcement, Struct. V/T Supports

  5. Step 3: Complete the Ziggurat Intervention

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