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The Middle Years Program at Chand ler High School. Goals for this meeting: Parents will understand what an IB program is. Parents will understand the ‘costs’ and ‘values’ associated with being a part of this program.
The Middle Years Program at Chandler High School
Goals for this meeting: • Parents will understand what an IB program is. • Parents will understand the ‘costs’ and ‘values’ associated with being a part of this program. • Parents will be able to make an informed decision along with their son or daughter about signing up to participate in the CHS IB-MYP program.
So what exactly is the International Baccalaureate? “... The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit foundation, motivated by its mission to create a better world through education”
...The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect...
...Our programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right....
IB learner profile • The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century • As IB learners we strive to be: • inquirers • knowledgeable • thinkers • communicators • principled • open-minded • caring • risk-takers • balanced • reflective
CHS starts IB-MYP CHS starts Diploma Program – First school in AZ
CHS IB Middle Years Program Honors English 9 Honors English 10 French, German, Spanish Honors World History AP Human Geography or AP Comparative Govt Algebra 1 Honors Geometry Honors Algebra 2 Honors PreCalculus Honors Brief Calculus Investigative Science Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Physics [Fine Art or CTE credit]
Core elements Action/Service • 40 hours of Community/Volunteer Service by April of Sophomore year • Students will pay $15/year to use the ManageBac online tracking system to log and reflect on Community/Volunteer Service activities • Recorded hours should not be: Family related activities. Hours that are compensated either financially or with some other material benefit. Court mandated community service. Service for the sole benefit of a religious house of worship and/or its congregation. Service for promoting a political candidate. Co-curricular activities that are course requirements. An activity where there is no leader or responsible adult on site to evaluate and confirm student performance. Donations (ex. blood, Locks of Love) 9th grade Community Service Manager: Mrs. Debbie Kichler
Each student develops a personal project independently, producing a truly personal and creative piece of work that stands as a summative review of their ability to conduct independent work. Core elements Personal Project • Freshmen will pick an area of interest during 3rd quarter • Mrs. Mara Schultz is the Personal Project Advisor. • She will meet with the students in the Spring and help them outline a plan of action. • Students will be working on a research paper in Hon Eng 9 – we recommend that they have the same topic for this paper and the Personal Project. • Some of the Community/Volunteer service activities should relate to or contribute to the overall Personal Project. • With the help of Mrs. Bender and Mrs. Schultz, each MYP student will have a faculty advisor for the Personal Project. • Sophomores will present and display their completed projects in April.
What are people saying about the MYP? “... - Mrs. Mary Kandaris, former MYP Coordinator “MYP taught me to be creative when solving problems, especially when having road blocks with projects.” - Annie Bricker, CHS Class of 2015, IB Diploma Candidate, former MYP student “My boys were well prepared for the challenges of the IB program and the AP courses in 11th and 12th grade.” -Mrs. Gina Liu, President IB Parent Boosters, Parent of IB Course Senior, IB Course graduate and former MYP students.
A unique opportunity • There are only 4 schools in Arizona with 4-year IB programs. • We are dedicated to constantly evaluating our program and doing what is best for kids. • We know that students benefit in college from a rigorous, supportive learning environment in high school. • Students cannot join National Honor Society until the end of sophomore year … • The Community Service tracking and accountability through MYP helps the freshmen and sophomores start building their resume/portfolio earlier than most students. • This does not go unnoticed by colleges and scholarship committees.
Goals for this meeting: • Do you understand what an IB program is? • Can you weigh the ‘costs’ and ‘values’ associated with being a part of the MYP program? • Will you be able to make an informed decision along with your son or daughter about signing up to participate in the CHS IB-MYP program?
Mrs. Anne Bender IB Program Coordinator bender.anne@cusd80.com 480-812-7732