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Programme of next practicals

Programme of next practicals. April 17th Revision practical + Microscopic structure of the heart and blood vessels . April 24th Blood cells: Cytology of formed elements of blood. Hematopoiesis – demonstration of developmental stages.

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Programme of next practicals

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  1. Programme of next practicals • April 17th Revision practical + Microscopic structure of the heart and blood vessels. • April 24th Blood cells: Cytology of formed elements of blood. Hematopoiesis– demonstration of developmental stages. Repetition test II (Epithelial tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue.) • May 1st, May 8th - Holiday

  2. General histology: Repetition Tissue types • Connective and supporting (+blood) • Epithelial • Muscular • Nervous

  3. Connective tissue developed from mesenchyme consists of: • cells • intercellular matrix: • amorphous ground substance • fibers

  4. Classification • connective tissue proper • specialized connective (supporting) tissue: cartilage bone Functions • mechanical (cartilage, bone) • nutritional (intercellular substance) • defensive (cells: histiocytes, plasma cells, leukocytes – immunocompetence, production of antibodies)

  5. Connective tissue proper • mucous (jelly-like) • loose collagenous (areolar) • dense collagenous (regular, irregular) • reticular • elastic • adipose tissue (white, brown)

  6. Connective tissue proper Mucous (jelly-like) connective tissue

  7. Loose (areolar) connective tissue

  8. Dense connective tissue (regular, irregular)

  9. Elastic tissue

  10. Reticular tissue

  11. Adipose tissue (white)

  12. Cartilage composed of cells (chondrocytes) and intercellular matrix: fibers and amorphous substance (chondrocytes present in lacunae within the matrix) fibers: • collagenous only • combination of collagenous and elastic cartilage is nonvascular, without nerves perichondrium – dense irregular connective tissue on the surface: important for growth and nutrition of cartilage Classification according to the kind and amount of fibers: • hyaline cartilage • elastic cartilage • fibrocartilage

  13. Cartilage (hyaline)

  14. Cartilage (elastic)

  15. Fibrocartilage

  16. Bone • Cells: osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteoprogenitor cells • Intercellular matrix: collagenous fibers (type I), amorphous substance, inorganic salts • Macroscopically - 2 types: compact (dense) and spongy (cancelous) • Microscopically – 2 types according to the organisation of intercellular substance: woven (nonlamellar) and Haversian (lamellar)

  17. Woven bone

  18. Lamellar (Haversian) bone

  19. Epithelial tissue Classification on the structural basis (arrangement of cells): • membranes – cells form sheets – the most common type, including most exocrine glands • trabecular – cells are arranged into anastomosing trabeculae – liver, endocrine glands • reticular – stellate cells form a network – thymus Classification on the basis of function : • Covering (lining) epithelia – epithelial membranes • Glandular epithelium • Absorptive epithelium – enterocytes (intestine) • Respiratory epithelium – pneumocytes (lung) • Sensory epithelium – olfactory ep., taste buds • Myoepithelial cells (exocrine glands, m. dilatator pupillae)

  20. Covering epithelia (epithelial membranes) • Simple squamous

  21. Covering epithelia (epithelial membranes) • Simple cuboidal

  22. Covering epithelia (epithelial membranes) • Simple columnar

  23. Covering epithelia (epithelial membranes) • pseudostratified

  24. Covering epithelia (epithelial membranes) • Stratified squamous nonkeratinized

  25. Covering epithelia (epithelial membranes) • Stratified squamous keratinized

  26. Covering epithelia (epithelial membranes) • Stratified columnar

  27. Covering epithelia (epithelial membranes) • transitional

  28. Glandular epithelium Unicellular glands Goblet cells Paneth cells

  29. Glandular epitheliummulticellular glands – ducts and secretory portions (acini, tubules)

  30. Glandular epithelium • Multicellular glands – serous acini and mucous tubules

  31. Muscle tissue Morphological unit of: • Skeletal muscle cell is called muscle fiber – rhabdomyocyte (multinucleated, nuclei at periphery) myofibrils are structures inside the cell, consist of myofilaments (actin, myosin) • Cardiac muscle cell – cardiomyocyte (uninucleated, nucleus centrally) myofibrils, intercallated discs • Smooth muscle cell – leiomyocyte (uninucleated, nucleus centrally) no myofibrils, only myofilaments

  32. Skeletal muscle

  33. Cardiac muscle

  34. Smooth muscle

  35. Nervous tissue Anatomically: • CNS (central nervous system): brain, spinal cord • PNS (peripheral nervous system): nerves, ganglia Histologically it consists of 2 principal cell types: • nerve cells (neurons) – excitability (irritability) and conductivity • supporting cells (neuroglia)

  36. Types of neurons: pyramidal cells

  37. Types of neurons: Purkinje cell

  38. Types of neurons: motor neurons of spinal cord

  39. Types of neurons: pseudounipolar neurons

  40. Peripheral nerve

  41. Peripheral nerve

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