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Blended Learning: The Future for UK Coach Education Post 2012 John Erskine

Blended Learning: The Future for UK Coach Education Post 2012 John Erskine. Introduction and Thank You’s British Cycling Federation John Mills Jacki Sherwood Andrew Gillott Adrian Fox. Sport & Exercise, Faculty of Health

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Blended Learning: The Future for UK Coach Education Post 2012 John Erskine

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  1. Blended Learning: The Future for UK Coach Education Post 2012 John Erskine

  2. Introduction and Thank You’s • British Cycling Federation John Mills Jacki Sherwood Andrew Gillott Adrian Fox

  3. Sport & Exercise, Faculty of Health Staffordshire University..delivering online Pg Awards since 2004 MSc. Applied Sport & Ex. Science MSc. (Applied) Sport & Ex. Psychology MSc. Physical Activity & Public Health MPH + blended learning in Clinical Biomechanics

  4. Structure of the Session What and Why of Blended Learning 5 minutes of Theory BCF Level 3 Blended Core Coaching Award in Bb Some Best Practice Examples for Blended Learning Your turn – redesigning a coaching award Summing Up

  5. The What and Why of Blended Learning What is blended Learning? …numerous definitions… for today…. “..thoughtful fusion of face-to-face and online learning experiences” (Garrison & Vaughan, 2008, p.5)

  6. Why Blended Learning? The convergence of traditional classroom and technology supported learning now allows a more engaged learning experience Active Learning = Engaged Learning BL = a better approach that combines the best of face to face and online approaches to learning

  7. BL is not dumping your content on the web….. ..it represents a restructuring of class contact hours to enhance engagement and extend access to learning opportunities BL = a fundamental redesign of learning and teaching

  8. In summary, key assumptions are… Thoughtfully integrate face to face and online learning Fundamentally rethinking the coaching award design to optimise coach engagement Restructuring and replacing traditional class contact hours

  9. BL….. Recognizes strengths of integrating verbal and text based communication Mixes synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication This mix is multiplicative not additive

  10. 5 mins of theory….!!! What framework or design might provide you with a quality BL experience?...what approach should be adopted??? Excellent review of learning theories as applied to Coaching undertaken by…

  11. Constructivist Approach….learners construct meaning, make sense and confirm understand via discourse. At the core is the need to develop a Community of Inquiry (COI: Garrison, 2000) Community = recognises the social nature of learning (interaction, collaboration) Inquiry = process of constructing meaning

  12. 3 key or core elements needed to develop a viable COI… Social Presence Teaching Presence Cognitive Presence each requires engagement, interaction, collaboration and reflection

  13. Social Presence coaches express themselves openly and risk free collaborate with others express emotions Needs to develop at outset of COI, but insufficient by itself to sustain and develop it

  14. Cognitive Presence Basic to inquiry process Triggering event…. (issue/problem)…exploration of the problem.. gathering of info.. ..make sense….hypothesise/debate to find solutions..test final solution Brings together Social and Cognitive Presence in efficient manner

  15. Teaching Presence provides design, facilitation and direction of learning …establishes content, approaches and methods also moderates guides and focuses on tasks to be completed

  16. Virtual Learning Environments (VLE’s) Proprietary versus Open Source others… Sakai…..Kineo…. Bb – Coursesites 2. Go it alone versus Partnership

  17. Level 3 Coaching Award Current Structure – Core Unit

  18. Level 3 Coaching Award Blended Learning Structure – Core Unit

  19. Current Structure – Discipline Specific Unit

  20. Blended Structure – Discipline Specific Unit

  21. Blended ‘Core Unit’ – Lets Have a look! Blackboard module…. Login..password/username Next 20 minutes….. Combination of Level 3 ‘Core Unit’ content and examples of tasks from Pg online modules

  22. Your Turn.... Task Brief: Select a coaching award that you are familiar with that relies heavily on face to face contact... On the basis of what you have just seen and heard use the handout to suggest how the current award might be redesigned to be delivered via Blended Learning

  23. To sum up... Thanks for your TIME and ATTENTION and to the BCF for allowing me to destroy their Level 3 Coaching award! John Erskine, j.w.erskine@staffs.ac.uk

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