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2011-12 Swimming and Diving. Rules Changes Major Editorial Changes Points of Emphasis. DATES: 1st Day of Practice: - No earlier than Oct. 31st Date of 1st Contest: - No earlier than Nov. 21st. DATES: Reporting Deadline - Thursday the week prior, 5:00pm Regionals -
2011-12Swimming and Diving Rules Changes Major Editorial Changes Points of Emphasis
DATES: 1st Day of Practice: - No earlier than Oct. 31st Date of 1st Contest: - No earlier than Nov. 21st
DATES: Reporting Deadline - Thursday the week prior, 5:00pm Regionals - February 3-4 (diving normally the day before) State 3A-Feb. 9, 1A/2A-Feb. 10, 4A –Feb.11 Diving: Prior day Please refer to the NCHSAA Web Site: www.nchsaa.org For schedule of events (Swimming/Diving Page
Coaches working with outside organized club team • (USA) may not coach the team during the dead periods if any swimmers/divers on the team are from his/her school. • Also, coaches (head, assistant, or volunteer) working • with outside organized teams during school year are • limited to no more than 6 swimmers (6 girls and 6 boys) • or divers from their high schools.
Reminders: • Dead Periods: -Fall Try Out Dead Period July 30 through Aug. 15 -Spring Try Out Dead Period Feb. 13 through March 15 • Season Limitation: All regular season meets and conference tournaments must be completed before the playoff reporting deadline.
NCHSAA EJECTIONS **On All NCHSAA Ejections** Two officials must notify the head coach of the player being ejected and the player’s number. One of the following seven offenses: 1) Fighting 2)Flagrant Contact 3) Taunting, Baiting or Spitting toward an opponent or official 4) Profanity directed to an official or opponent 5) Obscene Gestures
6) Disrespectfully Addressing an Official Note: Deliberately Contacting an Official is automatic expulsion for the remainder of her high school career. 7) Biting Observed by an Official Penalty for an ejection for the above reasons results in an ejection from the contest and the player must miss the next two at that level and all contests in the interim. Exception : The penalty for an ejection for fighting would be the player will miss the next 4 contests at that level and all contest in the interim.
Reminders: • Sportsmanship: if student athlete or coach is ejected or DQ’ed, must complete the STAR Sportsmanship course on-line before returning to competition in addition to serving the contest penalty. NCHSAA.org; bottom right corner of home page is link for STAR Sportsmanship. • There is now a fee involved for this course. If player ejected, the school must pay the cost of the course ($7). • If a team has players ejected due to fighting, the head coach must take the NFHS Learn Course, “Teaching and Modeling BehaBehavior” ($20 fee). It must be completed before coaching in th I in the next contest.
Reminders, cont.: • Coaching Requirement: All coaches must attend a required meeting with athletic director to view a power point presentation prepared by the NCHSAA staff. Health and Safety slides have been added which address the concussion policy. • Concussion Rule: If a student receives head injury or suspected concussion, he/she cannot return to practice that day and/or must have the return to play form signed by Dr. licensed to practice medicine before returning to practice and/or play; form has been developed by SMAC and can be found on the NCHSAA website (nchsaa.org) under Sports Medicine, RTP (Return to Play) Form.
Concussion Rule, conti. • NOTE: • Now a state law that you cannot return student to play or practice without RTP • Must have EAP checked by certified athletic trainer • Must give resource information relative to concussions to students and parents and they must sign the papers provided indicating that they have reviewed the information
Reminders, cont.: • Pre-Participation (Physical) Form:Any student-athlete requiring a new physical (once every 365 days) must use the form found on the website under forms and Sports Medicine. • Pay close attention to question #25 on the first page which ask about the history of sickle cell.
Reminders, cont.: • Amateur Rule: A student-athlete may receive t-shirts, food coupons, etc. if it does not exceed $20 value per season. • Age Rule Change: No student may be approved for any athletic contest if his or her 19th birthday comes on or before August 31, 2011.
Reminders, conti: • Endowment Games: If an endowment meet is approved and held, then the report must be filed and the appropriate money sent to the NCHSAA. • 180 Day Term is now 185 Day Term: Attendance is still based on attending 85% of the number of days in a semester. • Sanctioning: NCHSAA has clarified the Sanctioning Section in the NCHSAA Handbook. Please review if inviting schools from other states and countries or if you are sponsoring an event involving schools from other states or countries.
Reminders , cont. • Variation of Schedules: Note: Examples of variation of curriculum schedules, such as the hybrids, are now included in the Scholastic Requirement section of the NCHSAA Handbook. • Emphasis: Students below the 9th grade shall not play or practice against high school students during open facility or skill development during the 185 day school term. • Visit the NCHSAA website often/daily
REMINDERS: • Noise makers are prohibited at swimming meets • No Face/Body Paint is allowed (spectators or swimmers/divers) • Promoting good sportsmanship is everyone’s responsibility. Coaches set the example and tone for their athletes and fans. Jewelry: Coaches, please discuss the jewelry rule with your players. Newly pierced earrings must come out and may not be covered. NO BANDAIDS OR PLASTIC STUDS
Divers must have successfully competed in at least one meet during the regular season in order to enter regional competition. A printed copy of the Direct Athletic entries must be signed by the principal, and coaches must present this at check in at 1A/2A and 3A and 4A regional meets. Do not fax diving sheets to regional directors. The diving entry form can be found on online at: www.diverline.com/EZMEET/DiveVerifierProgram.htm Remember (2) copies must be brought to the meet.
OFFICIALS: • A referee and three other officials required for times to count. • A flat fee of $45 is to be paid the referees and a flat fee of $20 to be paid to each stroke and turn judge and the starter • Schools- must recruit their own officials to register with the NCHSAA (register @: officiating.nchsaa.org • Registration is open NOW • The NFHS exam and the NCHSAA Referee exam taken online no later than Dec. 5. • The NFHS exam taken by ALL officials (including referees).
Officials Conti: • The Referee Exam is required for officials working towards the two (2) year criteria to become a referee, as well as current referees. • Verification Forms: Forms must be signed at each meet the official works. The form must be returned to the NCHSAA Office by March 2, 2012 • Official’s Qualification Data: Information, grades and referee status can be found on www.nchsaa.org, click on the Swimming and Diving Tab (left hand side of the home page)
Qualifying Times: There are automatic and consideration times again for all classes, 1A/2A, 3A and 4A Regionals. All swimmers with automatic qualifying times will be accepted into the meet regardless of the number of swimmers who qualify. If there are any empty lanes in the slowest heat of any event, the swimmers or relay teams with the fastest consideration times will be accepted to fill out the empty lanes. QUALIFYING TIMES can be found on the web site: www.nchsaa.org , under Swimming & Diving Page.
QUALIFIERS TO STATE CHAMPIONSHIP: Top-eight fastest times from each 4A regional (East, Central and West) Top-twelve fastest times from each1A/2A and 3A regional (East and West) In order to qualify for and advance to State Championships each swimmer or relay team must have achieved the Regional Qualifying standard (automatic or consideration) during either the Preliminary or Final competition. No split times or aggregate times are allowed for qualifying relay teams Check the NCHSAA website on an ongoing basis for any updates. You must refresh your computer to make sure it shows the new changes
Check the NCHSAA website (www.nchsaa.org) for entry procedures for Direct Athletics. Deadline for submission of playoff entries is the Thursday, 5:00 pm the week prior to the 1A/2A, 3A and 4A Regional Meets. No face/body paint is allowed and SPORTSMANSHIP is everyone’s responsibility!
* ** Schools fielding a team must compete as a team during the regular season and times must be achieved in high school competition. **Individuals representing their school, where no team is fielded, must achieve qualifying times in high school competitions.
High-Tech Swimsuits Banned in High School Swimming The NFHS Swimming and Diving Rules Committee approved changes to Rule 3-2-2 that will make the high-tech swimsuit no longer a legal suit for swimmers at the high school level. The committee’s recommendations were subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors. Swimmers shall be limited to one swimsuit, which shall be constructed of a woven/knit textile material, permeable to water and air, constructed so as not to aid in buoyancy, and shall not contain zippers or other fastening systems. In addition, the suit shall be constructed so that the style/shape for males shall not extend above the waist or below the top of the kneecap and for females shall not extend beyond the shoulders or below the top of the kneecap, and it shall not cover the neck.
In-Water StartsRule 2-7-2b Chart • In-water starts must be used in pools where the pool depth is less than 4 feet deep
Referee’s JurisdictionRule 4-1-4 • The meet referee’s jurisdiction begins upon arrival at the meet site and ends with the completion of the last event. The meet referee shall establish the official score of the meet within one hour after the last event under Rule 4-2-3. The meet referee maintains administrative responsibilities for the contest through the completion of any required reports or correspondence in response to any action occurring while the officials have jurisdiction. State associations may intercede in the event of unusual incidents after the meet referee’s jurisdiction has ended or in the event that a meet is terminated prior to the conclusion of regulation competition
Referee’s JurisdictionRule 4-1-4 SITUATION • SITUATION: A fight between participants occurred during a contest and this situation caused the contest to end abruptly. Everyone at the event was immediately evacuated from the premises (including those directly involved). Though the competitors, coaches and fans have all left the facility, the meet referee would still maintain the administrative responsibility to rule on the incident occurring because it occurred while he/she had jurisdiction.
Referee’s Jurisdiction Rule 4-1-4 SITUATION • RULING: Correct procedure. COMMENT: The meet referee, even though removed from the pool area, still maintains the responsibility to complete any reports, including disqualifications, that would have taken place during the contest had he/she not had to leave the pool area. • In contrast, a fight that occurs in the parking lot following the conclusion of a contest would not be the responsibility of the meet referee.
Seeding Divers – Championship MeetsRule 9-2-2 • The order of divers in championship meets, determined by the meet director, shall be either by lot or by seeding based on the diver’s best competitive 11 dive score submitted from the current season. If seeding by dive scores, divers without 11 dive scores shall be seeded by lot at the beginning of the diving order. The same relative position of divers shall be maintained for all levels of competition
Determining Dive Order In Championship Meets – Using Best Past 11 Dive ScoreRule 9-2-2 Diver 11 Dive Score Linda Muxfeld 370.20 Stacey Lambert 375.45 Tracie Brown 377.55 Kathy Topp 382.10 Tina Brown 383.65 Cheryl Mitchel 418
Determining Dive Order In Championship Meets – Random DrawRule 9-2-2 Diver 11 Dive Score Tina Brown 383.65 Stacey Lambert 375.45 Tracie Brown 377.55 Kathy Topp 382.10 Cheryl Mitchel 418 Linda Muxfeld 370.20
Determining Dive Order In Championship Meets – CombinationRule 9-2-2 Diver 11 Dive Score Tracie Brown No Score Linda Muxfeld No Score Stacey Lambert 375.45 Tracie Brown 377.55 Kathy Topp 382.10 Cheryl Mitchel 418
Twisting DivesRule 9-4 – Diving Table • The degree of difficulty for the following twisting dives have been changed: • 5227D to 3.2 3.1 • 5126D to 2.82.7 • 5136D to 3.13.0
Forward Approach and TakeoffRule 9-5-2 • The forward approach shall begin with not less than three steps and finish with a hurdle, defined as a jump off one foot to a landing on both feet at the end of the board. The diver may use additional steps, hops, leaps and/or jumps between the initial three steps and the culminating hurdle. The forward takeoff shall be from both feet simultaneously to an adequate height to perform the dive
Forward Approach and TakeoffRule 9-5-2 • Components of forward approach and takeoff:
Flying DivesRule 9-5-6 NOTE • Flying dives demonstrating one somersault require the straight position be maintained from the takeoff until the body has rotated to the horizontal position (1/4 rotation) • Flying dives demonstrating one and one half somersaults require the straight position be maintained until the body has rotated to the vertical position (1/2 rotation)
Flying Dives Rule 9-5-6 NOTE 112C Forward Flying Somersault Tuck
Flying DivesRule 9-5-6 NOTE 413C Inward Flying 1½ Tuck
2011-12Swimming and Diving Major Editorial Changes
UniformsRule 3-3-2 • The uniform consists of a suit and, if worn, cap(s). • The suit or cap(s) may display the name and/or number of the competitor, school or mascot; • Advertising or name other than that permitted in 3-3-2c is prohibited; • A single visible manufacturer’s logo/trademark/reference, no more than 2 ¼ square inches is permitted on each item of the uniform (suit and cap(s)); • An American flag, not to exceed 2x3 inches, and either a commemorative or memorial patch, not to exceed 4 square inches and with written state association approval, may be worn on each item of the uniform. • NOTE: The FINA mark and/or individual…
UniformsRule 3-3-2 • The competitor has the option to wear a swim cap • If worn, the competitor may wear more than one cap • The cap may display • name and/or number of competitor • school • mascot • American flag meeting size restrictions in 3-3-2d • manufacturer’s logo under rule 3-3-2c
Uniforms Rule 3-3-2 Legal
UniformsRule 3-3-2 Legal
UniformsRule 3-3-2 Illegal
Accommodations for Individual Participants Rule 3-3-4 NOTE • Each state association may, in keeping with applicable laws, authorize exceptions to NFHS playing rules to provide reasonable accommodations to individual participants with disabilities and/or special needs, as well as those individuals with unique and extenuating circumstances. The accommodations should not fundamentally alter the sport, allow an otherwise illegal piece of equipment, create risk to the athlete/others or place opponents at a disadvantage
Illegal JewelryRule 3-3-5 • A competitor shall not wear jewelry. When it is discovered that any competitor is wearing… • NOTE: When the competitor starts an event/round and is observed with jewelry, he/she shall complete that heat/round and be notified to remove the jewelry before becoming eligible for any further participation... • PENALTY: When an official discovers a competitor wearing jewelry, a subsequent time within the same meet, the official shall:…