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The DESIR physics workshop (Leuven 26 th – 28 th May) Paul Campbell

The DESIR physics workshop (Leuven 26 th – 28 th May) Paul Campbell. Present status… Community interests… The future experiments….

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The DESIR physics workshop (Leuven 26 th – 28 th May) Paul Campbell

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  1. The DESIR physics workshop(Leuven 26th – 28th May)Paul Campbell Present status… Community interests… The future experiments…

  2. The DESIR physics workshop73 delegates 23 institutions 12 countries ½ + 1 + ½ days, 4 sessions – the facilities, BESTIOL, LUMIERE, traps OUTCOMES: reported today and,http://www.cenbg.in2p3.fr/desir/spip.php?rubrique82

  3. APPENDIX III: DESIR collaboration agreement After the construction of the DESIR infrastructure (RFQ cooler SHIRaC, high-resolution separator HRS, beams lines from S1, S2, and S3 to DESIR), the DESIR collaboration proposes the installation of a certain number of general equipment (stable ion sources, identification station, general-purpose ion buncher GPIB) which will be available to all experiments. This equipment will be provided by the collaboration as a whole or by different groups and financed by different means (ANR, regional grants etc.). Part of the equipment necessary to perform experiments in DESIR exists already or is presently built and commissioned. Other parts will be constructed in the next few years. This equipment is financed by different parts of the DESIR collaboration and will be installed permanently or for longer periods in the DESIR hall. Details of this process will be fixed in a Memorandum of Understanding which is presently being elaborated.

  4. The DESIR physics workshop Introduction... Present experiments and equipment... The future experiments and interest...

  5. GANIL/SPIRAL1/SPIRAL2 facility SP2 Beam time: 44 weeks/y GANIL Beam time: 35 weeks/y ISOL RIB Beams: 28-33 weeks/y GANIL+SP 2 Users: 700-800/y Neutrons For Science LINAC: 33MeV p 40 MeV d 14.5 AMeV HI DESIR Facility low energy RIB S3 separator-spectrometer A/q=6 Injector option GANIL/SPIRAL 1 today A/q=2 source p, d, 3,4He 5mA A/q=3 HI source Up to 1mA HRS+RFQ Cooler RIB Production Cave Up to 1014 fiss./sec. CIME cyclotron RIB at 1-20 AMeV (up to 9 AMeV for fiss. fragments) Cost: 200M€ Funded SPIRAL2 is one of the ESFRI list projects (40 most important EU research infrastructure projects)

  6. Beamtime… DESIR (typical example) 29 weeks of RIB/year: 10 weeks of ISOL RIB from SPIRAL2, 4 weeks from S3, 15 weeks from SPIRAL1

  7. The DESIR physics workshop Introduction... Present experiments and equipment... The future experiments and interest...

  8. New experimental setup for b2p emission : The Silicon Cube • 6 DSSSD with 16x16 strips • 6 silicon detector behind • 192 electronics channels • 3 EXOGAM clovers • High granularity with 1536 pixels • Angular coverage • 54% for one proton detection • 29% for two-proton detection P. Ascher I. Matea et al, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 607 (2009) 576

  9. SIMULATION VALIDATION WITH 252Cf SOURCE IN UPC LAB Full energy 765 keV 252Cf neutron energy distribution Noise Wall effect575 keV Wall effect190 keV Experimental uncertainty due to source activity uncertainty (15%) M. B. Gómezet al.UPC, Barcelona

  10. TAGS uses large 4 scintillation detectors,aimingto detect the full -ray cascade rather than individual -rays An ideal TAS would give directly the -intensity I spectrum strength Response from MC simulations and nuclear statistical model Deconvolution with spectrometer response to decay  Clean sources & minimum of statistics J.L. Tain

  11. T. Cocolios

  12. Pumping in the cooler: G. Neyens, K. Flanagan, B. Cheal, F. Charlwood, P. Campbell

  13. Kiefl 8Li: transverse b-NMR condensed matter physics TRIUMF ISAC Polarized Beam Line 80% pol Shimoda ANa: transverse 11Li: transverse decay spectroscopy 30-50% pol collinear optical pumping neutralizer re-ionizer polarized ANa0 Kiefl 8Li: longitudinal b-NMR condensed matter physics 80% pol polarized ANa+1 1.9 m two frequency laser beams unpolarized ANa+1 B 10Gauss 30 keV pumping within 2.6ms beam velocity tuning C.D.P. Levy et al. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B204 (2003) 689 T. Shimoda

  14. 11Be*+b 11Ligs 10Be* + n b- n, b- g, b- n-g coincidence 10Begs + g En = 1 keV – 9 MeV b-ray telescope: ΔWb= 14.7% x 2, eb = 90% Ge detector: HPGe, 50 and 60 %, ΔWg eg = 3.2x10 @3 MeV -3 30.5 keV plastic scintillator: ΔWn= 1.8% x 6, en = 19%@2 MeV, En ≧500 keV Flight Length: 1.5 m 50% polarization Li-glass scintillator: ΔWn= 0.92% x 5, en =2.1%@15 keV, en = 1.3%@80 keV En ≧1 keV Flight Length:130 mm Polarization was inverted in every 30 sec by changing the laser helicity. Experiment at TRIUMF (E903) b-decay asymmetry

  15. Status of MLLTRAP • - 7T trap magnet, identical to • SHIPTRAP, JYFLTRAP • Status: • operational with Dm/m~5.10-8 • (without systematic errors) • systematic effects on B field studied P. Thirolf, D. Lunney DESIR Workshop, Leuven, May 26-28, 2010

  16. [ O. Naviliat-Cuncic & N.S., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 142302 reduce by new measurements of Ft values and correlation coefficients E. Lienard, N. Severijns 16 8/24/2014

  17. The DESIR physics workshop Introduction... Present experiments and equipment... The future experiments and interest...

  18. Existing TAS measurements 146Gd 2nd FP 100Sn 100Sn 1st FP A~74 N~Z 132Sn Superallowed 78Ni Proposed TAS measurements • Nuclear structure @ magic nuclei • Astrophysics: r-process • Fundamental physics • Reactor decay-heat • Reactor neutrino-spectrum

  19. ~ 78Ni • Motivation • GT- resonance is close to Qβwindow • Complementary to earlier studies using high resolution (Leuven group)

  20. IGISOL separator + ion guide source: refractory elements TAS measurements @ Univ. Jyvaskyla JYFLTRAP Penning trap: isotopic purification Mass scan Measurement of Nb, Mo and Tc isotopes for Reactor Decay Heat Valencia, Jyvaskyla, Debrecen, Gatchina, Surrey Measured TAS spectra

  21. 130Cd from Qb (ISOLDE) PRL 91(2003)162503 Penning trap data 128Cd 122Pd 146Xe 140Te 135Sn SPIRAL2 hunting for odds

  22. Candidate: 257Rf SHIPTRAP: 2010 : 255Lr 255No, 256Lr: ~ 100 nb DESIR Workshop, Leuven, May 26-28, 2010

  23. Example of polarized atoms in MOT: neutrino asymmetry parameter for 37K 5 % precision very difficult to determine nuclear polarization precisely ! MW2 > 180 GeV/c2 (90 % C.L.) TRINAT MOT trap @ TRIUMF 37K – D. Melconian, J.A. Behr et al., Phys. Lett. B 649 (2007) 370 N. Severijns, DESIR Workshop - Leuven - May 26-28, 2010 8/24/2014 24

  24. The DESIR physics workshop Introduction... Present experiments and equipment... The future experiments and interest...

  25. APPENDIX III: DESIR collaboration agreement After the construction of the DESIR infrastructure (RFQ cooler SHIRaC, high-resolution separator HRS, beams lines from S1, S2, and S3 to DESIR), the DESIR collaboration proposes the installation of a certain number of general equipment (stable ion sources, identification station, general-purpose ion buncher GPIB) which will be available to all experiments. This equipment will be provided by the collaboration as a whole or by different groups and financed by different means (ANR, regional grants etc.). Part of the equipment necessary to perform experiments in DESIR exists already or is presently built and commissioned. Other parts will be constructed in the next few years. This equipment is financed by different parts of the DESIR collaboration and will be installed permanently or for longer periods in the DESIR hall. Details of this process will be fixed in a Memorandum of Understanding which is presently being elaborated.

  26. The major equipment consists of stable ion sources and a general purpose ion buncher (D. Lunney et al.) with a total investment cost of 250 k€ an identification station with tape drive and associated detectors (Ph. Dessagne et al.) with a total investment cost of 100 k€ a Penning trap system for mass measurement (the MLLTRAP) provided by the Ludwig- Maximilian University of Munich (P. Thirolf et al.) with a total investment cost of about 700 k€ a magneto optical trap for studies “beyond the standard model” proposed by KVI Groningen (H. Wilschut et al.) with an investment cost of 500 k€ the LPCTRAP for weak-interaction studies (G. Ban et al.) with a total investment cost of 225 k€ a Collinear Laser-Spectroscopy setup (the LUMIERE facility) provided by the University of Leuven (G. Neyens et al.) , the University of Manchester (P. Campbell et al.) and the IPN Orsay (F. Le Blanc) with a total investment cost of 970 k€ a total absorption gamma spectrometer provided by CSIC Valencia (J.L. Tain et al.) with a total investment cost of 425 k€ the TETRA neutron multiplicity setup proposed by JINR Dubna (Y. Penionzhkevich et al.) with an investment cost of 200 k€ a neutron time-of-flight spectrometer provided by a CIEMAT (D. Cano Ott et al.) - LPC Caen (N. Orr et al.) collaboration with an investment cost of 445 k€ a double Penning trap system for beam purification and preparation proposed by CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan (B. Blank et al.) with a total investment cost of 750 k€ a fast-timing setup provided by a collaboration led by G. Simpson (LPSC Grenoble) with an investment cost of 50 k€ a 4p charged particle array proposed by CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan (B. Blank et al.) and CSIC Madrid (M.J.G. Borge et al.) with a total investment cost of 130 k€

  27. The DESIR physics workshopThe range of beam... The beamtime... The timing...

  28. Beamtime… DESIR (typical example) 29 weeks of RIB/year: 10 weeks of ISOL RIB from SPIRAL2, 4 weeks from S3, 15 weeks from SPIRAL1

  29. Beamtime

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