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A Shift from Print to ‘Born Digital’ Editing Medieval Miscellanies from the Netherlands. Herman Brinkman. Leuven, 18 september 2013. The transformation of an editorial practice. History, aims and practices of the MVN edition series
A Shift from Print to ‘Born Digital’Editing Medieval Miscellanies from the Netherlands Herman Brinkman Leuven, 18 september 2013
The transformation of an editorial practice History, aims and practices of the MVN edition series The transition to ‘born digital’: considerations from the perspectives of users and editors Working environments: from XML to eLaborate Publication platform
The transformation of an editorial practice History, aims and practices of the MVN edition series 1992 : initiative for integral diplomatic editions of medieval manuscript sources existing critical editions too often obscure the manuscript text manuscripts esp. miscellanies represent historical reading environments > shift in focus from text to context critical editions single out one text, while many ‘lesser important’ texts remain unedited texts from one manuscript are too often edited according to different editorial practices
History, aims and practices of the MVN edition series (continued) integral editions open up a new research area: many mss. display a diversity of ‘smaller’ genres: tales, riddles, proverbs, epigraphs, mnemotechnical verses, household rules, stanzaic poetry, prose treatises, excerpts, quotations, etc., etc. diplomatic editions (combined with manuscript description) lead to better localization of the language or even determination of the provenance 1992: establisment of an MVN- project committee and collaboration with Constantijn Huygens Institute 1994: first publication
MedievalMiscellaniesfrom the Netherlands (1994 - ) I Het Geraardsbergse handschrift prtdipl II Het handschrift-Jan Phillipszprtdipl III Het Tübingse Sint-Geertruihandschriftprtdipl IV Het Comburgse handschrift prtdipl V Het handschrift-Borgloon prtdipl VI Het Haagse handschrift van heraut Beyerenprtdipl VII Het handschrift-Van Hulthemprtdipl VIII Het Hartebokprtdipl IX Het Gaesdonckse traktatenhandschrift prtdipl X Het Weense arteshandschrift prtdipl XI Het Wiesbadense handschrift prtcrit *XII Het Berlijnse liederenhandschrift prtcrit *XIII Het Gruuthuse-handschrift prtcrit *XIV Het Van vrouwen ende van minne-handschriftonline dipl
MedievalMiscellaniesfrom the Netherlands (1994 - ) Work in progressandfutureeditions *XV Het Heber-Serrure handschrift online dipl * - Brussel, KB, II 144 online dipl * - Het Freckenhorstse handschrift online dipl * - Het Oudenaardserijmboekprtcrit * - Het handschrift-Van der Stock online dipl * - Het Beatrijs-handschrift online dipl
MedievalMiscellaniesfrom the Netherlands printededitionsavailable in pdf through DBNL – The Digital Library of Dutch Literature: www.dbnl.org www.textualscholarship.nl > Digitale edities > MVN
Het handschrift-Jan Phillipsz. Hs. Berlijn, StaatsbibliothekPreussischerKulturbesitz, Germ. Qu. 557. Ed. H Brinkman. Hilversum:Verloren, 1995. Leiden, c. 1473-1481 Mainscribe: Jan Phillipsz, townsecretary of Leiden. Previously: Holland, second half of 15th century Provenance: unknown
The Jan Phillipsz manuscript, text 120 Johannes Phylippi = Jan Phillipsz, townsecretary of Leyden († 1509) VrancoPhilippi = VranckPhillipsz, brother of Jan Phillipsz, civicservant in Leyden
deletednames are close relatives of the scribe katrijnvranckendochter = KatrijnVranckPhillipszdochter, daughter of VranckPhillipsz joest = Joest Jan Phillipszoen, son of Jan Phillipsz • identification of the provenance of the ms. throughdeleted line withnames: Leyden, relatives of townsecretary • bothappearto have died c. 1473
The transformation of an editorial practice The transition to ‘born digital’: considerations from the perspectives of users and editors
The transformation of an editorial practice The transition to ‘born digital’: considerations from the perspectives of users and editors User perspective: what might a user want in a digital edition? long term accessibility fixed url’s for stable reference reliable source representation: both text and manuscript images of the manuscript pages representation of the writing process readability: human eye + computer (analytical tools) overview of the structure of the text collection as a whole flexible rendering of different representations of the text searchoptions and exportable display of search results export of text in different file formats
The transformation of an editorial practice The transition to ‘born digital’: considerations from the perspectives of users and editors Perspective of the editor: what might an editor want in a digital working environment? not be bothered by technicalities concentration on content in stead of form writing aids (as little code as possible, ready made mark up) program should be able to cope with complex textual features tools for collaboration (multiple editors) version control
The transformation of an editorial practice The transition to ‘born digital’: conflicting priorities Conflicts: user > < user mark up plain text editor > < editor simple mark up coping with complex features editor > > user simple mark up writing process more features = more development (working environment and publication environment)
The transformation of an editorial practice Working environments developed at the Huygens ING 1. XML-TEI for MVN (edited text) in oXygen / Word Press for Introductory texts stand alone support for editor, tutorials, guidelines no support for publication and maintenance 2. eLaborate – all purpose transcription and publication tool on line transcription, annotation (user definable classes) collaborative tool Present situation: MVN editions are prepared in XML-TEI publication platform eLaborate made suitable for MVN editions (test phase) upgrading of eLaborate to meet MVN standards
MVN working environment usingoXygen as XML editor Set up: MVN framework (Peter Boot) xml file xml schema MVN template characterdeclarations(xml) font: junicode (forabbreviationmarks) xsltstylesheets cssstyle sheet for html rendering
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader text"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc encodingDescprofileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt publicationStmtseriesStmt sourceDesc encodingDescprofileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt title editor publicationStmtseriesStmt sourceDesc encodingDescprofileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt publicationStmt pseriesStmt sourceDesc encodingDescprofileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt publicationStmtseriesStmt title MVN biblScope "vol" 14 sourceDesc encodingDescprofileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt publicationStmtseriesStmt sourceDesc msDesc encodingDescprofileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt publicationStmtseriesStmt sourceDesc msDesc msIdentifier encodingDescprofileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc titleStmt publicationStmtseriesStmt sourceDesc msDesc msIdentifier placeName institution idno msName encodingDescprofileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc encodingDesc xi:include”charDecl”editorialDecl profileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc encodingDesc xi:include”charDecl”editorialDecl p profileDesctext"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader fileDesc encodingDesc profileDeschandNotes handNote handNote handNote text"VVEVM"
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader text"VVEVM" group
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader text"VVEVM" group text text group text text group text
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader text"VVEVM" group text text group text text text text group group text text text
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader text"VVEVM" group text body
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader text"VVEVM" group text body head lg closer
MVN xmlnshttp://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 teiHeader text"VVEVM" group text body head lg l l l ... l l closer
Van vrouwen ende van minne (VVEVM)[The Hague, Royal Library, 75 H 57]manuscript: folium 1 recto, line 3text: no. 1, line 61 <lbn="3" xml:id="VVEVMf1r.3"/> <l n="61" xml:id="VVEVM1.61"> Die dus vriendelikenvoir mi sneet </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne [Because we cannot do without love] minne: withabbreviation bar for letter ‘n’ ons: written as ‘mons’ andcorrectedby a strikethroughinto ‘ons’ tontberne: withabbreviation mark apostrophefor ‘er’
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice><abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr><expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan> </choice> </l>
Want minne en staet ons niet tonberne <lb n="17" xml:id="VVEVMf1v.17"/> <l n="98" xml:id="VVEVM1.98">Want <choice> <abbr>mi<g ref="#bar"/>ne</abbr> <expan>mi<ex>n</ex>ne</expan> </choice> en staet <del type="strikethrough"rend="vertical">m</del>ons niet <choice> <abbr>tonb<g ref="#apomod"/>ne</abbr> <expan>tonb<ex>er</ex>ne</expan></choice> </l>