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NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF UKRAINE “KPI” INSTRUMENT MAKING FACULTY OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES DEPARTMENT. Celsius. Project by : Toptunenko D . Siruy E . Yakymenko M . Nechyporuk S. Supervised by : Borovitskyi V . M . Kondratenko D . U . deka@email.ua.
NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF UKRAINE “KPI” INSTRUMENT MAKING FACULTY OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES DEPARTMENT Celsius Project by: ToptunenkoD. SiruyE. YakymenkoM. NechyporukS. Supervised by: BorovitskyiV.M. KondratenkoD.U. deka@email.ua
General description: • This devicemeasures the temperature of the water, which was heated upin laboratory equipment. • A thermo resistor is used as a censor. The power on the out put of the resistor is measured and is processed by the microcontroller. The mean values of the temperature are brought out on the screen. <Название проекта>
Circuit diagram <Название проекта>
Software <Название проекта>
Developing process ... <Название проекта>
Developing process ... <Название проекта>
Developing process ... <Название проекта>
Results <Название проекта>
Results <Название проекта>
Demonstration <Название проекта>
Thank you for your attention Contact us: • National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”Optical and optoelectronic devices departmentKyiv 03056, prospektPeremogy 37 http://ooep.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua/ Project developed within the limits of subject “Microprocessors and computers” http://ooep.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua/microcontrollers/ <Название проекта>