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AND THE SUN STARTED SHINING. The f irst school in SLOVENIA with a solar power plant. Mentors: Valentin Peternel Mirja Mrovlje Pečnik. Authors: Janez Troha Istok Lenarčič. March 2008. AND THE SUN SHINES. Our solar power plant is quite powerful. It produces a maximum of
AND THE SUN STARTED SHINING The first school in SLOVENIA with a solar power plant Mentors: Valentin Peternel Mirja Mrovlje Pečnik Authors: Janez Troha Istok Lenarčič March 2008
AND THE SUN SHINES Our solar power plant is quite powerful. It produces a maximum of 25,16 kW of electrical energy. That’s enough to rent it out into Elektro Ljubljana’s power network.
USAGE1 We use our power plant to educate: Solar technology Information tech. Development All that thanks to the fact that we have a smaller, 3,74kW polygon exclusively meant to educate our students.
USAGE2 We use it to educate our students about setting up and planning solar power modules and its systems. We are proud to be the first in Slovenia to educate a school program called SOLAR TECHNICIAN
USAGE3 Which is enough for The second, and bigger 21,42kW polygon is being used to distribute electrical energy to Elektro Ljubljana’s power network. So far ,we have produced a total of 9 437 kWh of energy or we have reduced CO2 emissions for 6 606 kg 5 895 hours of dish washing 20 132uses of hair dryer for 15 minutes 3 431 hours of laundry washing
Collecting We chose solar power modules with best utilisation rate MONOCRYSTALLINE TYPE 12 - 16% efficiency (170w) per cell 500-1000 W/m2 230V 170W
Solar power cell A solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a device that converts solar energy into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. We chose the company Kon Tiki d.o.o. to set up our power modules.
Electrical inverter Converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) and synchronises it with Elektro Ljubljana’s power network. Current products on the market offer all kinds of integrated protection circuits and do the synchronising part as well.
Electricity meter Measures amount of electrical energy, that was sent out into electrical power network.
How did we do it? (Project realization)
Project realization Project realization began with planning the whole system, which among other things includes picking the right spot for installation of our solar power modules.
Separative measurement place Inverters are plugged to the public electrical network trough the so called “separative measurement place”. Separative measurement place ensures a reliable separation of generator and public electrical network, which in case of malfunctions prevents material damage caused by the power network or vice versa.
Conclusion Solar and other alternative power sources certainly are our future. It's up to us to replace environmental-unfriendly power sources as soon as possible. Let's keep our nature, that is hosting us on this beautiful planet clean!
Sources and literature • 1 Zdravko Žalar; Sončna elektrarna SŠTS Šiška; http://www.s-ssts.lj.si ; SŠTS; Ljubljana, 2008, • 2 Zdravko Žalar; Predstavitev - Projekt ‘Omrežna sončna elektrarna 26kWp’’; SŠTS Šiška & Elektro Ljubljana; Ljubljana, februar 2008, • 3 Gašper Škarja; Tehnični opis MFE SŠTS Šiška, Kon Tiki Solar; Kamnik; Ljubljana, 2007, • 4 Zdravko Žalar; Fotografije - Projekt ‘’Omrežna sončna elektrarna SŠTS Šiška’’; SŠTS; Ljubljana, 2007, • 5 Valentin Peternel; Fotografije - Projekt ‘’Omrežna sončna elektrarna SŠTS Šiška’’; SŠTS; Ljubljana, 2008, • 6 Janez Troha; Ilustracije; Ljubljana, 2008, • 7 Borut Bavčar; Pred desetletji strugarji, zdaj solarni tehniki, mehatroniki; DELO; Ljubljana, 2007, • 8 Elektro Ljubljana; Elektro Ljubljana in Srednja šola tehniških strok Šiška v Ljubljani sta zgleden primer javno-zasebnega partnerstva; Finance; Ljubljana, 2007, • 9 Kon Tiki Solar; Katalog 2003 – Solarni sistemi Kon Tiki Solar, Kon Tiki Solar; Kamnik; Ljubljana, 2003, • 10 Elektro Ljubljana; Zelena energija / Sončne oz. fotovoltaične elektrarne / SE na Litostrojski cesti 51; http://www.elektro-ljubljana.si/ ; Elektro Ljubljana; Ljubljana, 2008, • 11 Bojan Kovač; Srednja šola tehniških strok SŠTS Šiška praznuje 60 let delovanja; Svet elektronike; Ljubljana, november 2007, • 12 Bojan Grobovšek; Solarni sistemi za ogrevanje in pripravo tople vode v NEH in PH; http://gcs.gi-zrmk.si/Svetovanje/Clanki/Grobovsek/PT237.htm ; Gradbeni center Slovenije; Ljubljana, 2008, • 13 Wikipedia; Electricity meter; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KWh_meter ; Wikipedia, 2008,