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Lancashire Rural Pathfinder Conference

Lancashire Rural Pathfinder. Lancashire Rural Pathfinder Conference. Friday 4 th February 2005. Rural Pathfinder Conference. Programme 9.00 Registration and Coffee 9.30 Welcome to Lancashire Hazel Harding, Leader LCC 9.35 Lancashire Perspective Prof. John Moverley, LRP and RDB

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Lancashire Rural Pathfinder Conference

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  1. Lancashire Rural Pathfinder LancashireRural PathfinderConference Friday 4th February 2005

  2. Rural Pathfinder Conference Programme 9.00 Registration and Coffee 9.30 Welcome to Lancashire Hazel Harding, Leader LCC 9.35 Lancashire Perspective Prof. John Moverley, LRP and RDB 9.45 Rural Delivery Review Martin Wood Rural Partnership GONW 10.05 Defra Funding Review Tim Allen, Defra 10.25 Lancashire Pathfinder Andy Ashcroft, Rural Policy, LCC 10.45 Coffee 11.00 Pathfinder Project Plan Rob Hindle, Rural Innovation 11.20 Questions Chair Cllr Hazel Harding, Leader LCC 12.00 Lunch 1.00 Workshop Session 1 1.40 Workshop Session 2 2.20 Tea 2.30 Feedback from workshops 3.15 Plenary 3.30 Close

  3. Rural Pathfinder Conference Welcome to Lancashire Hazel Harding, Leader of the County Council

  4. Rural Pathfinder Conference Lancashire Perspective Professor John Moverley Lancashire Rural Partnership & Lancashire Rural Board

  5. Government Office North West Rural Delivery Review Martin Wood, Head of Rural Partnership, GONW

  6. DEFRA DEFRA Funding Review Tim Allen, Rural Funding Review, DEFRA

  7. Lancashire Rural Pathfinder Lancashire Pathfinder Andy Ashcroft, Group Head, Rural Policy Lancashire County Council

  8. Rural Strategy 2004 “Local authorities have a vital role as community leaders in joining up and delivering quality services. I therefore intend to look at innovative mechanisms for devolving delivery even closer to rural communities. Over the course of this year we will set up a pathfinder in each region to explore more joined-up and flexible approaches at local level in rural areas, including to join up services and funding at the point of delivery.” (The Rt Hon Margaret Beckett, announcing the Rural Strategy on 21 July 2004)

  9. Devolution Why Carry out Pathfinders? • Local government partners at local level-the voluntary and community sector, social enterprises – have the skills and knowledge to better target local needs. • Local delivery needs to be driven locally, with best practice mainstreamed and innovation in delivery developed and owned locally to maximise impact. What are we talking about? • Building on the best mechanisms to devolve delivery as close as possible to rural communities. What will happen? • A sub-regional pathfinder will be set up to explore and test opportunities for more joined up, flexible and effective approaches to rural delivery at a local level. • They will be linked to second generation Local PSA targets.

  10. Pathfinder Objectives Overall, Defra is seeking, with partners, to identify: • how to make delivery more effective (that is, that delivery activities and outcomes match agreed policies and resources match need); • how to make delivery more efficient (that is, that proportionately more resources are available to delivery); and • how to ensure that delivery is customer-focused (that is, the needs of customers are met rather than those of the delivery organisations).

  11. Lancashire Pathfinder Lancashire’s Pathfinder has identified and agreed with DEFRA three key ‘deliverables’: • Developing a model to ensure consistent and robust rural proofing of service delivery throughout the county linking to LPSA2 (thus rural proofing LPSA2) • Identifying and testing the adaptability of rural programmes to address local needs and opportunities (programme bending) • Exploring how customers engage with rural support mechanisms & testing ways of simplifying access

  12. Pathfinder Task Group Lancashire County Council will lead: • GONW • Lancashire Rural Futures • Lancashire Rural Partnership • East Lancashire Partnership • Lancashire West Partnership • NWDA • Community Futures • Countryside Agency • Pendle Borough Council • Ribble Valley LSP • Rural Development Service

  13. Pathfinder Objectives & Legacy • Support the objectives of Ambition Lancashire and LRRAP • Demonstrate the value offered from return on investment in rural areas to wider City Region • Secure ‘rurally proofed’ 2nd generation LPSAs • Demonstrate how local ownership in targeting challenges, designing and implemening solutions offers the optimal platform for sustainable development of rural areas

  14. Outcomes of the Pathfinder • Clearer targeting to address rural social and economic disadvantage through prioritisation of available resources and better, more joined-up rural delivery; • Greater alignment and co-ordination of socio-economic, rural community and natural environment activity and funding to make service delivery more efficient and simpler for customers and ensure sustainable outcomes; • Well defined and accountable roles for delivery that are understood by sponsors and customers; • Clearer linkage to wider public sector investment in rural areas (e.g. education, infrastructure) with opportunities to maximise impact through co-ordination and more joined-up working between public agencies and the voluntary and community sectors; • Strengthening of community strategies and other sub-regional plans to provide the direction and local ownership necessary to influence the spending plans of key agencies; • Support in the development of rural-specific (sectoral or geographic) or rural-proofed targets that could be incorporated into Local Public Service Agreements (LPSAs);

  15. Scope of the Pathfinder Community/Social enterprise Post office services Affordable housing Co-location and co-delivery Market Towns Business support Countryside access Rural Proofing & Access to Services Special landscapes and areas IT/rural broadband Sustainable development Rural transport Land management Planning

  16. Lancashire Rural Pathfinder Pathfinder Project Plan Rob Hindle Rural Innovation

  17. Pathfinder Conference Questions Hazel Harding, Leader of the County Council

  18. Pathfinder Conference Lunch

  19. Workshops 1 Housing: Rupert Swarbrick Ribble Valley, LSP Facilitating Enterprise: John Welbank Lancashire Rural Futures Market Towns: John Halton Pendle Borough Council Rural Proofing/ Access to Services: Denise Partington Community Futures Transport: Nick Briggs East Lancashire Partnership Value of Environment: Paul Green English Nature

  20. Workshop 2 Housing: Rupert Swarbrick Ribble Valley, LSP Facilitating Enterprise: John Welbank Lancashire Rural Futures Market Towns: John Halton Pendle Borough Council Rural Proofing/ Access to Services: Denise Partington Community Futures Transport: Nick Briggs East Lancashire Partnership Value of Environment: Paul Green English Nature

  21. Lancashire Rural Pathfinder Feedback

  22. Pathfinder Conference Plenary

  23. Pathfinder Conference Close

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