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Molecules of Life!

Molecules of Life!. Dylan Herbst, Ashley Ortiz, Nathaniel Radovan, & Kimberly Zindel. Chapter Preview. Concept 5.1 Most molecules are polymers, built from monomers. Concept 5.2 Carbohydrates serve as fuel and building material

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Molecules of Life!

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  1. Molecules of Life! Dylan Herbst, Ashley Ortiz, Nathaniel Radovan, & Kimberly Zindel

  2. Chapter Preview • Concept 5.1Most molecules are polymers, built from monomers. • Concept 5.2 Carbohydrates serve as fuel and building material • Concept 5.3Lipids are a diverse group of hydrophobic molecules

  3. What Happened?!? • Four major classes of biological molecules are carbohydrates, proteins, lipid, and nucleic acid. • Polymers are structured many similar blocks connected by covalent bonds( in English: train consisting of a chain of cars.) • Carbohydrate are made up of sugar and polymers of sugar • Most of the name related to sugar end in -ose • Lipid= aqua phobia (scared of the water) • Lipids consist of fatty acids, phospholipids, and steroids

  4. Let’s Get Clarifying! • Starch VS Cellulose: Starch is Storage for plants, Cellulose strengthens cells’ walls • The Sat in the Fat: Saturated fats are saturated with carbon, packed closely together, and a solid. Unsaturated fat is a liquid. • Philoso-what?: Philosolipids have water-loving heads and water-hating tails. They group in Bilayer structure to shield tails in water. • Cholesterol’s good?: Cholesterol is a steroid that produces other steroids • Hydrolysis and Dehydration?: Hydrolysis is splitting two molecules by adding H2O. Dehydration synthesis combines two molecules by removing H2O.

  5. ????Questions???? • Give the characteristics of carbohydrates and name two groups of carbohydrates? • Give an example on how starch is used in plants? • Name and define the synthesis and breakdown of polymers. • Explain the difference in saturated fat and unsaturated fat . • What does the ester linkage contain?

  6. What do you see? • The most essential biological molecules are found in this chapter and can be found everywhere. • Polymers- long molecules that has similar or identical building blocks in a covalent bond.(Chapter 26) • Carbohydrates-gives fuel or energy and acts like building material.(Chapter 7) • Lipids-Have little or no affinity to water.(Chapter 45) • Protein-Speed up chemical reaction, while others play a role in structural support, storage, transport, movement, and defense against foreign substance.(Chapter 47)

  7. The arrangement of cellulose in plant cell walls

  8. Example of saturated and unsaturated fats and fatty acids

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