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ORGANIZATIONAL STUDY. Is concerned with HOW and By WHOM the project should be executed and operated so as to established RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY
ORGANIZATIONAL STUDY • Is concerned with HOW and By WHOM the project should be executed and operated so as to established RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY • the organization and management will have to Indicate which entities are RESPONSIBLE for various aspects of project execution and operation and that
ORGANIZATIONAL STUDYcontinue ….2 • they have ADEQUATE POWERS, STAFFING, EQUIPMENT and FINANCE to undertake the various functions
ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN Is the Determination of the ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE that is most appropriate for the strategy, people, technology and tasks of the organization Choosing the best type of ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR A GIVEN SITUATION
WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE? • Arrangement and interrelationship of the components parts and positions of a company • Specifies its division of work and shows how different functions or activities are linked • Indicates the organization’s hierarchy, authority structure and reporting relationships
WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE?Continue….2 • Provides the stability and continuity that allow organization to survive the comings and goings of individuals and to coordinate its dealings with its environment
STEPS IN DEVELOPING AN ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE • List the Main Fields of Project Activities • Review Existing Organization and Identify Units with Corresponding Fields of Activities • Assess Capacity/Performance of Existing Units • Decide whether overall responsibility for implementing the project should be given to:
STEPS IN DEVELOPING AN ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREcontinue..2. • Decide whether overall responsibility for implementing the project should be given to: 1) an existing unit 2) a newly created unit within the existing organizational framework 3) a newly formed independent organization 4) give criteria for your decision
CONSIDERATIONS IN DEFINING THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 1. The basis for grouping * by function * by product * by area * by target group * other criteria
CONSIDERATIONS IN DEFINING THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREContinue…2 2. The type of authority relationship * line * function
ORGANIZATION CHART Diagrams the Functions, Departments or Positions of the Organization and shows how they are Related
Employees and others are given a picture of how the organization is structured Managers, subordinates and responsibilities are delineated There are many things they obscure or do not show like who has the greater degree of responsibility and authority at each managerial level ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES
Enables the managers to pinpoint organizational defects - such as potential sources of conflict or areas where unnecessary duplication exists Does not indicate the organization’s informal relationships and channels of communication without which the organization could not function efficiently ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES
PROJECT ORGANIZATION Should specifically discuss the STAFFING and ORGANIZATIONAL SET-UP and LINKAGES. Need to describe the TRACK RECORD of IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES for appraising organizational capacity and capabilities
PROJECT ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE 1. Use of Existing Organization 2. Setting Up a Matrix Organization 3. Setting Up a New Organization
ISSUES ON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN • What criteria are used in delineating responsibilities distributed to various positions? • What criteria are used in clustering positions into units: Is it by function, production specialization or combination of several design criteria. • Who decides, gives instructions, and accountable for what?
Management Department 1 Department 3 Department 2 ORGANIZATION DESIGN OPTION 1. Single-Line Organization
Straight forward demarcation of competence, clarity and security Too many official channels Top management overburden Too bureaucratic Advantages and Disadvantages
Management Department 1 Department 3 Department 2 ORGANIZATION DESIGN OPTION 2. Multi-Line Organization
Specialization within the management Prompt official channels Functional Authority Conflicts about Competence Insecurity Controlling is difficult Advantages and Disadvantages
COORDINATION • The process of Integrating Objectives and Activities in order to Achieve Organizational Goals efficiently • Depends on the NATURE and COMMUNICATION requirements of the tasks performed and the DEGREE of INTERDEPENDENCE of the various units performing them
APPROACHES TO ACHIEVING EFFECTIVE COORDINATION 1. Basic Management Techniques 1.1 The Managerial Hierarchy 1.2 Rules and Procedures 1.3 Plans and Goals 2. Increasing Coordination Potential 2.1 Vertical Information Systems 2.2 Lateral Relationships
APPROACHES TO ACHIEVING EFFECTIVE COORDINATION 3. Reducing the Need for Coordination 3.1 Creating Slack Resources 3.2 Creating Independent Units
APPROPRIATE COORDINATION MECHANISMS Match Organization’s CAPACITY for coordination with its NEED for coordination
Proposed Outline of the Organization and Management Study I. Project Management of the Organization II. Duties and Responsibilities and Qualification of Personnel III. Organizational Set-Up/Chart IV. Proposed Salaries/Wages/ Fringe Benefits V. Sustaining Effort Activity
Duties and Responsibilities • Cover the aspect of defining and specific responsibilities • Define the qualification of the personnel to be hired • Ensure the establishment of an appropriate measure of checks and balances for realizing the goal of reliable and consistent performances of all levels
Salaries/Wages/Fringe Benefits • Appropriate salary/wages scale including fringe benefits shall be formulated to be able to attract the desirable talents of the project
Sustaining Effort Activities • Description of the present and future maintenance and operation of the project when completed • Includes the ability to provide additional personnel and finances when needed or necessary
MCPC PCWC Chair BCPC Center Head Center Head Administrative Section Operation Section House Parent Social Worker Psychologist Security Guard Establishment of Zamboanga del Sur Crisis Response Center for Women And Children