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and Lansing Ophthalmology, together we can make a difference in local schools. What is NIE?. Lansing Newspapers In Education (NIE) is a non-profit literacy program administered by the Lansing State Journal .
and Lansing Ophthalmology, together we can make a difference in local schools.
What is NIE? • Lansing Newspapers In Education (NIE) is a non-profit literacy program administered by the Lansing State Journal. • The program provides local schools with newspapers and teaching materials at little or no cost. • Students use newspapers as a living textbook, an exciting way to motivate them and bridge the gap between the classroom and the “real world.”
Six to eight percent of adults in Michigan (approximately 500,000 people) age 18 or olderhave less than a 9th grade education. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census 23% of Michigan adults, age 25 and over have not graduated from high school. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census 21 million Americans cannot read at all. Source: National Institute for Literacy 40% of third graders read below "grade level" (and levels are even higher in many of our inner cities). Source: National Assessment of Educational Progress 75% of unemployed adults have reading or writing difficulty. Source: National Institute for Literacy 40 million adults in the U.S. read and write at or below the 5th grade level (that's 1 in 4 adults!!). Source: National Center on Adult Literacy Literacy Stats
Elementary-age children who used the newspaper for ten weeks scored higher on tests for comprehension, vocabulary, and knowledge of people in the news. Source: Poindexter-Wilson study When over 600 'at-risk' middle and high school students used the newspaper for 18 weeks, their comprehension and writing skills improved dramatically. Source: Palmer study Middle school students develop a stronger vocabulary,better background knowledge,a greater awareness of local, national and global events, also stronger critical thinking skills when they read the newspaper. Source: Dr. Barbara Palmer, FSU NIE distributes 570,000+ newspapers every year to 18,000+ students in 500+ classrooms to 127+ schools in 33+ schools districts NIE Facts
“This program offers a diversion and alternate method of learning and provides some fun with the paper. This opportunity would not be available without the support of area businesses.”Debbie Boyd, Teacher at Dewitt High School “Having access to a newspaper has not only helped reinforce our curriculum, but has given our students the opportunity to become more aware of and involved in the community and world around them.” Kevin Reha, Teacher at Waverly High School “The newspapers are a great asset to our students as they learn functional skills that will benefit them as they move toward independence.”Kristen LaFave, Teacher at Eaton Rapids High School “During school, I had the chance of learning to enjoy reading the newspaper. It has opened my mind, to my community, nation and world.”Hugo Gallegos, Student at Everett High School What people are saying...
Special Projects • Black History Month, This supplement highlights the accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, and other notables such as Carter G. Woodson and Fannie Lou Hamer and other individuals that made significant contributions toward the betterment of all society. • Women’s History Month, The supplement features profiles of women, classroom and/or home activities, a supplemental reading list and additional resources. • Living Textbook Day, In recognition of NIE week, the first full week of March, classrooms around the nation will be participating in Living Textbook Day. A full page of newspaper activities for all grades and subjects will be published on Wednesday. • Michigan Time Traveler, a monthly kids history page distributed to approximately 12,000 Lansing area students.
You will become a visible sponsor of an established and highly regarded educational program. You will be included in thank you acknowledgements published in the Lansing State Journal. The students, teachers, principals and superintendents also will be notified of your generous support. Your help not only will allow area students to start a lifetime of awareness and community involvement, it will emphasize your support of our children’s education. Remember today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce. For your support...
Golden Apple Sponsor $5,000 and up • A donation at this level supports the delivery of newspapers to ten or more area classrooms all year • Letter acknowledging your support is sent to superintendent, principal, teacher and parents • Name and logo included in quarterly full-page, in-paper thank-you acknowledgement and in the monthly NIE newsletter • Appreciation plaque • Company profile in an issue of the monthly NIE newsletter • Two ½ page in-paper thank-you acknowledgements • Exclusive special section or contest sponsor
Silver Apple Sponsor $2,000 - $4,999 • A donation at this level supports the delivery of newspapers to four - ten area classrooms all year • Letter acknowledging your support is sent to superintendent, principal, teacher and parents • Name and logo included in quarterly full-page, in-paper thank-you acknowledgement and in the monthly NIE newsletter • Appreciation plaque • Two ¼ page in-paper thank-you acknowledgements
Bronze Apple Sponsor $1,000 – $1,999 • A donation at this level supports the delivery of newspapers to two - four area classrooms all year • Letter acknowledging your support is sent to superintendent, principal and teacher • Name included in quarterly full-page, in-paper thank-you acknowledgement • Appreciation plaque • Name included in monthly NIE newsletter • One ¼ page in-paper thank-you acknowledgement
Red Apple Sponsor $500 – $999 • A donation at this level supports the delivery of newspapers to one area classroom all year • Letter acknowledging your support is sent to superintendent, principal and teacher • Name included in quarterly full-page, in-paper thank-you acknowledgement • Appreciation plaque • Name included in monthly NIE newsletter
Associate Sponsor $499 and under • Letter acknowledging your support to superintendent, principal and teacher • Name included in quarterly full-page, in-paper thank-you acknowledgement • Certificate of appreciation • Name included in monthly NIE newsletter
Contact Information • Michelle Ringlein, (517) 377-1242 mringlei@lansing.gannett.com • 120 E. Lenawee St., Lansing, MI 48919 • Fax (517) 377-1284 • www.lansingstatejournal.com