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RiPPLE Theme 3 WSS, Livelihoods & Growth

RiPPLE Theme 3 WSS, Livelihoods & Growth. London November, 2007. RiPPLE . Research-inspired Policy & Practice Learning in Ethiopia and the Nile Region 5 year research program focused on Water Supply & Sanitation (WSS) sector 3 core themes (+ cross-cutting activities):

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RiPPLE Theme 3 WSS, Livelihoods & Growth

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  1. RiPPLETheme 3WSS, Livelihoods & Growth London November, 2007

  2. RiPPLE • Research-inspired Policy & Practice Learning in Ethiopia and the Nile Region • 5 year research program focused on Water Supply & Sanitation (WSS) sector • 3 core themes (+ cross-cutting activities): - Governance & Planning - Finance - Growth • 3 regions; 6 focus woredas • Learning and Practice Alliances (LPAs) linking research and implementation

  3. RiPPLE concept • RiPPLE conceptual framework focuses on two overlapping sets of issues: - Money into water (effective planning, finance and delivery of WSS services on a sustainable basis) - Water into money(improved impact of WSS services on livelihoods & growth)

  4. Theme 3 focus • How does investment in water supply and sanitation contribute to the government’s wider objectives of economic growth and poverty reduction, and what are the implications for WSS sector policy and programming?

  5. Background • Literature review & concept paper • Scoping studies in 3 regions • Stakeholder consultations (LPA) • Identification of key issues • Review of research methods • Development of research proposals

  6. Ongoing research activities • National level analysis • Case study: links between changing levels of access to WSS and patterns of economic growth and poverty reduction in Ethiopia • Local level analysis • HH survey: relationship between WSS access, poverty & livelihoods (each region) • Case study: economic costs & benefits of multiple use systems (MUS) • Case study: links between WSS access & Food Security (FS) •  Long-term action research

  7. Macro level case study of WSS access, poverty & growth (3 regions) National HH survey on relationship between WSS access, poverty & livelihoods in each region (2 focus woredas) Regional/ woreda Case Study on WSS and Food Security Case Study on Multiple Use Systems Case Study on Issue X Case Study on Issue Y Long term action-research linked to ongoing programme implementation (e.g. MUS & FS) Local Phase 1 Phase 2

  8. Household Survey • Purpose - to characterise (quantitatively) the relationship between WSS access, poverty and livelihoods in rural Ethiopia • Methods – random sample of 1500 hhs in 20 kebele (High/lowland. Distance to market. WSS access). Statistically significant/representative. • Expected results - detailed information on availability, access and use of WSS facilities and how this relates to health, welfare and productivity of poor hhs • Relevance to MUS Group - statistical analysis to assess the ‘effects’ of improved access to WSS on income, poverty and vulnerability, and the ‘determinants’ of improved WSS access in different areas

  9. Questionnaire Modules [See handouts for sample Qs] • HH characteristics • Access to water & sanitation • HH income & expenditure • Water, livelihoods & food security • Labour productivity • [Nutrition not covered]

  10. Relevance to MUS Group Evidence/understanding of • significance/prevalence of multiple uses/sources • factors affecting demand for MUS in poor rural areas • costs & benefits associated with changes in access • implications for financing & management • What else? Ideas welcome!

  11. = single use = multiple use =incremental MUS Case Study • Purpose – In depth analysis of costs and benefits of multiple use and the additional costs and benefits of multiple use as compared to single use. • Water : • Quantity • Quality • Reliability • Accessibility Hardware Software Water use • Costs: • Investment costs • O&M • Rehabilitation • Indirect Support costs • Benefits: • Health benefits • Economic benefits • Impact costs

  12. Method/approach • Assessing costs (investment, O&M, indirect support costs), water characteristics, water use and benefits • At household level – at service level • For 3 cases: • initial situation -> single use (domestic) -> multiple use • initial situation -> MUS • initial situation -> single use (irrigation) -> multiple use

  13. The 3 cases • Same types of systems: spring, gravity systems • Similar environment: highland • Same woreda (similar support structures) • Implemented by the same local NGO (HCS)

  14. The case study research • Carried out by Learning and Practice Alliance members (NGO and government representatives from zonal and woreda level) • easy access to information, building capacity and ensuring uptake of lessons learnt • Research activities • Grey literature review, interviews with project and support staff, budget and expenditure reviews, community mapping, wealth ranking, focus group discussions, household record keeping, water measurements, yield measurements, use of the household survey data, etc. (research guidelines are under development)

  15. Relevance to MUS Group • Testing methodology for determining actual costs and benefits • More insight in actual (additional) costs and benefits of mus

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